Trump to sign national security funding bill, then declare State of Emergency



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
McConnell says Trump will declare a national emergency for border wall

This could lead to an up-or-down vote in the Legislature on funding for the State of Emergency that may heighten divisions within the Republican party. If the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives votes to object to the state of emergency, the Senate is required to vote as well within 18 days. This procedure is one McConnell cannot block or stall, so the vote would go to the floor with or without his consent.
I can't imagine the look on the faces of the redhats when they burned this political capital on a fugging wall as the next Dem President declares a national health "emergency" on day one and funds a single payor with defense dollars.
That's OK, Trump will be president for the next 15 or so years and I will be retired living off of everyone's taxes. Life is good!!!
I can't imagine the look on the faces of the redhats when they burned this political capital on a fugging wall as the next Dem President declares a national health "emergency" on day one and funds a single payor with defense dollars.
No, it would be climate related. What good is health care if we are all going to be dead in 12 years?
No, it would be climate related. What good is health care if we are all going to be dead in 12 years?
But it will take longer than 12 years to build the wall so Trump could be the last president.
Disgusted. God awful bill riddled with safe nets for illegals and sanctuary cities. Trump may have lost 2020 today.

People like Paul Ryan and McCain ruined the party. This shouldve been taken care when we had the House and Senate.
How, pray tell, does securing the border take a dump on the Constitution?

Did you just say "pray tell"?

Disgusted. God awful bill riddled with safe nets for illegals and sanctuary cities. Trump may have lost 2020 today.

People like Paul Ryan and McCain ruined the party. This shouldve been taken care when we had the House and Senate.

Nah, he's always been a twitter spaz incapable of rational thought and you guys have short memories. Don't give up on the electorates inability to continue to make poor choices - you got this bro.
How, pray tell, does securing the border take a dump on the Constitution?
Because it's a transparent subversion of Congressional power as outlined in Article 1. It's also hard to sell something as a national emergency a month after you had both houses of Congress but didn't do anything about it.
Nah, he's always been a twitter spaz incapable of rational thought and you guys have short memories. Don't give up on the electorates inability to continue to make poor choices - you got this bro.
Hope so. I'd like to be able to continue to use airplanes and not have to eat plants the rest of my life. Not to mention I like the second ammendment.
Because it's a transparent subversion of Congressional power as outlined in Article 1. It's also hard to sell something as a national emergency a month after you had both houses of Congress but didn't do anything about it.

Oh, I'm not sure I blame Trump exclusively for that one...
It's the same as when Democrats nuked the Senate rules to get ACA passed... except this one takes a dump on the Constitution. It's an awful precedent just to keep a wedge issue alive.

Actually ... I would think ( for the sake of argument ) he would be within his presidential right to do this . I do think it’s a bad precedent but that being said Barry with his Pen and Phone did something he legally could not do with the dreamer act and admitted as much ...then did it anyway .
McConnell says Trump will declare a national emergency for border wall

This could lead to an up-or-down vote in the Legislature on funding for the State of Emergency that may heighten divisions within the Republican party. If the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives votes to object to the state of emergency, the Senate is required to vote as well within 18 days. This procedure is one McConnell cannot block or stall, so the vote would go to the floor with or without his consent.
I'm not sure it's a good idea. 1) I don't want to set a precedent for using a state of emergency to bypass Congress. I don't want to open those floodgates. 2) Once he declares a state of emergency the lawsuits will come and an injunction will be placed.

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