'24 TX CB Colin Brazzell (Tennessee)

Will be fun to see who has a better career; him or Sensabaugh? Both got NFL genes but were not heralded recruits. Neither had any real interest from big shops until their senior season.
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This was the kid's first time ever playing CB and he locked down the opponents best WR every week. The word is that he's a PWO (no confirmation on that). Not sure what you were expecting to see. He was playing WR previously.

Going thru the thread, people were saying the film was impressive. It wasn’t. Nothing more nothing less
I liked his highlights. You can see the upside to him. But pretty raw as a corner which makes sense. Adding him now might pay off down the road.

I love rooting for the more unheralded brother. He's probably gonna be a valuable locker room guy and help Chris feel more at home. Maybe we get some good fall camp one on ones. I like the Brazzell vibes a lot.
Must be a PWO he does not show up in the list of recruits does anybody know Thanks
I have to wonder if this was a delayed announcement to a creative package deal with his brother. One way to get a three star, who by the way was actually rated higher than his brother by at least one service, to offset the 83 roster cap this season. As a Vol, gotta hope they underrated him like they obviously did his brother and that the gene pool runs true. Taking advantage of the economic advantages of having both of them at one school while we backfill the room recently purged.

IF IF IF he is an improvement over ANY of those schollie guys we just parted ways with this is a win. Not a clue what kind of ceiling POTENTIAL our staff graded him. I don't know how this cannot be a good risk/reward decision by the staff and be celebrated. Don't have a clue why any Vol feels compelled to take shots at his addition, though I have some theories supported by reviewing their posting history.

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