Trumpster "The ends justify the means" mentality must end

In the country with the best economy, highest standard of living, democratic rule, and low taxes, etc, it's more than slightly red-headed to think our problems require violent solutions. Being pushed toward violent solutions is a part of the "set the factions against each other" tenet of viking warfare that's been deployed against us by the russians since 2015.
Helped along by their spy Trump of course.
When you tell roughly half a state that their vote for president won’t count, you shouldn’t be shocked by political violence.
In literally every county, state and city election in every single election - roughly half the population's vote for any political offering does not impact the election. Flip a coin for every item on every ballot and you'd likely end up with better results than the American populace provides with its thoughtful voting.
In literally every county, state and city election in every single election - roughly half the population's vote for any political offering does not impact the election. Flip a coin for every item on every ballot and you'd likely end up with better results than the American populace provides with its thoughtful voting.

This is a very different thing. This isn't "my party lost". This is "the court decided even if my party wins, they will refuse to count the votes".
Who's saying that? It's unlikely that enough states will ban trump from the ballot to prevent him from being elected. Moreover, do you dispute the facts of the charges in the cases against him? We've become so factionalized in this country that both sides refuse to see the flaws in their candidates. I'm sure something really damning will come out against biden between here and the election. Our best hope is a third candidate to emerge.

That's literally what the court said. That the guy roughly half the country wants will not be on the ballot and any votes for him will be thrown out.

There's no charges, no case, no trial, no due process. That's the second problem here. No discovery, no chance to have his side heard. Instead a court randomly decided he was guilty of this crime (a "crime" that did not even occur within their jurisdiction). It's 100% absurd.
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That's literally what the court said. That the guy roughly half the country wants will not be on the ballot and any votes for him will be thrown out.

There's no charges, no case, no trial, no due process. That's the second problem here. No discovery, no chance to have his side heard. Instead a court randomly decided he was guilty of this crime (a "crime" that did not even occur within their jurisdiction). It's 100% absurd.

You are factually incorrect. You need to understand what went on prior to the appeal to the state Supreme Court.
You are factually incorrect. You need to understand what went on prior to the appeal to the state Supreme Court.

Be specific. What am I wrong about? I said a lot in that post, guide me here
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Be specific. What am I wrong about? I said a lot in that post, guide me here

This sheds some light on it.

Understand, the case was actually brought by REPUBLICANS who want Trump off the ballot. There was a five day bench trial. The judge ruled that Trump engaged in insurrection, but that the clause at issue did not apply to a President.

It was REPUBLICANS who pursued it on up and that's when the state Supreme Court held that the trial cover was incorrect about the clause.

There WAS due process. And it was REPUBLICANS that sought to exclude him.
This sheds some light on it.

Understand, the case was actually brought by REPUBLICANS who want Trump off the ballot. There was a five day bench trial. The judge ruled that Trump engaged in insurrection, but that the clause at issue did not apply to a President.

It was REPUBLICANS who pursued it on up and that's when the state Supreme Court held that the trial cover was incorrect about the clause.

There WAS due process. And it was REPUBLICANS that sought to exclude him.

Okay so there was a trial. Still no discovery, no opportunity to defend himself, and no jurisdiction.
In the country with the best economy, highest standard of living, democratic rule, and low taxes, etc, it's more than slightly red-headed to think our problems require violent solutions---. Being pushed toward violent solutions is a part of the "set the factions against each other" tenet of viking warfare that's been deployed against us by the russians since 2015.
Where is that country?
Red-headed? Wth?
Where does that viking warfare thing come from?
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Where is that country?
Red-headed? Wth?
Where does that viking warfare thing come from?
It's our country. As much as people like to complain, it's good to look at how people live in other parts of the world and have a broader perspective about how we really stand.

I'm a red head and stereotypically we're thought of as being a bit whiny, as are those who think violence is required to solve our differences in this country at this time.

The viking warfare thing comes from some awful white power sites I stumbled across in my younger years. I dont care to chase them down, but you can get a notion of how Vikings used guile as well as force in their wars from wikipedia.
Dems seem a wee bit terrified about receiving some goose/gander treatment regarding Trump and their terror is just entertaining as all get out.
He was naive as 45 with cabinet picks because he trusted the Rinos thinking the party would coalesce around his presidency.
Bet that mistake doesn’t happen again and his cabinet picks will be fun to watch.🤣

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