I think he sucks, totally sucks.
However, I hate (and fear) the criminalization of politics. Regardless of how bad he sucks I will never condone him being forced out of office on bogus charges or open-end investigations to find something/anything to "get him".
He was elected fairly. He'll be gone soon enough. We lose our national soul if we abandon our principles just to get rid of him.
Well, now actually, I definitely agree with you in principle on that. Its the practice that tells the tale.
For example, the Benghazi thing was just absolutely ridiculous, the way the GOP kept holding hearing and issuing report after report, which basically found that there was complete institutional boobery in dealing with security requests, no one (including Clinton) was particularly to blame for it.
I thought that the GOP went to that well about 9 times too many, wasting a ton of government time and money doing so.
So now we have Trump. I have three observations that in my view distinguish it from the earlier experience, tell me what you think.
First, the administrations denials and explanations on this have not just contradicted themselves, they've flatly changed stories on a number of things (that cannot be explained as just messing it up) and in ways that are very disconcerting.
From no contacts, to minimal contacts, to contacts but not about the campaign, to contacts about the campaign, to contacts with Russian government emissaries specifically to help Trump win. The Trump administration has lied at every single hurdle, only to throw up the next one as soon as confronted with evidence of the last one.
Second, the secrecy around Trump finances, when there are indications that Trump does have financial ties to Russia.
Third, the fact that the concern is bipartisan.
Look, anyone watching the last 20 months knows that Trump burned a lot of bridges within the GOP and made a lot of enemies. So maybe he does not have the usual rallying ability of past presidents.
But this feels different to me than just a few Senators with vendettas. Those are there, yes, but when you look at these guys after briefings, there is a deer caught in the headlights look. That they have been told some VERY alarming things about what the intelligence community has discovered.
So the Senate GOP it seems like it caught between a lot of different priorities. They have Trump bashing them at every turn, blaming them for not making good on the key GOP campaign promise. And that worries them.
But -- and be honest here -- do you not get the sense that there is a hesitation, and a strong one, on the part of the GOP in both the House and the Senate, to be tied to this President? I feel like he is viewed as a bit toxic right now.
And I believe its because what they know is coming.