'20 TX RB Zachary Evans

I don't see why people get their panties in a bunch over drama or attitude with a recruit. 99.9% of you will never interact with the kid. He hasn't done anything criminal.

If he is talented bring him in. Let the guys who will be around him worry about attitude and drama.
Because cancer is a bad thing, and having players that do whatever the hell they want and undermining discipline and team unity is cancer to a team.

To be clear....I am not saying this kid is a cancer. If our staff thinks they can handle it..then that is fine with me. They know him better than I do, and I trust them to this point. The kid may very well just be badly misunderstood...but...IF he has a real problem with authority and just makes up his own rules...that is a bad thing...

Once again...I am not saying he does..just saying I understand a lot of peoples trepidation.
I disagree. Hart was the worst of the bunch and I think his record here proves that, plus he had more time on the job to prove it than the other 2. They all were horrible so it doesn't really matter now, thank goodness they are long gone now.

I will freely admit that I do have a little personal bias here though since he was the only one of the 3 that I met personally. We chatted briefly at a function once and I immediately considered him an assh@le. I try to keep the personal out of it, but he just reeked of grade A horses ass from the get go. So there is that .... as shallow as it may be.
Won games under his watch. That’s what I go with.

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