Tucker Carlson Obsession Thread (merged)

I used to hear Tucker on Bubba's show every thursday. He was a good interview. He wasn't pushing the right wing nut job crap at the time. He was being funny and he was damn good at it. I always found it odd since he considered himself a serious journalist at the time.

You find it odd that he left liberal journalism ? I think he addresses why he did
So a left organization sifts through years of his regular appearances on a shock jock show to find 6 or so bad joke comments and this is the outrage.

I don't see why anyone would cheer on this type of mining for outrage. Sad state of affairs.
The left are so desperate to shut down anyone who disagrees with them
I used to hear Tucker on Bubba's show every thursday. He was a good interview. He wasn't pushing the right wing nut job crap at the time. He was being funny and he was damn good at it. I always found it odd since he considered himself a serious journalist at the time.
Tucker hasn’t been a journalist for a long time
Not sure I agree with that - always seemed to present himself as an opinion person even way back on Crossfire.
Yeah - Tucker has never done any real reporting that I've seen. His Wiki bio says that says that he was a reporter at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette before joining The Weekly Standard in 1995, and everything he's done since then has been as a commentator/opinion guy.
I don't think he should be fired nor do I think he will be fired.

I think it is important to look at certain events within the context of the time and place which they were said. He said some slightly outrageous stuff that if looked at today is really outrageous, but much as I view the blackface things. People that did it 20 years ago had a far different intent than those that did it last month.

Now, if we morph this into a statue argument. Many of those statues were erected, not right after the war to honor a war hero, but 100 years after the war to remind blacks of where they stood while they tried to fight for civil rights. Put them in museums or give them their proper historical significance. Don't leave 'em there pretending they are something that they are not.
Now, if we morph this into a statue argument. Many of those statues were erected, not right after the war to honor a war hero, but 100 years after the war to remind blacks of where they stood while they tried to fight for civil rights. Put them in museums or give them their proper historical significance. Don't leave 'em there pretending they are something that they are not.

Yep, that McKinnley was a real bastage!
For the record, I completely disagree with his comments on Canada. I firmly believe that we should attack Canada, plunder their oil reserves and disband their ****** baseball teams.

They need to answer for their crimes regarding Celine Dion, Bieber, Avril Lavigne, Drake, Nickelback, Rush, and Bryan Adams.

Also, poutine sucks ass. They somehow figured out a way to ruin brisket.
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Did anyone have a problem with him when he was on CNN or MSNBC? Or just now that he’s on Fox?

Also whose job is it to come into work and sift through decades old material on Fox News pundits?

I did. I've always found him glib, unjustifiably arrogant, and masquerading as intellectual when his thinking is quite pedestrian.
They need to answer for their crimes regarding Celine Dion, Bieber, Avril Lavigne, Drake, Nickelback, Rush, and Bryan Adams.

Also, poutine sucks ass. They somehow figured out a way to ruin brisket.
Rush and maybe Bryan Adams can get clemency. Burn Bieber at the stake.
Tucker's penance should be having to sit down and be interviewed about his statements by Mehdi Hasan. Dude just wiped the floor with Erik Prince.

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