Trump Secret police



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon our constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

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Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

Wait.. Trump is sending in federal troops / officers to snatch kids off the streets of Portland ? 😂
If you think an American Gestapo is funny because its "your side" doing it you hate America more than I already knew.

I think you are funny . I laugh at you and how gullible you are . Tell us again how Fuhrur Trump is sending in the feds to snatch kids off the streets to fulfill his evil / diabolical plan to take over Portland and set up his headquarters to take over the world . 😂
This is what is ridiculous, or rather, insane, as you repeatedly are an emotional fireball of energy everyday screaming about what drives you nutty, whilst doing nothing other than driving yourself nutty posting and talking about what drives you nutty.

Instead of......never posting on here or wasting one moment of your day or night, conviction, dedication, sacrifice, work, devotion, to work and try and get your words out, to make people feel or want to listen to what you have to actually try and do something with real conviction instead of passe side line reporting and screaming on Volnation.

To each their own.......go for a walk and smile buddy it's Friday. We are alive for the moment this very second, go enjoy it instead of worrying about things you are not willing to go change, or simply, can't.
I think you are funny . I laugh at you and how gullible you are . Tell us again how Fuhrur Trump is sending in the feds to snatch kids off the streets to fulfill his evil / diabolical plan to take over Portland and set up his headquarters to take over the world . 😂
I showed you.

If Biden wins and they are kidnapping conservatives or arresting people legally carrying and take their guns then tell me how funny it is.

Do you think domestic terrorism should fall under the protection of free speech?
White nationalism is by far the largest domestic terror problem in the US. Even they have a right to free speech as exercise it.
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I showed you.

If Biden wins and they are kidnapping conservatives or arresting people legally carrying and take their guns then tell me how funny it is.

White nationalism is by far the largest domestic terror problem in the US. Even they have a right to free speech as exercise it.
Answer the question
This is what is ridiculous, or rather, insane, as you repeatedly are an emotional fireball of energy everyday screaming about what drives you nutty, whilst doing nothing other than driving yourself nutty posting and talking about what drives you nutty.

Instead of......never posting on here or wasting one moment of your day or night, conviction, dedication, sacrifice, work, devotion, to work and try and get your words out, to make people feel or want to listen to what you have to actually try and do something with real conviction instead of passe side line reporting and screaming on Volnation.

To each their own.......go for a walk and smile buddy it's Friday. We are alive for the moment this very second, go enjoy it instead of worrying about things you are not willing to go change, or simply, can't.
So no thoughts on the un-American and unconstitutional acts? That is the conservative problem. You have no morals and no backbone. You only care about keeping your party in power.

So no thoughts on the actual kidnapping of Americans? Its telling you seem more offended that I pointed it out than that it is happening.
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I showed you.

If Biden wins and they are kidnapping conservatives or arresting people legally carrying and take their guns then tell me how funny it is.

White nationalism is by far the largest domestic terror problem in the US. Even they have a right to free speech as exercise it.

Dude you are a gullible little sponge that soaks up anything fitting your narrative . Also if you don’t like white supremacy tell your liberal party to cut it out . 🤷‍♂️
I did. White nationalist are the domestic terrorist in the US. They and everyone else does. Can you not read or something?
And you think they are the only domestic terrorists? I'm not even disagreeing that they are domestic terrorists, but if they are the only ones you see, you have severe tunnel vision.
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