Trump's new Cabinet - Guesses & Nominations

Well, I thought I’d wait and see if Trump got smarter or developed any sense of the right things to do before commenting. He did win and to the winner go the spoils for better or for worse. Didn’t have to wait long to see that he’s going to govern with the worst set of underlings this side of Geobbels, Hess and Himmler.

Gaetz- Absolute abomination of a human being. Putting him as attorney general is like letting a fox guard the henhouse. It’s also a transparent ploy to allow that pedophile avoid more House investigations.
Kennedy- How in the world could anybody think that nutcase has the educational background to head up HHS? That is an absolute joke.
Miller- Looks and sounds like Goebbels. Scary lunatic. Nuff said.

I’m just waiting for him to nominate MTG as Secretary of Education. That would be fitting in this bunch of clowns. So far he might as well have nominated the Three Stooges. I’m just going to sit back and watch them embarrass this country on the world stage. Write it down, it’s coming and I’m going to laugh bigly.

We need some context. How do you feel about some of Joe’s peeps? Mayorkas? Mayor Pete? Yellen? Garland? Levine? The tranny that stole peoples luggage? Wray? Dettelbach?
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Thanks. I'm not a fan or hater either.

Just trying to be objective and consistent in my thought process.
I respect that.

I’m not a hater, either, I just think Gaetz was a little “showboat” in the House, and that is a personality I don’t like in the highest level enforcement official in the land.

I like those who wield this much power to demonstrate a little more humility.

I think there are probably people who have more foundational experience in the justice system than Gaetz. It is a pretty complex system. But, as with many situations, I suppose if one has the right set of lieutenants, one can be an effective leader.

Gaetz does have the befefit of only having to exceed the extremely low bar established by Holder and Garland, so that works in his favor.
That's just stupid. You would defend any loon Trump appointed.
I watched an unedited video of what he believes:

1. He thinks we have too many vaccines. (don’t know if I agree or not)

2. He thinks vaccines may cause Autism.( I think it is more than likely that Autism was misdiagnosed years ago).

3. He feels like most studies already have a predetermined result. (I 100% agree).

4. He said that he was going to run legit scientific studies to prove whether each vaccine is safe. If it was proven to be safe than he would accept the results even if it was against his initial opinion. ( I don’t have any issue with that and am am 100% behind that approach).

I’m not beholden to Donald Trump and consider myself a free thinker.
Not sure if there would be much that could be viewed as redeeming. That will take the usual gaslighting
The point is this:
Each side will be fed what they want to hear and fight with each other. All the while the report will not be visible to form am independent opinion and he will still have "survived" an investigation with a recommendation to not prosecute.
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Are you getting giddy with how the Orangeman is stockpiling this cabinet with absolute top notch studs? I told you a while back that Trump was going to shock your lib world brotha!!!
I am much more observant than you. Remember this next time we discuss something and you disagree.
I think I'm simply better at filtering our irrelevant information.

But I will concede to your superior recollection of all things irrelevant.
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The point is this:
Each side will be fed what they want to hear and fight with each other. All the while the report will not be visible to form am independent opinion and he will still have "survived" an investigation with a recommendation to not prosecute.
That's the best you can come up with for an Attorney General? LOL. That's insane.

I don't see him being confirmed. There has already been backlash from some Republican Senators .... but that doesn't make the nomination any less ridiculous.
My college days were 1978-83 (TTU). Have absolutely no memory of what type of shirts people wore.
And I considered myself very politically active and aware.

Have you really not seen this shirt? I’m not being a wise guy, I am serious.

Full disclosure: I only know who Che is because of seeing this shirt so much when I was younger.

It just strikes me as interesting that the early 50’s crowd finds this shirt ubiquitous, while early 60’s hasn’t ever seen it. I wonder if you’ve seen it and just never knew who it was nor cared to look it up.

Of course, I can only name one Taylor Swift song, and most 30-something’s find that odd, so who am I to judge? 🤷‍♀️

Check out the shirt. Really never seen it?

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I watched an unedited video of what he believes:

1. He thinks we have too many vaccines. (don’t know if I agree or not)

2. He thinks vaccines may cause Autism.( I think it is more than likely that Autism was misdiagnosed years ago).

3. He feels like most studies already have a predetermined result. (I 100% agree).

4. He said that he was going to run legit scientific studies to prove whether each vaccine is safe. If it was proven to be safe than he would accept the results even if it was against his initial opinion. ( I don’t have any issue with that and am am 100% behind that approach).

I’m not beholden to Donald Trump and consider myself a free thinker.
The way you described it, I assume he doesn't trust current studies or feels the avers (aevrs???) adverse vaccine reaction data is cooked?
That's the best you can come up with for an Attorney General? LOL. That's insane.

I don't see him being confirmed. There has already been backlash from some Republican Senators .... but that doesn't make the nomination any less ridiculous.

Because dims knocked it out of the park with Garland.

Have you really not seen this shirt? I’m not being a wise guy, I am serious.

Full disclosure: I only know who Che is because of seeing this shirt so much when I was younger.

It just strikes me as interesting that the early 50’s crowd finds this shirt ubiquitous, while early 60’s hasn’t ever seen it. I wonder if you’ve seen it and just never knew who it was nor cared to look it up.

Of course, I can only name one Taylor Swift song, and most 30-something’s find that odd, so who am I to judge? 🤷‍♀️

Check out the shirt. Really never seen it?

That shirt sucks!
That's the best you can come up with for an Attorney General? LOL. That's insane.

I don't see him being confirmed. There has already been backlash from some Republican Senators .... but that doesn't make the nomination any less ridiculous.
I don't understand what you mean "the best I could come up with". Explain?.
Because dims knocked it out of the park with Garland.
Gotta credit Garland.

I had no idea we had so many domestic terrorist until he sent his team to monitor these school board meetings. Just think C!! We thought these were just concerned parents!! No no. They are the enemy within!!
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