How can you financially support the far left view on social issues without a far left view on economics?
It's called being a diverse human. I know it's foreign concept to most hardcore conservatives, but you don't have to come down on the same side of every issue.
It's called being a diverse human. I know it's foreign concept to most hardcore conservatives, but you don't have to come down on the same side of every issue. When I hear some dolt in this forum claim someone has been indoctrinated just because that person disagreed with him, I wonder what he thinks about himself coming down on the same side of every issue
You are forcing people to engage in expression that you like precisely because when it isn't expressed the way you want it bothers you.
That's as unAmerican as it gets. Which of course is an irony the anthem people just cannot comprehend due to the small size of their brains.
I can't wait for Trump to defend Roseanne and ignorantly claim that her 1st amendment rights were violated by ABC / Walt Disney. He is just dumb enough to do that.
Wouldn't that make her African-Iranian?
As has been pointed out, the constitution doesn't protect a private entity from applying consequences to employee speech and behavior.