Trumpster "The ends justify the means" mentality must end

In the country with the best economy, highest standard of living, democratic rule, and low taxes, etc, it's more than slightly red-headed to think our problems require violent solutions. Being pushed toward violent solutions is a part of the "set the factions against each other" tenet of viking warfare that's been deployed against us by the russians since 2015.

When you tell roughly half a state that their vote for president won’t count, you shouldn’t be shocked by political violence.
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We know it won't be Trump who will step up and call for the violent rhetoric and the threats to stop. It's his go to play.

If they find these people, they need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent and imprisoned for as long as the law allows.
While the analysis found no specific threats to the judges, it said “there remains a risk of lone actor or small group violence or other illegal activities in response to the ruling.”
When you tell roughly half a state that their vote for president won’t count, you shouldn’t be shocked by political violence.
Who's saying that? It's unlikely that enough states will ban trump from the ballot to prevent him from being elected. Moreover, do you dispute the facts of the charges in the cases against him? We've become so factionalized in this country that both sides refuse to see the flaws in their candidates. I'm sure something really damning will come out against biden between here and the election. Our best hope is a third candidate to emerge.
Who's saying that? It's unlikely that enough states will ban trump from the ballot to prevent him from being elected. Moreover, do you dispute the facts of the charges in the cases against him? We've become so factionalized in this country that both sides refuse to see the flaws in their candidates. I'm sure something really damning will come out against biden between here and the election. Our best hope is a third candidate to emerge.
Biden's time in office is damning enough.
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Who's saying that? It's unlikely that enough states will ban trump from the ballot to prevent him from being elected. Moreover, do you dispute the facts of the charges in the cases against him? We've become so factionalized in this country that both sides refuse to see the flaws in their candidates. I'm sure something really damning will come out against biden between here and the election. Our best hope is a third candidate to emerge.
Keep an eye on RFK JR. Wouldn't surprise me if he has an impact. People are sick of this crap. He may be the none of the above candidate.

Not endorsing him . Just an opinion.

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