Twitter files hearing: Matt Taibbi warns about government looking for info on reporters

Bills are part of the process. You know that though. No different than media suppressing information to protect/election a party in regards to criticize.
There's a big difference. This is the govt trying to pass laws to prevent criticism from the public. It's directly against the amendment you told us you read
There's a big difference. This is the govt trying to pass laws to prevent criticism from the public. It's directly against the amendment you told us you read
That’s not true…I said the 1st amendment didn’t give you the right to say anything without consequences.
That’s not true…I said the 1st amendment didn’t give you the right to say anything without consequences.
Which is already covered under existing law.

Read it again to see if you can find the part about the press or petitioning
My thoughts on the 1st is that it doesn’t give you the right to be wrong/slander without repercussions. Pass the bill first and we can revisit. I call myself a capitalist….you can categorize that as you may.

I'll put you in the "has no idea what's going on" category

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