Trump the Big Loser

I think that your purpose is to object to my post, that you lack the integrity required for honest discussion. It seems impossible for you to believe that businesses do not seek loans for operating capital. I have bought and sold more companies with such loans on their books than I care to remember. There is no more time in my life for your BS, so your posts will no longer appear on the screen in my home.

You mad, bro.....? Lol, take your small ball & go home to mommy.
Its comical.
They re still pissed she didnt beat Trump. One of them blames Bill for not being more in the picture during the run.

Most Rs I know just make fun her. And a few of them voted for Bill.
Lots of Rs are overly obsessed about her. I don't like her, but at least she stuck it out for 23 hrs on the stand. Certainly more than you can say for Trump. He would be finished in a couple of hours
I think that your purpose is to object to my post, that you lack the integrity required for honest discussion. It seems impossible for you to believe that businesses do not seek loans for operating capital. I have bought and sold more companies with such loans on their books than I care to remember. There is no more time in my life for your BS, so your posts will no longer appear on the screen in my home.

I dont believe you.

Anyone who runs a business understand basic loans and operating accounts and fiduciary accounts and that there are both lines of credit and true loans and not all are used for operating income in the sense you are saying.

The first business I bought I borrowed 1.2 million.

1 million went to the actual purchase and 200k went back to me for 2 years annual income.

The first 2 years the budiness plan already had the 200k built in. These funds never hit the operating account as it was not used to fund the account. 1 million went directly to the seller and 200k went directly into my personal account.

For tax basis the loan showed on the business books but it never showed on the banking account.

We then formed a new account and the gross income switched from seller to me.

This is a common.

Your creating a huge conspiracy theory about Russia miney to create a narrative that has been proven wrong multiple times is just old.

I responded to you because your post is BS.

I am dealing with business right now that has 6 entities all owned by the same members working on one project

1 is a consulting firm

1 is a development firm

1 is the excavation firm

1 is the equipment firm

1 is the builder

1 will be the building buyer and owner.

1 will be the property manager

All companies owned by same 3 guys and all are using loans to pay the other. Only once the building is done and rental income starts will actusl income be generated.

This is also common.

I can't be only more clear. I think you are full of BS.
I will try to clarify what I am saying.

1. A loan can be for operating capital and never in an actual operating account and will only show up on a tax filing or profitability statement.

2. Business survive all the time by using loans and only loans as the only means of capital, especially in construction.
Lots of Rs are overly obsessed about her. I don't like her, but at least she stuck it out for 23 hrs on the stand. Certainly more than you can say for Trump. He would be finished in a couple of hours
I know a lot that make fun of her at every turn, but that wasnt the previous term used. I agree it could fall under "obsessed" but for a different reason.

Bill knew how to politic. By the time she was in the mix she thought she was untouchable because of that. She then lost to Trump of all people which was hilarious for that reason.
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Trump Greeted by hundreds of Cheering Fans on Presidents Day


Former President Donald Trump on Monday waved to hundreds of cheering fans who rallied to support him on Presidents Day.
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Pinkerton: ‘Democrats Wrestle with How to Quit an Acquitted Trump’


This author can take no credit for the above snappy headline: It’s verbatim from Politico on February 13, in the wake of the Senate’s impeachment trial.

As Politico explained, Democrats are torn between the Biden administration’s desire for Congress to get moving on its agenda and the Democratic base’s “loathing” of the former president. And so far, at least, the base loathers are getting what they want: The Democrats just can’t quit hating on Donald Trump.

Indeed, it’s that loathing that could yet consume Democrats in 2021—and perhaps beyond. As the article detailed, Democrats are working on a “road map to deal with Trump after the trial,” which might include “an effort to obtain Trump’s financial records,” a revocation of “his post-presidential privileges,” and the enacting of legislation “strengthening Congress’s powers to ensure that future presidents are forced to abide by stricter rules for responding to subpoenas, divesting from businesses and not hiring family members.”

Pinkerton: ‘Democrats Wrestle with How to Quit an Acquitted Trump’
Pinkerton: ‘Democrats Wrestle with How to Quit an Acquitted Trump’


This author can take no credit for the above snappy headline: It’s verbatim from Politico on February 13, in the wake of the Senate’s impeachment trial.

As Politico explained, Democrats are torn between the Biden administration’s desire for Congress to get moving on its agenda and the Democratic base’s “loathing” of the former president. And so far, at least, the base loathers are getting what they want: The Democrats just can’t quit hating on Donald Trump.

Indeed, it’s that loathing that could yet consume Democrats in 2021—and perhaps beyond. As the article detailed, Democrats are working on a “road map to deal with Trump after the trial,” which might include “an effort to obtain Trump’s financial records,” a revocation of “his post-presidential privileges,” and the enacting of legislation “strengthening Congress’s powers to ensure that future presidents are forced to abide by stricter rules for responding to subpoenas, divesting from businesses and not hiring family members.”

Pinkerton: ‘Democrats Wrestle with How to Quit an Acquitted Trump’

Just move on is the best practice. Dims keep doing new things to get their way, and the new things come back to bite them. The theme is a lot like a Road Runner cartoon. Although the picture above looks like a very disgruntled Three Stooges X2.
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