Twitter files hearing: Matt Taibbi warns about government looking for info on reporters

The Democrats are unbelievably authoritarian and dictatorial. They hate the First Amendment Just as much as the Second now. Here is Swallwell suggesting us military troops no longer be allowed to watch Fox News.
Eric Swalwell Wants to Ban Conservative News From the Military
Not sure how things in the military are these days, but when I was in from 99-05, it was mostly conservatives. One thing that influenced that was the way Clinton handled things in Somalia, but something I noticed myself was that when Clinton was POTUS we were always low on ammo. Once Bush took over we had more than we could shoot, some of that could be attributed to 9/11. Still, the fact that we literally walked around saying 'bang, bang' because we didn't have ammo while we were doing training exercises was sad.

Americans of all political persuasions should be appalled.

Am I still appalled at the gov dirty tactics? What would shock me is if they did something right and for the good of the people. We have come into a state of being where the gov is only here to harm and they are really good at it. They can make people lives so miserable that they give up hope of right and wrong being clearly addressed and Justice served.
Am I still appalled at the gov dirty tactics? What would shock me is if they did something right and for the good of the people. We have come into a state of being where the gov is only here to harm and they are really good at it. They can make people lives so miserable that they give up hope of right and wrong being clearly addressed and Justice served.
Most of the politicians in DC are only there to either get rich off insider knowledge investment strategies, or to stay in power no matter what the cost, or both. The corruption is plain as the nose on our collective face.

I still like the idea of making politicians wear Nascar uniforms with their donors on them.
Most of the politicians in DC are only there to either get rich off insider knowledge investment strategies, or to stay in power no matter what the cost, or both. The corruption is plain as the nose on our collective face.

I still like the idea of making politicians wear Nascar uniforms with their donors on them.

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Most of the politicians in DC are only there to either get rich off insider knowledge investment strategies, or to stay in power no matter what the cost, or both. The corruption is plain as the nose on our collective face.

I still like the idea of making politicians wear Nascar uniforms with their donors on them.
Not fair. Jerry Nadler has a LOT more room for sponsorships šŸ˜‚
Am I still appalled at the gov dirty tactics? What would shock me is if they did something right and for the good of the people. We have come into a state of being where the gov is only here to harm and they are really good at it. They can make people lives so miserable that they give up hope of right and wrong being clearly addressed and Justice served.

It's sad that the general consensus among normal hard-working Americans is that the government is the enemy of we the people.
The Democrats are unbelievably authoritarian and dictatorial. They hate the First Amendment Just as much as the Second now. Here is Swallwell suggesting us military troops no longer be allowed to watch Fox News.
Eric Swalwell Wants to Ban Conservative News From the Military
James Rosen: Obama Treated Media Worse Than Trump

Obama really accelerated this type of behavior. If the majority of journalist actually did their job instead of acting as advocates for the democrat party, Obamaā€™s administration would have faced tremendous scrutiny for all their crimes against the American people. Instead they stood down, much like we see today.

But some journalists stood up, like Rosen. And Obama went after him viciously. The table has been set. This authoritative approach will only get worse. As will the spinelessness of the MSM.

In general people donā€™t care. They want ABC, NBC, the Times, WAPO, etc. to distract them and tell them what they truly want to hearā€¦ man bad!!!!
Uhhh... can you blame the prople for thinking that?
Government is not inherently an enemy of the people. It is necessary and proper and the alternative (anarchy) is unthinkable. But like every other human institution, it seeks to ever grow its reach and power, initially for good as it tries to fulfill its intended mission; but later for its own preservation.
The key is that an ever vigilant populace has to stand ready with pruning shears in hand prepared to trim back the overreach.
This has been the failure of the American people over the last several decades. We have continued to re elect the same politicians while not holding them accountable for not reigning in the out of control bureaucratic state.
There are twin evils we must avoid. We cannot trust government to solve all of our problems. Similarly, it is unhealthy to automatically view the government as our enemy. The founders did after all establish a centralized Federal government to replace the weak articles of Confederation. And they did it for a reason.
The average government employee does in fact go to work each day wanting to do good and to help people. It is our job to tend the garden and trim the hedges. We have not done a good job of this of late.

