Tucker Carlson Obsession Thread (merged)

I do truly loathe the man. Of all the Fox personalities, he is the worst. Judge Janine is the most obnoxious. Hannity is the most smug. The morning crew are the most deficient, intellectually. But Carlson is the one who embodies the worst of all of their characteristics, times 10.

He has a knack of making libs look as dumb as they are. Facts and rationality turn them into blubbering idiots.
That would be cute if I hadnt grown up with and around liberals most of my life and know for a fact semi -literate and primitive thinking are things they were more than ok with . Considering the education problems we have in this country and the cultural “ norms “ in the south ( of which I was born and raised ) you are sadly mistaken if you think it’s a right wing issue .

Aside from “the left is worse” not being a legitimate grounds for tolerating bad choices from the right, this just isn’t accurate.
There is absolutely no realistic view of the current political landscape in which the Republican Party has not had some important policies hijacked by anti-intellectual, anti-academic science-deniers. That’s just reality. You don’t see anybody on the left arguing with demeaning (since we are talking about Tucker Carlson) subject matter experts with respect to things like evolution and climate change. Unless you’re below the age of 19, your observations growing up in the south are hardly a relevant rebuttal.

To defend the right on this requires a false equivalence between misguided/failed efforts and an active denial of the need for effort. It also obstructs the introspection necessary for self-correction.

Lol @ the other guy crying about picking sides. Prepubescent cliquishness wasn’t one of the aspirational values I mentioned, but the shoe certainly fits. I’ll add it to my mental list of Trumpists values.
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Aside from “the left is worse” not being a legitimate grounds for tolerating bad choices from the right, this just isn’t accurate.
There is absolutely no realistic view of the current political landscape in which the Republican Party has not had some important policies hijacked by anti-intellectual, anti-academic science-deniers. That’s just reality. You don’t see anybody on the left arguing with demeaning (since we are talking about Tucker Carlson) subject matter experts with respect to things like evolution and climate change. Unless you’re below the age of 19, your observations growing up in the south are hardly a relevant rebuttal.

To defend the right on this requires a false equivalence between misguided/failed efforts and an active denial of the need for effort. It also obstructs the introspection necessary for self-correction.

Lol @ the other guy crying about picking sides. Prepubescent cliquishness wasn’t one of the aspirational values I mentioned, but the shoe certainly fits. I’ll add it to my mental list of Trumpists values.

The left has plenty of science deniers too - just not on those topics though their science denying on the viability of renewables and views on nuclear power are at least tangentially related to climate change. They deny fetal viability when it comes to late term abortion. Their anti-GMO stances are in direct conflict with science as are the anti-vaxxer views (though they also exist in some on the right). Let's not even get started on some economic science data. Face it; partisanship trumps science and science expertise on both sides but only one side has the gall to accuse the other of it while not recognizing it's own shortcomings.
Aside from “the left is worse” not being a legitimate grounds for tolerating bad choices from the right, this just isn’t accurate.
There is absolutely no realistic view of the current political landscape in which the Republican Party has not had some important policies hijacked by anti-intellectual, anti-academic science-deniers. That’s just reality. You don’t see anybody on the left arguing with demeaning (since we are talking about Tucker Carlson) subject matter experts with respect to things like evolution and climate change. Unless you’re below the age of 19, your observations growing up in the south are hardly a relevant rebuttal.

To defend the right on this requires a false equivalence between misguided/failed efforts and an active denial of the need for effort. It also obstructs the introspection necessary for self-correction.

Lol @ the other guy crying about picking sides. Prepubescent cliquishness wasn’t one of the aspirational values I mentioned, but the shoe certainly fits. I’ll add it to my mental list of Trumpists values.

Those same people I was talking about growing up with , around and felt with most of my life wouldn’t argue the talking points either . It’s nothing something they would do much of it would be more of .. you are a Republican therefore you are evil and I wouldn’t piss on you if it kept you from burning up . That doesnt mean they aren’t semi- illiterate or primitive thinking . I’ve known , do know , worked around more semi- illiterate liberals that republicans . I do not now or have ever ran across a republican that can’t spell their name or can just barely write it . I have have know liberals that were in that boat . It is a very sad thing to have to read a man a contract and watch him make an X on the line saying he understood what was read to him . Now talking about hi jacking and agendas .. there’s not a single issue that the left in its current state doesn’t hijack and force attach an ism to , the two favorites are of course racism and sexism although saying anything negative about Muslims is closing in fast .
None. Well, one by birth, but raised in NYC and as American in substance as you.

