Twitter files hearing: Matt Taibbi warns about government looking for info on reporters

So now it's not that I didn't say anything about it. You don't think I phrased in a satisfactory way. Kick rocks, you waste of time.
Yea. You whistled right by. Doesn’t fit what you like to bitch about.

You love to portray yourself as some sort of independent arbiter of truth, but you’re just a hack.

Hope you don’t take offense to the name calling.
Yea. You whistled right by. Doesn’t fit what you like to bitch about.

You love to portray yourself as some sort of independent arbiter of truth, but you’re just a hack.

Hope you don’t take offense to the name calling.

I come in this thread to figure out what's happening and what I might be missing because everybody seems mad that they're having hearings in the first place, and you're trying to argue with me over the common ground. You are free to find another fool to waste time with.
I come in this thread to figure out what's happening and what I might be missing because everybody seems mad that they're having hearings in the first place, and you're trying to argue with me over the common ground. You are free to find another fool to waste time with.
Tell me more how much you don’t care
How do you do that without these hearings?

You think it's bad for congress to call journalists hacks according to their judgment? Seems like an unreasonable expectation to put on anybody. We should be able to say those things about journalists.

I never said the hearings shouldn't be happening. I was saying they shouldn't do anything about the Twitter Files eg. attack the reporting/publication of this information. The Twitter Files themselves are an independent journalistic endeavor and Congress shouldn't be doing anything about that endeavor. Now what it reveals about government action is another matter altogether.

Yes anyone can say anything they want about journalists but for members of Congress (or other government officials) of either party it's a bad look; particularly given the power they have to regulate those they are denigrating.
I come in this thread to figure out what's happening and what I might be missing because everybody seems mad that they're having hearings in the first place, and you're trying to argue with me over the common ground. You are free to find another fool to waste time with.

i never got the impression people are mad hearings are taking place

to the contrary, I'm happy hearings are taking place
Serious question, what did you guys want the government to do about the Twitter files? Act like it didn't happen? I'm sure all of you would find that problematic. If you want them to do something about it, you have to have hearings. I'm not sitting through 2.5 hrs of this hearing, but the first few minutes seem to be exactly what you guys would want them to be focusing on.

All I got so far through the grape vine is that they asked Taibbi for the names of some journalists. OK, that's a little concerning. What else?

The main thing I want is the govt to stop doing these type of things, no matter which party. Trump requested Twitter remove tweets too, so it isn't just the Dems.

One way of looking at it is thinking about how much tax revenue goes towards this stuff, and how much is not going towards things like improving schools in desperately poor places like inner cities and rural towns. The kids in those places don't deserve to be ignored while our elected, so-called 'leaders' hand out our tax Dollars to whatever the latest cause is, e.g., Ukraine.

So, I would say budget cuts to these bloated bureaucracies. Scale them back or just abolish them altogether. There are plenty of alphabet agencies, just pick one and start there.
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i never got the impression people are mad hearings are taking place

to the contrary, I'm happy hearings are taking place

Literally, OP is just a link to the hearings with "Americans of all political persuasions should be appalled." By the time I asked my question in post 14, not one comment had been made about specifics from the hearings. IDK what impression I'm supposed to be getting from the convo at that point. It was collectively incoherent.
Did Obama try and ferret out journalist sources? Or am I off there?

Coincidence I’m sure the connections to MSM and his cabinet

Consider this: ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, national security adviser. CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser for strategic communications. CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Tom Nides, Hillary Clinton's former deputy secretary. ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama adviser Elizabeth Sherwood. ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney. ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama's deputy press secretary. ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama's Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.
Do they hate the 1st Amendment or do they hate that the 1st Amendment is exposing them. Too much information out there to cover up.
We're watching as states like TN and FL stomp on the 1st yet you only want to whine about democrats. This is why we are where we are
We're watching as states like TN and FL stomp on the 1st yet you only want to whine about democrats. This is why we are where we are
So, I’ll take that as you believe the left hates they can’t stop it. Otherwise it shouldn’t be an issue. Those states “stomping”‘wasn’t the topic….but nice sidebar spin.
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So, I’ll take that as you believe the left hates they can’t stop it. Otherwise it shouldn’t be an issue. Those states “stomping”‘wasn’t the topic….but nice sidebar spin.
The post you quoted was about only dems hating the first. My point is you need to watch both sides of your truly concerned about the 1st. It seems you're more concerned about your tribe
The post you quoted was about only dems hating the first. My point is you need to watch both sides of your truly concerned about the 1st. It seems you're more concerned about your tribe
That was exactly my post. The Dems hating the first amendment when it goes it against them as that was the topic presented.
That was exactly my post. The Dems hating the first amendment when it goes it against them as that was the topic presented.
But while you all complain about "the Dems" the right is doing the exact same. They just hope you keep looking at the other hand
But while you all complain about "the Dems" the right is doing the exact same. They just hope you keep looking at the other hand
Please provide an article link of choice…..and through my 1st amendment, I’ll choose to comment or not comment.
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I never said you couldn't comment just that you should look around if you're concerned about the 1st and even 2nd amendments. If you're only concerned with party politics then you're doing fine

couple of examples:

So proud of my home state

Florida bill would make bloggers who write about governor register with state

Context. Nice job Florida, hopefully a step in the right direction.

"Paid bloggers are lobbyists who write instead of talk. They both are professional electioneers. If lobbyists have to register and report, why shouldn't paid bloggers?" Not all but enough

And that includes right lobbyist
Context. Nice job Florida, hopefully a step in the right direction.

"Paid bloggers are lobbyists who write instead of talk. They both are professional electioneers. If lobbyists have to register and report, why shouldn't paid bloggers?" Not all but enough

And that includes right lobbyist
Have you actually read the 1st?
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Interesting. Couldn't tell based on your posts though.

Do you also call yourself a conservative?

My thoughts on the 1st is that it doesn’t give you the right to be wrong/slander without repercussions. Pass the bill first and we can revisit. I call myself a capitalist….you can categorize that as you may.
My thoughts on the 1st is that it doesn’t give you the right to be wrong/slander without repercussions. Pass the bill first and we can revisit. I call myself a capitalist….you can categorize that as you may.
So you need to pass it to know what's in it?

You think it should be illegal to be wrong?

Slander (and libel) are already covered by law. The goal of this bill is to make it harder for people to criticize the govt. Do you think that maybe goes against the 1st you've read or nah?
So you need to pass it to know what's in it?

You think it should be illegal to be wrong?

Slander (and libel) are already covered by law. The goal of this bill is to make it harder for people to criticize the govt. Do you think that maybe goes against the 1st you've read or nah?

Bills are part of the process. You know that though. No different than media suppressing information to protect/election a party in regards to criticize. Or running continuous information they know was fabricated, misleading or lie.

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