Trump called Roseanne Barr to congratulate her on huge ratings success

How can you financially support the far left view on social issues without a far left view on economics?

It's called being a diverse human. I know it's foreign concept to most hardcore conservatives, but you don't have to come down on the same side of every issue. When I hear some dolt in this forum claim someone has been indoctrinated just because that person disagreed with him, I wonder what he thinks about himself coming down on the same side of every issue
It's called being a diverse human. I know it's foreign concept to most hardcore conservatives, but you don't have to come down on the same side of every issue.

I can appreciate that. The question, though, is how do hard left social policies get paid for if not for some sort of left leaning economic policy?
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It's called being a diverse human. I know it's foreign concept to most hardcore conservatives, but you don't have to come down on the same side of every issue. When I hear some dolt in this forum claim someone has been indoctrinated just because that person disagreed with him, I wonder what he thinks about himself coming down on the same side of every issue

I typed out a long thoughtful reply to the garbage above but deleted it in favor of a shorter response that is more appropriate for you.:finger3:
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I can appreciate that. The question, though, is how do hard left social policies get paid for if not for some sort of left leaning economic policy?

Hard left social policies often reduce overall tax burden.
You are forcing people to engage in expression that you like precisely because when it isn't expressed the way you want it bothers you.

That's as unAmerican as it gets. Which of course is an irony the anthem people just cannot comprehend due to the small size of their brains.

New NFL rule does not compel the players to stand for the anthem. They are given the option to remain in the locker room during the anthem. Did you miss that part?

Now what was that about brain size?
I can't wait for Trump to defend Roseanne and ignorantly claim that her 1st amendment rights were violated by ABC / Walt Disney. He is just dumb enough to do that.
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I'm no fan of Rosanne and don't have any desire to defend her. As a germane observation, I've thought for some time that in the progressive political circle we've entered an age when words have much more significance than actions. Harvey Weinstein aside, you can get away with a lot of awful, hurtful things if you just say the right words as you go along. On the flipside, you can be a true humanitarian and practitioner of charity, but if you say the wrong thing you're shunned, or worse. Progressive politics right now reminds me of the pre-Enlightenment Catholic church. It's an orthodoxy.
I can't wait for Trump to defend Roseanne and ignorantly claim that her 1st amendment rights were violated by ABC / Walt Disney. He is just dumb enough to do that.

Weird. I have never rooted against a POTUS, ever. No matter the politics involved. I don't understand what it accomplishes. Tell me, what purpose does wanting Trump to fail serve? Agree or disagree, I can understand criticizing his actions, at least to a degree. But to openly cheer for failure? That's a headscratcher.
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Wouldn't that make her African-Iranian?

No, both her parents were Americans living in Iran when she was born. She's therefore American. She has zero Iranian heritage.

Same thing when service members are deployed with family overseas and have children. We don't criticize their heritage, do we?

Now, do I like Jarrett? No, but this line of criticism is stupid.
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Just an aside, but I personally hate terms like African American, or Asian American, or any such term that basically serves what I see as divisiveness. JMO, but such terms do nothing to promote unity. Instead of promoting ways in which we are different from one another, why not promote how we are alike. Sometimes I think racism perpetuates simply because we try too hard to label what does not need to be labeled.
As has been pointed out, the constitution doesn't protect a private entity from applying consequences to employee speech and behavior.

This is 100% correct but I predict that in the next 24 hours, Donald Trump will show his complete ignorance of this (because he is a stupid person) and send a tweet claiming that Roseanne Barr's 1st amendment rights were violated by Walt Disney.
President Theodore Roosevelt, perhaps the most popular president in American history, says:

“There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all.”
This is 100% correct but I predict that in the next 24 hours, Donald Trump will show his complete ignorance of this (because he is a stupid person) and send a tweet claiming that Roseanne Barr's 1st amendment rights were violated by Walt Disney.

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