'20 TX RB Zachary Evans

That's not true at all I don't know you to not like you. I just don't agree with some post. Trust me nothing is personal here. When the season starts if you're ar a game I'm at come by the VFL tailgate or concession and i got you a beer
Not sure why people take this stuff so personal. Me and you disagree about Kiffin and I’m ok with that. Last I checked people can disagree. Not sure why people think that means someone has a problem with them or dislikes them. I’m sure we are all Vol fans and at the end of the day just want to see them turn it around and be relevant again. Personally, I get tired of the bipolar nonsense in these threads. I hope we get every 5 star recruit we can. But I’m not going to lose my mind if we don’t
It's just my opinion .. but I think he wants to go to a school where he can beat UGA every year.

Under$tand your thinking but I highly doubt that i$ on hi$ mind.

Honestly, not sure anyone has figured out how to deal cats like him, except maybe Kiff...........
Kiffin's one recruiting class at Tennessee proved to be one of if not the worst recruiting class in Tennessee recruiting history. At the time, he was a punk and UT got what it bargained for when they hired him. The best thing Kiffin did for Tennessee was to leave.
This is true. It's also true that the worst thing he did for Tennessee was to leave....when he did.
This is true. It's also true that the worst thing he did for Tennessee was to leave....when he did.
True, he left us in such a bind. And as terrible as it was, the real riots should have been over the ensuing hire. I know we were left with little time...but whatever DAs decided to hire a LOSING coach from La Tech...man. Someone must have convinced others he was the guy, idk if it was even Hamilton or if he was the one being sold by someone else high on Dooley.

Sorry, I'll just never get over Dooley. The worst hire a P5 program has ever made. It's just unimaginable, even to this day.
Look man the kid did not by any mean attempt to commit to Fla. I will tell Trey Wallace, a Fla Rivals rep, 24/7 rep, whoever. He was here in town and onlybyalked to TWO staffs and 1 HC. Everyone knows who that is. As far as UGA they tried up until they got the recent Rb commit and even then he was told to hold off until the point in which Zack said no I'm not ready to re-commit. As far as anybody telling the kid no that's a lie the kid has said no to both Texas schools because he wants to be away from hime and family agrees. Mullen never said no but things just haven't alihned for a face to face just yet. It will likely happen after the Dead Period. You can @ me with any questions so you don't have to speculate and make fake assumptions.
So UF has not delivered a big enough package yet to arrange a face to face?
Let me mk this clear, there was a driveby in which there was an understanding of this is our plan and so on. Agreement on both sides and then the Kiff mtg. Point being Kiffin and Ole Miss hv exhausted all measures early. UT is smart to do what they did because it leaves all options open down the road. This is a can't miss recruit and you hv to play chess to kp that last play available when the opponent is going fast and wasting moves. Only ones panicking are on message boards not in the coaching offices.
@Atlanta VOL - this is what de1conley said. UT staff had a driveby with Evans in Nashville this weekend
True, he left us in such a bind. And as terrible as it was, the real riots should have been over the ensuing hire. I know we were left with little time...but whatever DAs decided to hire a LOSING coach from La Tech...man. Someone must have convinced others he was the guy, idk if it was even Hamilton or if he was the one being sold by someone else high on Dooley.

Sorry, I'll just never get over Dooley. The worst hire a P5 program has ever made. It's just unimaginable, even to this day.
I wasn't crazy about Kiffin because I didn't like him much as a person but thought okay let's see what he can do. Then was confused by the Dooley hire but thought maybe he learned something from his daddy. Then Butch! Thank God they let Phil hire the next one.
True, he left us in such a bind. And as terrible as it was, the real riots should have been over the ensuing hire. I know we were left with little time...but whatever DAs decided to hire a LOSING coach from La Tech...man. Someone must have convinced others he was the guy, idk if it was even Hamilton or if he was the one being sold by someone else high on Dooley.

Sorry, I'll just never get over Dooley. The worst hire a P5 program has ever made. It's just unimaginable, even to this day.

Truth. Hamilton was such an incompetent and weak AD. It should've been a short-term issue but he panicked, picked Dooley, and put into motion a decade long march through the desert that we're just now clawing our way out of.
Truth. Hamilton was such an incompetent and weak AD. It should've been a short-term issue but he panicked, picked Dooley, and put into motion a decade long march through the desert that we're just now clawing our way out of.

And we followed Hamilton with Dave Hart who reached even yet another level of suckdom ! And not to be outdone we follow Hart up with John Currie who reached the rock bottom of suckdom ! That's a trifecta of suck in the ADs office that I highly doubt can be matched by any other institution of higher learning.
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And we followed Hamilton with Dave Hart who reached even yet another level of suckdom ! And not to be outdone we follow Hart up with John Currie who reached the rock bottom of suckdom ! That's a trifecta of suck in the ADs office that I highly doubt can be matched by any other institution of higher learning.
Hart was better...not really an accomplishment.
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I’m sure our staff has this under control. There also may be circumstances that cause them to not want to reveal all their interactions or plans with Evans yet.
He sucked ! He completely mishandled the Pat Summit situation, botched the vetting of Donnie Tindall and was responsible for hiring Butch Jones. Other than his fundraising he was a complete failure.
And still better than Hamilton...or not worse if that helps.
And still better than Hamilton...or not worse if that helps.

I disagree. Hart was the worst of the bunch and I think his record here proves that, plus he had more time on the job to prove it than the other 2. They all were horrible so it doesn't really matter now, thank goodness they are long gone now.

I will freely admit that I do have a little personal bias here though since he was the only one of the 3 that I met personally. We chatted briefly at a function once and I immediately considered him an assh@le. I try to keep the personal out of it, but he just reeked of grade A horses ass from the get go. So there is that .... as shallow as it may be.
-Yancy Porter (Ole Miss 247)

I don’t think any of our 247 writers or VQ writers would ever say this about a recruit.
Looks like Porter is not afraid to say what other people are thinking. But considering that they just hired Lane Kiffin that should not be any kind of an alarming situation for Ole Miss.
And we followed Hamilton with Dave Hart who reached even yet another level of suckdom ! And not to be outdone we follow Hart up with John Currie who reached the rock bottom of suckdom ! That's a trifecta of suck in the ADs office that I highly doubt can be matched by any other institution of higher learning.

That is a trifecta of suckdom! Hindsight is always 20/20 but I can’t believe how blessed we were to have 3 trail blazing AD’s in a row.

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