Tucker Carlson Obsession Thread (merged)

Wednesday, May 4 Scoreboard: Tucker Carlson Marks Another Day at No. 1

Tuesday, May 3 Scoreboard: Tucker Carlson Is No. 1 in Total Viewers, Adults 25-54
It is bizarre that you are so encouraged, and take so much tribal pride, in the high ratings of a purveyor of such extremist views and distorted spin.

^^^^ This is Judy Woodruff of the PBS New Hour. ^^^^

^^^^ These are two former colleagues of Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg, discussing how Tucker Carlson's opinions are literally being used as propaganda on Russian state television.
These idiots see it as a victory for them, that Tucker Carlson gets good ratings. The fact that he licks Vladimir Putin means nothing to them. How tribal can you get?
It's the right's soma from Brave New World.. It's as addictive as crack.
It is bizarre that you are so encouraged, and take so much tribal pride, in the high ratings of a purveyor of such extremist views and distorted spin.

^^^^ This is Judy Woodruff of the PBS New Hour. ^^^^

^^^^ These are two former colleagues of Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg, discussing how Tucker Carlson's opinions are literally being used as propaganda on Russian state television.

That's a very good clip of O'Reilly and Goldberg. They stated that Carlson gave a very stupid opinion but he's free to do so. We don't have to agree with his opinion. They didn't identify any lies or untrue things he said. So what's the problem?
That's a very good clip of O'Reilly and Goldberg. They stated that Carlson gave a very stupid opinion but he's free to do so. We don't have to agree with his opinion. They didn't identify any lies or untrue things he said. So what's the problem?
You don't seem to understand plain-spoken English very well.

From the :23 mark of the video until the 1:38 mark, Bernie Goldberg clearly makes the point that Tucker Carlson is being dishonest in how he presents Vladimir Putin as being a benign figure to the west. As Goldberg explains, Carlson is giving his viewers an incomplete picture of Putin, and doing so to such an extreme, that Russian state run media has determined Carlson's show to be a more effective tool for promoting Russian propaganda than what they are even capable of producing themselves. Goldberg describes Carlson as "a useful idiot" for the Russian government. If you don't see anything wrong with a prime time show host on an American cable news network being an asset of the Russian government, then maybe you're a different kind of idiot?
This administration will go down in history as an abject failure...a military embarrassment, domestic cancer, and a stumbling...bumbling...incoherent example of how to unite the American people in support of ones opposition.

The red wave in November will sadly lift ALL boats floating under the flag of the Republicans. Reds will retake Congress, both chambers will be solidly Republican. If the reds can get behind ANY decent candidate that can read a teleprompter and remember his own name......they will easily win any Presidential Election that is not completely rigged for the Dems .

Never in my 45 years of life have i seen such a completely inept administration. I doubt seriously that Biden can even tie his own shoes at this point....which is sad. His wife and family should have been honest with him and told him that he needed a fruit cup and a nap every day by 2pm at a nursing home...rather than giving him over to Dimwit handlers which have proceeded to greatly embarrass him, and our entire country; while they stuffed their pockets with the largesse of us taxpayers.

TN Ribs is THE ONLY PERSON i have seen in the last full year that will even admit that they voted for Biden...and i have prodded several folks which I KNOW actually did vote for him quite excitedly. They would rather look myself, and others straight in the face and deal with the shame of lying rather than the shame of admitting that they voted for this clown. Think about that for a minute. A sitting US president so shameful that nobody admits that they even voted for him due to the shame....yet we are told he received 81 million votes. Hmmmmmmm....
I voted for Biden, and I would do it again in a heartbeat if Trump was involved.
Well there the only one who can seeing that CNN & MSDNC are in the toilet.
LOL. Do Nielsen ratings have to be mentioned at all by news networks? Did either Edward R. Murrow or Walter Cronkite ever boast about their ratings on the air? It's obnoxious and unprofessional.
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Thus proves the stupidity of a dimocrat voter.
Yeah, I don't care. With the way you all have acted over the last several years, and what is about to go down this summer, you have burned every bridge. Keep insulting people you want to agree with you though, that seems to work.
Yeah, I don't care. With the way you all have acted over the last several years, and what is about to go down this summer, you have burned every bridge. Keep insulting people you want to agree with you though, that seems to work.
Over the last 7 years, the Republicans have become The Party of Russian Sympathizers, Putin Apologists, PizzaGate Conspiracy Theory Kooks, Q Anon Crack Pots, 2020 Election Fraud Liars and Hoaxers, January 6th Rioters, Free Speech Suppression Hypocrites and Trump Boot-Licking Cultists ....

.... but we're the idiots? Yeah. Whatever.
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Over the last 7 years, the Republicans have become The Party of Russian Sympathizers, Putin Apologists, PizzaGate Conspiracy Theory Kooks, Q Anon Crack Pots, 2020 Election Fraud Liars and Hoaxers, January 6th Rioters, Free Speech Suppression Hypocrites and Trump Boot-Licking Cultists ....

.... but we're the idiots? Yeah. Whatever.

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I just don't see the GOP getting anything done with people like McCarthy leading the party. Add McConnell and you're probably looking at a wasted opportunity and the bleeding hearts would be giddy with these two trojan conservatives.


Your naivete is on full display.

Let me guess, you think a hard right "my way or the highway, no comprise" position is the way to get to positions of power inside the D.C. beltway?

You don't seem to understand plain-spoken English very well.

From the :23 mark of the video until the 1:38 mark, Bernie Goldberg clearly makes the point that Tucker Carlson is being dishonest in how he presents Vladimir Putin as being a benign figure to the west. As Goldberg explains, Carlson is giving his viewers an incomplete picture of Putin, and doing so to such an extreme, that Russian state run media has determined Carlson's show to be a more effective tool for promoting Russian propaganda than what they are even capable of producing themselves. Goldberg describes Carlson as "a useful idiot" for the Russian government. If you don't see anything wrong with a prime time show host on an American cable news network being an asset of the Russian government, then maybe you're a different kind of idiot?
I understand English just fine. This was Carlson's opinion. He wasn't representing you, me or our country with his opinions. He's free to express them in this country. Bernie Goldberg gave his opinion of Carlson's comments. That's America. What's not helpful is when someone can't stick to the issues and makes comments like "you don't seem to understand plain-spoken English very well." That's a personal attack which is uncalled for and not helpful
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