Trump Attempted To Abuse DOJ To Steal The Election

Chuckie just wants to probe Trump ... any excuse will do. Kinda make you wonder if Chuckie was somebody his HS gym classmates had to watch out for in the showers.
More likely he was the target of bullies than vice versa. Now’s his chance to even that score.
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More likely he was the target of bullies than vice versa. Now’s his chance to even that score.
He won't attempt to even the score. He has a plethora of legal issues facing him that will occupy him and his joke of a legal team for years to come. He'll certainly bleed his mindless base of supporters out of a few million in the process
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I keep up with current events and haven't seen Democrats working to overthrow the 2016 Election. Are you having psychotic hallucinations or just repeating lines from the right wing lie factories?
What are you talking about? They have tried every trick in the book to get Trump out of office. They’ve threatened impeachment if he sneezed. Pelosi started out the right way saying impeachment shouldn’t be used as a political tool but she gave into her own party’s pressure. The Steele dossier was blatantly and purposefully false, the FBI knew it, lied about it to the FISA court, spied on the Trump administration, and then targeted members of his team in various ways. Literally nothing I said is even debatable. It’s all documented but you won’t see it on CNN. I don’t buy everything Fox and/or Trump says but all of what I just said is true and you don’t think it was about overturning the 2016 election results. That’s so cute.
So much for State's rights and the will of the people. Donald Trump wanted to overturn the certified Election of Georgia and force Georgia to "find votes" to give the Election to him. Who thinks that would not be dictatorship? Trump was trying to dictate the outcome of the Election. He tried to dictate the result of the Election to Georgia election officials. When they would not kowtow to his demand, he tried to get the Department of Justice to enforce his demand.

"The Justice Department's top leaders listened in stunned silence this month: One of their peers, they were told, had devised a plan with President Donald J. Trump to oust Jeffrey A. Rosen as acting attorney general and wield the department's power to force Georgia state lawmakers to overturn its presidential election results."

Trump's second failed coup: Trump reportedly tried to oust acting attorney general with DOJ aide
Yes, I’m sure it’s true that he did that to overturn a state hat ultimately didn’t matter. You’re right. Everything the NYT reports is 100% accurate every time.
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That allegation is widely regarded as a lie, because it has not been supported by verifiable evidence. It was a wild charge made by Trump before the Election even took place. The man claimed that he could not lose unless the Election was stolen. He was lying, plain and simple. Poll after poll showed that Trump's crazy behavior had alienated a lot of people. Most of them voted against Trump, so he lost.
Ah, so Trump’s claims are a wild accusation but anything you hear from the NYT must be true. Makes sense. What about the NY Post? Are they under this truth umbrella the NYT is apparently under in your mind?
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OK, I haven't looked at it in a while, but nowhere do I recall seeing prohibitions on mail-in ballots in the PA Constitution. You are free to refresh my memory if you want.
I’ll take your bait. They’re not prohibited but the rules were changed regarding mail in ballots, those rules favored Democrats, and those rules were changed by people that constitutionally didn’t have authority to do so. It’s all out there and is 100% correct. Just because a court didn’t change what happened doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. But it’s over so it is what it is.
Well, you just admitted that you have no valid reason for the things you've been saying. Then you called my posts nonsense. Duh.

"Was the will of the people served when various states violated their own constitution to deliver this election?" This allegation is just a lie fabricated by the losers, to overthrow a lawfully certified election and seditiously incite insurrection against our lawfully elected government.
Wow. You are nothing but a Democrat echo chamber and accuse others who didn’t even vote for Trump of being a right wing echo chamber. The media has indeed brainwashed people well. Kudos to them, their plan worked.
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I’ll take your bait. They’re not prohibited but the rules were changed regarding mail in ballots, those rules favored Democrats, and those rules were changed by people that constitutionally didn’t have authority to do so. It’s all out there and is 100% correct. Just because a court didn’t change what happened doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. But it’s over so it is what it is.

You say the rules were not prohibited, but they were changed by people who lacked constitutional authority to make the changes. I believe the rules were made by people whose job it was to make the rules, that you have swallowed a load of bull, and are regurgitating that bull. These issues went through the courts, but you know better than the courts because what, you watched Fox News or InfoWars?
You say the rules were not prohibited, but they were changed by people who lacked constitutional authority to make the changes. I believe the rules were made by people whose job it was to make the rules, that you have swallowed a load of bull, and are regurgitating that bull. These issues went through the courts, but you know better than the courts because what, you watched Fox News or InfoWars?
Only the PA legislature had the authority to change the rules. Again, it’s in black and white. Go read it yourself.
Yes. If he wanted to be he would. He has left states alone to do what they want. Is that what a dictator would do? He didn’t make a bunch of federal mandates to try and control people. So who is closer to a dictator? The guy who takes power away from people and the states or the one who lets people and the states decide for themselves? I don’t understand how liberals can’t see this point simply because they don’t like Trump. Forget Trump. What if we were talking about the exact same actions with Bush? Would you call him a dictator? Maybe liberals did back at that time, I’m not sure as I didn’t care about politics at the time.

You have got to be joking here. Trump literally tried to take power away from millions of Americans and (coincidentally 🤦‍♂️) the swing states that were tired of his crap. He wanted to. Democracy won.
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When judges asked Trump's lawyers if they had evidence of election fraud, they said they did not and were not alleging fraud. Trump's AG Barr stated that the Department of Justice found no fraud which would change the outcome of the Election. The Department of Homeland Security stated that the Election had been the most secure in history. Fox News and NewMax retracted its claims of voting machine fraud when they faced law suits for the lies they were telling. You believe there was fraud because Trump told you to believe that. But the supposed evidence for fraud did not hold up under examination. You are just repeating a big lie. Poor you! Poor, poor Orange Defense! Somebody did you wrong. Hey, I have an idea. Republicans should throw a big Pity Party!

The election officials change voting laws to count absentee ballots, they had laws but they did not follow. There was plenty of fraud the scotus dodges it.
You have got to be joking here. Trump literally tried to take power away from millions of Americans and (coincidentally 🤦‍♂️) the swing states that were tired of his crap. He wanted to. Democracy won.

Communists won. You people cheated in fulton and in philly. Lol. Democracy, comedy
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