As American as me?

You mean they use common sense, don't rush to judgment and understand the whining from the Democrats gets real old, real quick?
Aside from “the left is worse” not being a legitimate grounds for tolerating bad choices from the right, this just isn’t accurate.
There is absolutely no realistic view of the current political landscape in which the Republican Party has not had some important policies hijacked by anti-intellectual, anti-academic science-deniers. That’s just reality. You don’t see anybody on the left arguing with demeaning (since we are talking about Tucker Carlson) subject matter experts with respect to things like evolution and climate change. Unless you’re below the age of 19, your observations growing up in the south are hardly a relevant rebuttal.

To defend the right on this requires a false equivalence between misguided/failed efforts and an active denial of the need for effort. It also obstructs the introspection necessary for self-correction.

Lol @ the other guy crying about picking sides. Prepubescent cliquishness wasn’t one of the aspirational values I mentioned, but the shoe certainly fits. I’ll add it to my mental list of Trumpists values.

False equivalence is the hallmark of Trump's GOP. That and complete bastardization of facts and quotes, see e.g. Judge in Manafort sentencing says that particular case is not about collusion and the next day Trump quotes the judge as saying there was no collusion.

And sickeningly, while everyone in the GOP stable rolls their eyes at Trump's obvious ploy on that, they either don't object, or worse, repeat it.
False equivalence is the hallmark of Trump's GOP. That and complete bastardization of facts and quotes, see e.g. Judge in Manafort sentencing says that particular case is not about collusion and the next day Trump quotes the judge as saying there was no collusion.

And sickeningly, while everyone in the GOP stable rolls their eyes at Trump's obvious ploy on that, they either don't object, or worse, repeat it.

:) Makes you happy right?
Tucker Carlson: ‘We Will Never Bow to the Mob, Ever — No Matter What’

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson elaborated on his earlier statement regarding comments he had made on a radio show between 2006 and 2011.

Carlson explained how the situation unfolded, what he perceived to be the motivations of those involved in the “unearthing” of the clips and vowed he would not “bow to the mob.”

He described Fox News Channel’s primetime line-up as one of the only places where “independent thoughts are allowed,” which Carlson said had drawn the ire of the left.

“For the left, it’s unacceptable. They demand total conformity. Since the day we went on the air, they’ve been working hard to kill this show. We haven’t said much about it in public. It seemed too self-referential. The point of the show has never been us. But now it’s obvious to everybody — there’s no pretending it’s not happening. It is happening. And so going forward, we’ll be covering their effort to make us be quiet.”

Tucker Carlson: 'We Will Never Bow to the Mob, Ever --- No Matter What' | Breitbart
Tucker Carlson: ‘We Will Never Bow to the Mob, Ever — No Matter What’

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson elaborated on his earlier statement regarding comments he had made on a radio show between 2006 and 2011.

Carlson explained how the situation unfolded, what he perceived to be the motivations of those involved in the “unearthing” of the clips and vowed he would not “bow to the mob.”

He described Fox News Channel’s primetime line-up as one of the only places where “independent thoughts are allowed,” which Carlson said had drawn the ire of the left.

“For the left, it’s unacceptable. They demand total conformity. Since the day we went on the air, they’ve been working hard to kill this show. We haven’t said much about it in public. It seemed too self-referential. The point of the show has never been us. But now it’s obvious to everybody — there’s no pretending it’s not happening. It is happening. And so going forward, we’ll be covering their effort to make us be quiet.”

Tucker Carlson: 'We Will Never Bow to the Mob, Ever --- No Matter What' | Breitbart

"...unless my advertisers leave, and then I'll beg and plead for forgiveness."
They are semi-illiterate, what's the problem with that?

"Iraq it has, according publishes UNESCO, an adult literacy rate of 43.68%. While the male literacy rate is 53.01%, for females is 37.96%, showing a big gap between the sexes.
In comparison with other countries Iraq has a low literacy rate."

Iraq - Literacy rate 2013

So, not lying, is a valid statement.

