Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

OK as usual I will bite ! Sure he is not happy right now, but he had no real choice. He realized he is not a "power-spread" QB and he had no choice.
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Butch could have and would have adapted the system to the personel available. Not being a "fit" isn't the best of reasons people.
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Tyler just announced he's sorry about wanting to leave and he's coming back for his Senior year
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Heck, go to the Cowboys as a free agent. Lord knows they need a QB. Besides, that's what Bill Bates did as a player (SS) & everyone knows how that turned out.
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Butch could have and would have adapted the system to the personel available. Not being a "fit" isn't the best of reasons people.

Every now and then, there is a voice of reason on Vol Nation. You are correct. Butch would have made it work. And, had Tyler swallowed his pride that mistakenly told him he would be drafted high, the smart thing would have been to come back and learn to play with some discipline under a real football coach.

It is not entirely on Tyler. Dooley did him no favors.

However, this should be further notice to the ever-wearing, orange-sunglass crowd. Just because a guy is our QB doesn't make him all-world. Bray's deficiencies have been there to see for three years. The NFL scouts plainly saw them. As a result, he will be lucky to go by the fifth round--and may go completely undrafted (doubtful, but absolutely possible).
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At the end of the day, I think UT is better for it. I think CBJ could have got Bray's butt in gear, but Bray got his 3 years and publicly stated he put in half effort during his time. Good luck to Bray, but we need a change at the helm here IMO.
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This is the best draft for a QB to declare for the draft. A year may have helped but next years class may end up being stacked.
This is the best draft for a QB to declare for the draft. A year may have helped but next years class may end up being stacked.

The thing is GMs usually gamble and cause QBs to come off the board earlier then what their talent is worth. Teams know the QBs left are huge gambles and they are going to wait to get face value for these guys.
I don't think even Tyler expected to be a top round draft pick. Everyone had him in the 4th-7th round. And the fact that not even Barkley has been drafted yet is showing what kind of year this is. Tyler may not get drafted. I can see Barkley, the Rutgers QB, and Tyler Wilson going before he does, and I just don't see this being a QB year.

But it is junk to say he didn't have a choice. He could have been fine in this offense. Butch has had pure pocket passers before, I'm sure. He would have made it work.

But I hope to hear Tyler's name called tomorrow.
Still not sure why we should'nt be rooting for him to do well in the championchip. End of the day he played his heart out for the O&W
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I think he'll probably rather play in the arena league than play for a team with Derek Dooley.

That was a big part of Bray's problem and Dooley's problem with a rebuilding team. The two best players on the team, Bray and the Ricky, were so openly contemptuous of authority that they really did subvert Dooley's position and team morale, the whole atmosphere surrounding them. Say what you will, but I don't think that Bray would have bought into Coach Jones either; he didn't even try; he was way too jaded, and Jones was in a much better position than Dooley to take none of that attitude.
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Bray would have been better off to return and work on fundamentals as well as try to rehabilitate his image off the field. As we all know, he makes bad decisions on and off the fieldl. If a was a GM - I wouldnt draft him at all knowling how immature he is. Considering he had 2 of the best receivers in college FB and a line that kept his jersey completely clean most games, he didnt do that much. I dont think he beat a quality defense in his 3 years here. Stupid is as stupid does.
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