Tyler Bray still undrafted (merged)

Did you see him on Gruden's QB camp? It's not a reputation he didn't earn, while the "7 or 8" comment has been vilified more than it needed to be, it demonstrated the lack of maturity that reputation references.

He needs to go to a team with a strong leader at QB bc he's going to be relegated to the bench for an entire career if it doesn't click between the ears eventually....sad part is, he's probably the most naturally talented QB in the entire draft.

Bray was probably the most naturally talented QB I have seen play at UT.
He has always been projected as a later round guy like 4th-6th round. Who knows now with Barkley and Nasib still on the board
If I recall correctly, the Titans worked him out with Hunter and CP. Wouldn't be surprised if they take him later on in the 5th round.
If I recall correctly, the Titans worked him out with Hunter and CP. Wouldn't be surprised if they take him later on in the 5th round.

Don't see us wasting a pick on a QB. We have our starter in Locker and our back up in Fitzpatrick. I will be extremely disappointed if we do.
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Don't see us wasting a pick on a QB. We have our starter in Locker and our back up in Fitzpatrick. I will be extremely disappointed if we do.

I don't think the Titans need another QB, but they did work him out. Might have been just to see Hunter and CP, but Bray was there. I've seen the Titans do much dumber things on draft day. For instance, taking Pac Man Jones over Aaron Rogers. Soooo stupid.
Neither is Cornwell or Barker. CBJ has recruited more prostyle QB's than DT QB's. Dobbs isnt a DT guy. H could have done well in this offense if he had been willing to listen and work. Just not sure he would have done it.
I have used my eligibility up but thanks for the compliment.
If I recall correctly, the Titans worked him out with Hunter and CP. Wouldn't be surprised if they take him later on in the 5th round.

They worked out like 50 guys so not a big deal and they would be idiots to bring him in. All the titan/ut fans would be screaming to start Bray the minute the first pic is thrown
They worked out like 50 guys so not a big deal and they would be idiots to bring him in. All the titan/ut fans would be screaming to start Bray the minute the first pic is thrown

Yeah I know, just pointed it out. Bray needs to go somewhere where he can sit behind a veteran and develop. Atlanta or Pittsburgh would be good for him IMO.
E.j. Manuel was picked because the bills front office wants to continue ripping Buffalo fans (me) hearts out! smdh
No but Tyler was

So you talked to Bray personally? Why aren't you writing articles? I never saw him say that anywhere. That'd be the scoop of the draft if Bray had said "I WILL GO FIRST THREE ROUNDS."

Well, no. They would've made Te'os fake dead girlfriend and soon to be man/man relationship with tebow bigger, but still.
Very few, if any, had Bray pegged as a first 3 rounds pick. And those that did were a "he may sneak into the third round". So Im not sure what the OP is gettin at here..
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This is the worst draft for a QB to declare for the draft. A year may have helped but next years class may end up being stacked.
fyp. This is a crappy draft year for QB. It's not the lack of talent overall, as much as it is most teams with needs at QB took care of it in Free Agency. Very few job openings....period.

Never would have thought Tyler Bray and Tyler Wilson would have such a hard time getting drafted. This time last year they were two of the best QB's in the country. What I think is being lost on all the pundits and yourself is that the QB's are getting a lot of the blame for the lackluster seasons their teams had.

Look at all the QB's in the draft. None of them come from a BCS bowl team. NFL teams and pundits tend to attribute success of the program to the QB, and likewise they put too much of a teams misfortune on the QB.

That is why it's viewed as a week QB class. Luck, RGIII, Cam Newton all came from very successful teams. Luck would have been a 3rd-5th Rd pick if his team was 5-7 two years in row.
Every now and then, there is a voice of reason on Vol Nation. You are correct. Butch would have made it work. And, had Tyler swallowed his pride that mistakenly told him he would be drafted high, the smart thing would have been to come back and learn to play with some discipline under a real football coach.

It is not entirely on Tyler. Dooley did him no favors.

