Was the country better off for the Starr investigation? Or would it have been better if all that had been kept hush hush?
The investigation should have been shut down when it veered into the realm of Clinton’s sex life. That had as much significance as the Bruce Pearl bbq. These congressional investigations into the personal failings of political opponents have become too common.
That said, by failing to remove Clinton after he lied about it, the Senate erased a line in the sand that was previously agreed upon: that lying to the federal government is a crime and crimes have consequences.
At least as it’s applied to most people, this wasn’t even a crime of dubious substance. That code section is sound policy. It’s not been lobbied for by some special interest, like marijuana prohibition.
Now, or in 2019, we may have to redraw that line.
It sounds to me like you’re arguing that the line is crossed when a lie is told about a significant subject matter.
So we’d need to reach a consensus on “what is significant.” Is the intent to collude significant or did the propaganda have to change the outcome of the election? Given how many people here still don’t seem to believe that Russians even meddled in the election in the first place.
Then, you’ve got to establish that the criteria for significance are actually met. Good luck convincing the guy(s) still unabashedly posting in the Pizzagate thread that collusion happened, they were duped by it, and so were enough others that it changed the outcome of the election (or convincing them that it’s significant even if the outcome wasn’t change.)
That’s my problem with the outcome of the Clinton impeachment. The line should have been “was a crime committed by the President of the United States?” If crossed, remove them from office and install the Vice President.
(I say this with full understanding that removal of a sitting president upsets the results of an election, which shouldn’t be done lightly, but the VP was also democratically elected with the understanding that he could someday fill the office of President. In my opinion, that sufficiently offsets that concern in the case of established criminal behavior.)
Sorry for long post.