'24 TX OT Bennett Warren (Tennessee)

Our offensive line is going to look like Jurassic Park in a few years

Our OL is going to determine our realistic chances of a NC. UGA showed last year if our OL gets beat, we are going to have a very difficult time beating them. I like the players we are in on, only time will tell if they are “good enough”.
Not what I was saying
You suggested that they tell this guy to wait in hopes we land Calhoun because we may not have room f
Our OL is going to determine our realistic chances of a NC. UGA showed last year if our OL gets beat, we are going to have a very difficult time beating them. I like the players we are in on, only time will tell if they are “good enough”.
I’m not sure we ever get better OL play than we did last year. At least not at the tackle positions. we may be able to get slightly better on the interior, but our OL was so good last season we made some of the top edge rushers in the NFL draft nearly non factors
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He's definitely a tackle body. And it'd imagine that's where he's pegged until/unless performance says otherwise, like Trey Smith.
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Kid is 6'8". If he is a guard, he is going to be a really tall guard. I know height isn't the only measure of an OL, but the exterior guys tend to be the lengthier guys. If he has the speed and bend he will be outside for sure.
He could gaurd multiple persons at that size. Or tackle them.
Satterwhite is pretty good, but quite honestly I know more about old dog turds.


Who's better, Rohan or Scatterwhite?
Hit us back in 3-4 years and someone can give you a realistic answer. Unless you’re Trey Smith level no one really knows how an offensive lineman will develop. JMO

This reads like he already has the article written. And I don't mean that in the sense that we usually use it to mean "sure thing". I mean I expect the article to have quotes from Warren saying:

1. The official visit blew me and my family away
2. The momentum and opportunities in knoxville drew me to this program

Thats... pretty specific wording. Makes you think they've talked about it
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