Primitive, well, "high density of poor families and very primitive living conditions"

"less than half of Iraq's population can claim reliable access to potable water. Sanitation is also a persistent problem. ... Only 17 per cent of Iraq's sewage is treated before being discharged into the country's rivers and waterways."

Iraq’s water and sanitation crisis adds to dangers faced by children and families

Just from a few minutes looking around. Is is "PC", maybe not, but, it's not outlandish and out of line in reference to Iraq and it's peoples. It's not racist, it's facts and reality. Not mean, or made up, not fake.

Don't have a dog in this fight and I really don't care, but, let's not be emotional ninnies and PC police on every damn thing that is uttered from someone's mouth unless the context is easily identifiable and easily viewed as real racism.

Gosh, you hit the nail on the head. Primitive was the characterization that might piss off people.
False equivalence is the hallmark of Trump's GOP. That and complete bastardization of facts and quotes, see e.g. Judge in Manafort sentencing says that particular case is not about collusion and the next day Trump quotes the judge as saying there was no collusion.

And sickeningly, while everyone in the GOP stable rolls their eyes at Trump's obvious ploy on that, they either don't object, or worse, repeat it.

The post birth abortions, the El Paso comments, illegal voting etc etc etc. His constituency is still quoting 'em all like gospel.
Tucker Carlson: ‘We Will Never Bow to the Mob, Ever — No Matter What’

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” host Tucker Carlson elaborated on his earlier statement regarding comments he had made on a radio show between 2006 and 2011.

Carlson explained how the situation unfolded, what he perceived to be the motivations of those involved in the “unearthing” of the clips and vowed he would not “bow to the mob.”

He described Fox News Channel’s primetime line-up as one of the only places where “independent thoughts are allowed,” which Carlson said had drawn the ire of the left.

“For the left, it’s unacceptable. They demand total conformity. Since the day we went on the air, they’ve been working hard to kill this show. We haven’t said much about it in public. It seemed too self-referential. The point of the show has never been us. But now it’s obvious to everybody — there’s no pretending it’s not happening. It is happening. And so going forward, we’ll be covering their effort to make us be quiet.”

Tucker Carlson: 'We Will Never Bow to the Mob, Ever --- No Matter What' | Breitbart

What a douche.

He does not defend the comments. Instead he screeches "how dare they tell people about what I said?"

Followed by kissing arse about how Fox let's then have independent thought. Hmmmmm.... think someone is creating a bar to adverse employment action?
What a douche.

He does not defend the comments. Instead he screeches "how dare they tell people about what I said?"

Followed by kissing arse about how Fox let's then have independent thought. Hmmmmm.... think someone is creating a bar to adverse employment action?
Maybe Tucker will do the decent thing and resign, like the Virginia Democratic Gov., Lt. Gov., and Sec Of State (or whatever he was) did.
Maybe Tucker will do the decent thing and resign, like the Virginia Democratic Gov., Lt. Gov., and Sec Of State (or whatever he was) did.

The difference is that the voters fire the Governor in the next election. Fox has the ability to do the right thing and fire Tucker today.

I'm not surprised that he would not resign on his own. Too much to be made portraying himself as the victim.
I really haven't been paying much attention to this story. I did just listen to the tape for the first time. Unfortunately you can hear worse at the barber shops around the small town where I live. (Rural Georgia but not far from Chattanooga) They don't really realize I"m not one of them since I'm an old graybeard. It's educational to let them drone on.
What a douche.

He does not defend the comments. Instead he screeches "how dare they tell people about what I said?"

Followed by kissing arse about how Fox let's then have independent thought. Hmmmmm.... think someone is creating a bar to adverse employment action?

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The difference is that the voters fire the Governor in the next election. Fox has the ability to do the right thing and fire Tucker today.

I'm not surprised that he would not resign on his own. Too much to be made portraying himself as the victim.
A Governor in Virginia is barred by law from serving consecutive terms. Now, tell me how the people of Virginia can fire him.
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Can they impeach governors there?
Sure, with a 2/3 vote in the State Senate needed for conviction. That means only 14 votes out of 40 are needed to keep him in office. The Dems have 19 of the 40 seats. So, good luck with that. I don't think he committed a high crime anyway. Neither did Tucker.

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