Americans of all political persuasions should be appalled.

Serious question, what did you guys want the government to do about the Twitter files? Act like it didn't happen? I'm sure all of you would find that problematic. If you want them to do something about it, you have to have hearings. I'm not sitting through 2.5 hrs of this hearing, but the first few minutes seem to be exactly what you guys would want them to be focusing on.

All I got so far through the grape vine is that they asked Taibbi for the names of some journalists. OK, that's a little concerning. What else?
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Serious question, what did you guys want the government to do about the Twitter files? Act like it didn't happen? I'm sure all of you would find that problematic. If you want them to do something about it, you have to have hearings. I'm not sitting through 2.5 hrs of this hearing, but the first few minutes seem to be exactly what you guys would want them to be focusing on.

All I got so far through the grape vine is that they asked Taibbi for the names of some journalists. OK, that's a little concerning. What else?
They ā€žaskedā€œ. Yeah right. Sort of like Don Corleone ā€žaskingā€œ for a little favor. Absolutely no intimidation there whatsoever šŸ™„
They ā€žaskedā€œ. Yeah right. Sort of like Don Corleone ā€žaskingā€œ for a little favor. Absolutely no intimidation there whatsoever šŸ™„

OK, so is that it? Did he give him the names? I suppose he'll die now.

Do you agree that the expectation for the government would normally be that they hold hearings for this?
Serious question, what did you guys want the government to do about the Twitter files? Act like it didn't happen? I'm sure all of you would find that problematic. If you want them to do something about it, you have to have hearings. I'm not sitting through 2.5 hrs of this hearing, but the first few minutes seem to be exactly what you guys would want them to be focusing on.

All I got so far through the grape vine is that they asked Taibbi for the names of some journalists. OK, that's a little concerning. What else?

they shouldn't do anything about the Twitter Files.

they should examine the extent to which the government tried to shape the speech policies of media organizations. that's a BFD.

demanding that journalists share their sources is bad. Schumer calling on Fox to shut down Carlson is bad. calling journalists hacks and conspiracy theorists because you don't like their product is bad.

overall, it's disturbing that both parties increasingly seek to exercise leverage over what media companies can and cannot publish/air.
OK, so is that it? Did he give him the names? I suppose he'll die now.

Do you agree that the expectation for the government would normally be that they hold hearings for this?
Hearings yes. I am glad they are doing this. The Democrats however are tripping all over themselves to show which one can emulate their partyā€™s chosen animal mascot most faithfully
they shouldn't do anything about the Twitter Files.

they should examine the extent to which the government tried to shape the speech policies of media organizations. that's a BFD.

demanding that journalists share their sources is bad. Schumer calling on Fox to shut down Carlson is bad. calling journalists hacks and conspiracy theorists because you don't like their product is bad.

overall, it's disturbing that both parties increasingly seek to exercise leverage over what media companies can and cannot publish/air.
Yes, a sitting congressman/woman/whatever demanding a journalist reveal confidential sources is just a big no no. It is unethical and not so thinly veiled intimidation. If the Republicans demanded something similar of a CNN/MSNBC/WaPo/NY Times reporter it would be the lead story 24x7 for a couple of weeks
they shouldn't do anything about the Twitter Files.

they should examine the extent to which the government tried to shape the speech policies of media organizations. that's a BFD.

demanding that journalists share their sources is bad. Schumer calling on Fox to shut down Carlson is bad. calling journalists hacks and conspiracy theorists because you don't like their product is bad.

overall, it's disturbing that both parties increasingly seek to exercise leverage over what media companies can and cannot publish/air.

How do you do that without these hearings?

You think it's bad for congress to call journalists hacks according to their judgment? Seems like an unreasonable expectation to put on anybody. We should be able to say those things about journalists.
How do you do that without these hearings?

You think it's bad for congress to call journalists hacks according to their judgment? Seems like an unreasonable expectation to put on anybody. We should be able to say those things about journalists.
Just whistle right on by the demands to reveal sources.

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