However, this should be further notice to the ever-wearing, orange-sunglass crowd. Just because a guy is our QB doesn't make him all-world. Bray's deficiencies have been there to see for three years. The NFL scouts plainly saw them. As a result, he will be lucky to go by the fifth round--and may go completely undrafted (doubtful, but absolutely possible).
Amen!I hope he will do well,but he can't read Defenses!!!!
I think someone will take a gamble on bray because of his strong arm. However this is a tough draft for qbs and I wouldn't be shocked if he went undrafted. Maybe that is what he needs to wake him up and get him to grow up. If he Carries over his attitude and work ethic he had at UT to The NFL he will never make it.
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Amen!I hope he will do well,but he can't read Defenses!!!!
And you know this....how, exactly? I recall Vandy giving Peyton fits every year, with Widenhoffer's exotic blitz schemes. So, based on that, you can surmise that Peyton doesn't know a damn thing about reading defenses? :loco:

The fact of the matter is, Chaney was reading the defenses and calling the plays in. You can't fault Bray for not making calls when the OC takes that option away from him. There is no way in hell for you or anyone outside their QB meetings to know whether Bray knows how to read coverages
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Butch could have and would have adapted the system to the personel available. Not being a "fit" isn't the best of reasons people.

Not so. Can't find the link right now but Bray stated he had heart to heart talk with CBJ. He was told the offense would be run heavy and basically the amount of passing he was used to wouldn't happen. He also said with the departure of JH, CP, and ZR, he wouldn't have the level of targets he was used to. He pretty much said it was a mutual understanding between him and CBJ he didn't fit what CBJ was planning for the Vols.

Personally, I think CBJ pretty much knew TB was a discipline and work ethic liability. Not the type of character you want while trying to build a program in your image. He couldn't afford to haggle with what was perceived as a repeat offender while trying to rebuild the program with players who came to play and stay out of trouble. CBJ isn't kidding about wanting hard working good characters as players.
That was a big part of Bray's problem and Dooley's problem with a rebuilding team. The two best players on the team, Bray and the Ricky, were so openly contemptuous of authority that they really did subvert Dooley's position and team morale, the whole atmosphere surrounding them. Say what you will, but I don't think that Bray would have bought into Coach Jones either; he didn't even try; he was way too jaded, and Jones was in a much better position than Dooley to take none of that attitude.

Amen. Preach it brotha.

I didn't think it was Coach Jones system that Bray didn't like, it was Coach Jones' discipline and accountability to the team. Which provides more insight as to his lack of leadership.
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Sorry but Bray is a punk. Why did Glennon get drafted and Bray still on the outside looking in??? Glennon isnt a punk. ... bray is. How's that for in depth analysis?
Still not sure why we shouldn't be rooting for him to do well. End of the day he played his heart out on the field for the O&W

Sadly the UT has fans who absolutely must revile players if the opportunity even looks like it might present itself. They can't figure out that players are human beings and human beings are fallible. They can't figure out they themselves are nowhere as perfect as they insist our players be. We have too many fans with Jerry Springer syndrome. I disliked a number of things about Tyler myself but understood he was playing on a team that just wasn't all together. That so much was expected, even demanded of him but he lacked the necessary developers we all need to be steered right. That doesn't excuse his numbskulled conduct because we all know right from wrong.

Now, instead of beating the man, too many Vols fans choose, yes, I said choose to forget his upsides. When Kiffin's pet gorilla was calling players to decommit and not EE, even some to follow them to USCw, Tyler rejected them. He said he thought it was low class to do such a thing. Yeah, Bray! But at the very first chance, those same Yeah Bray people condemn him to below the Devil's Hell if he so much as blew his nose and no snot emerged. He stuck around despite all the disappointments in a football program that had utterly lost its way. And we still have people spewing rabid venom at the kid. Bray is faulty in a number of ways. But I also believe he will grow up more and be a fine pro quarterback. My only negative comment on his future is that he not go to the Jets because that team will put him right back into dysfunctionality that existed at the UT during his time here. The people who vilify him should stop and think about their behavior with Adrian Foster who came back for him senior year and derailed. I still marvel that he showed up for the recent O&W game after all the hate spewed at him by fans over the years. But then this shows what kind of forgiving person he is compared to the terrestrial gastropod mollusk type of fans.
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