Trump Secret police

One, a social media post is not enough to convince me this is real.
That might be real.....

Then again it looked remarkably easy.

Dude just calmly crosses his arms behind his back. The Secret Federal Police don't apply handcuffs, zip ties, or any kind of restraints. Just calmly walk him to the van.
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If you think an American Gestapo is funny because its "your side" doing it you hate America more than I already knew.

Maybe if people would actually protest peacefully it wouldn’t come to this. You and those who have supported these “protests/riots/criminals” are the ones who hate America. This was long overdue.
BLM and antifa are the worst domestic terrorists in the country right now
The worst in the country now is the news media with their false and misleading narratives. They are controlling and influencing the thoughts of millions and democracy cannot survive without a free and unbiased media.
Therein lies the argument. Is Trump as dumb as he appears or is he a secret genius? Accusations from the left make an inconsistent argument.
I think the answer has to be both. He is a complete idiot in many aspects, average in some aspects, and a secret genius in a couple. Sort of like the banjo playing kid in Deliverance. Just substitute "banjo playing" with "manipulating the less fortunate and gullible for personal gain."
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I think the answer has to be both. He is a complete idiot in many aspects, average in some aspects, and a secret genius in a couple. Sort of like the banjo playing kid in Deliverance. Just substitute "banjo playing" with "manipulating the less fortunate and gullible for personal gain."
The things he is good at have nothing to do with running an organization.
Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

Have you ever been in a country where there is a dictator and the police can basically do what they want? I have and this country is not even in smelling distance of that. What makes your exaggerations any less damaging than the man you obviously despise?
Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon or constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

Lol, so he's sending police to go after domestic terrorists? He's a bad authoritarian. Lol

The worst in the country now is the news media with their false and misleading narratives. They are controlling and influencing the thoughts of millions and democracy cannot survive without a free and unbiased media.
And what news organizations are we to believe?
I think the answer has to be both. He is a complete idiot in many aspects, average in some aspects, and a secret genius in a couple. Sort of like the banjo playing kid in Deliverance. Just substitute "banjo playing" with "manipulating the less fortunate and gullible for personal gain."
The TDS is strong
First. All US Government vehicles are "unmarked". Look for the different license plate though.

Second. These are US marshals who were protecting a federal courthouse from re#ard democrats who were vandalizing it and trying to get inside.

gtfo with your nonsense.

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