Trump Secret police

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It needs to stop somehow. I’ve seen a homeless guy from Memphis, get a lot of things just for holding a sign on the street corners. I stopped to give him some change, but understood that a guy two cars ahead of me gave him a 100 dollar bill. I haven’t seen this violence like what’s happening in Portland in Memphis. They do have a dem mayor that is full of crap, Strickland. I’ve heard that in four years, a lot of people is going to vote republican the next time around. People here are pretty tired of the way Memphis is looking, by the way. A lot of blacks here in Memphis are waking up. Just hearing while I’m around, and it’s changing here for once.
The Dems have been losing ground but I'd think it's a serious long shot for republicans to take the city.

30 odd years ago we replaced a corrupt racist white republican mayor(Hackett) with the cities historic first black mayor (Herenton). He turned out to be twice as corrupt and especially skilled at nepotism. Some of his construction deals put the Yakuza to shame.
Herenton did the Tennessee Waltz and paid his debts (Under the table debts at least).

If those pan handlers you're referring to are at the spot I think you're describing, (Pop & Ridge) then some of them are professionals. They usually park by the bank on the southside of the underpass 6:30am - 7:30 and work the intersection (Park & Ridge). They've always seemed to get along just fine with the old-vet. I have no idea if we're describing the same circumstances though.

Pan handling became the kind of conundrum liberals love. It didn't really become such an epidemic until after Katrina. Refuse to pass all but the slightest ordinances to stop pan handling and don't allot any additional resources to the MPD. The MPD could either invest copious amounts of man power to stop pan-handlers, or they could continue trying to keep downtown safe.

I respect our police and the choice that they made.

But what happens if the MPD tries to thwart pan handling in East Memphis where the circumstances are completely different? RHEE!!! It's demographic, SYSTEMATIC/ and privilege..........

On a positive note. I'm so pleased our city hasn't devolved into chaos and I'm optimistic for everyone.


I'd rather argue the FEDS saved the building if the leave and the building doesn't burn than continued strife.
They decided to pull out of Germany instead.
Bravo! I hardly ever agree with you on issues but that was great. (The left still can't meme...)

Germany doesn't want to pay NATO but wants to keep our protection .

Oregon is a week after, from whenever this ends, from pulling a Minnesota and wanting to get paid for not taking protection.

FEDS still adults in the room.
With the above reply, it's safe to assume, once again, that you made ish up to bolster your POV without being able to provide any proof when asked.

Ergo you are FOS.

Ergo concordantly visa vie!
Trump's descent into full blown wannabe authoritarian dictator continues with another assault upon our constitutional rights and freedom. In yet another un-American and unconstitutional act is kidnapping citizens on American streets. Sickening.

You mean kidnapping thugs and anarchists? I say good riddance.
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I still have to laugh at the Marxists who complain about the gov't showing up and "Disappearing people under the cover of night".

And the anarchists who are afraid of armed people that are denying US citizens their Constitutional rights.
Why are protestors/rioters surprised in the middle of violent protests and destruction that agents of the law are present and trying to apprehend the violent actors? There will be some cases of mistaken identity like this one or when it is determined he may not be the guy or they can't prove it they let him go. That's how responsible law enforcement works.

I swear these guys are like a bunch of children. They scream for police to use restraint and not abuse the people they protect yet every chance they get they harass, bully and inflict harm on anyone who's filming them, expresses any difference of opinion and then call others fascists. It's like they're stuck in bizaro world. They make zero logical sense.
Why are protestors/rioters surprised in the middle of violent protests and destruction that agents of the law are present and trying to apprehend the violent actors? There will be some cases of mistaken identity like this one or when it is determined he may not be the guy or they can't prove it they let him go. That's how responsible law enforcement works.

I swear these guys are like a bunch of children. They scream for police to use restraint and not abuse the people they protect yet every chance they get they harass, bully and inflict harm on anyone who's filming them, expresses any difference of opinion and then call others fascists. It's like they're stuck in bizaro world. They make zero logical sense.
That's because they are emotional, spoiled children.

Just stop while you are behind.

Lets not get into woulda could shoulda when we discuss the judicial system. Then we would have to talk about all the forced confessions, false accusations, evidence suppression, evidence tampering, lying police reports and bias that black people face in court and arrests.
He’s got legitimate points
How do you think all of these people would have felt if Obama had called in the "federal police" in 2010 to break up the Tea Party protests/rallies? They would have raised total hell, but since this is being done by their savior Trump and it is being done to minorities and for causes they don't approve of, then it's okay. Total hypocrisy as usual.
You are incredibly mentally encumbered
How do you think all of these people would have felt if Obama had called in the "federal police" in 2010 to break up the Tea Party protests/rallies? They would have raised total hell, but since this is being done by their savior Trump and it is being done to minorities and for causes they don't approve of, then it's okay. Total hypocrisy as usual.
Well, if they were damaging property and assaulting Federal Officers and police, then it would be the same. But you left that out didn't you?

How unpredictable of you, to leave out pertinent facts.
Why are protestors/rioters surprised in the middle of violent protests and destruction that agents of the law are present and trying to apprehend the violent actors? There will be some cases of mistaken identity like this one or when it is determined he may not be the guy or they can't prove it they let him go. That's how responsible law enforcement works.

I swear these guys are like a bunch of children. They scream for police to use restraint and not abuse the people they protect yet every chance they get they harass, bully and inflict harm on anyone who's filming them, expresses any difference of opinion and then call others fascists. It's like they're stuck in bizaro world. They make zero logical sense.
Antifa is practicing or using the behavior/methods of what they are actually purportedly against. They are the true fascists.
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