Sanders lost 55% - 43%, but in the 2016 bizarro world where the 2nd place candidate wins I guess he does have a beef.
Sanders lost 55% - 43%, but in the 2016 bizarro world where the 2nd place candidate wins I guess he does have a beef.
I agree with you. I was throwing the "Bernie was wronged" red herring back at them. If he was so betrayed by the party, then he would have to want revenge; so let him decide what should be done in regards to the Trump/Russia election interference...who better?
I agree with you. I was throwing the "Bernie was wronged" red herring back at them. If he was so betrayed by the party, then he would have to want revenge; so let him decide what should be done in regards to the Trump/Russia election interference...who better?
This is mostly accurate (except I don't remember Romney being branded a racist for the 47% comment - it was just a careless thing to concede). There is no doubt that Romney was ahead of the curve on Russia and that Obama and Hillary showed weakness in their own right. Still, if the discussion is Trump - he has done more than show weakness. He has shown indifference to Russian intrusion into our democratic process and defended them for their human rights abuses by drawing a moral equivalency between the US and Russia. "Are we so innocent?" The links and undisclosed contacts between Russian agents and Trump surrogates (even family members) continue to become more and more apparent and as they do... the suspicion over possible collusion continues to grow.
I think it would have been Clinton. As much as many despise her, there are also many that feel she was highly qualified and would have been an excellent president.
Trump could admit on live television that he personally asked Putin to help him win the election through fraud and his supporters still would not care and would somehow attempt to rationalize it. It is just the nature of our politics in these days of hyper partisanship.
I'm not saying it happened, just that his voters don't care. Anything to stick it to liberals.
This is mostly accurate (except I don't remember Romney being branded a racist for the 47% comment - it was just a careless thing to concede). There is no doubt that Romney was ahead of the curve on Russia and that Obama and Hillary showed weakness in their own right. Still, if the discussion is Trump - he has done more than show weakness. He has shown indifference to Russian intrusion into our democratic process and defended them for their human rights abuses by drawing a moral equivalency between the US and Russia. "Are we so innocent?" The links and undisclosed contacts between Russian agents and Trump surrogates (even family members) continue to become more and more apparent and as they do... the suspicion over possible collusion continues to grow.