Holly is that you?
Since you went there, this brings up a touchy subject that I've tried to ask over the years and it has never gotten anywhere. So here goes yet again.
Pat pulled the UConn series over "the recruitment of Maya Moore" (or alledged recruiting improprieties) according to conventional wisdom, and maybe Pat's own testimony. But, nowhere that I know of has Pat (or anyone in the UTAD) given an actual (non-ambiguos) reason why the biggest series in WCB was cancelled.
Does no one find that odd, at the least? If Butch cancelled the Alabama TSO game because Nick "did something ambiguous that pissed him off in recruiting, would Vol Nation just go "okay, if Butch says so"? No. It would be a mattress burning affair of state wide proportions
UT fans often do an ostrich-like "head in the sand" because "Pat said so, and that's good enough for me, and I don't need to know any more than that". What?!? That's really pathetic and a little bit bewildering IMO.
So back to why I thought of this. I heard a story a few months after the original uproar over the series cancellation. The story was supposedly a couple of hands out from the UTAD (UTWAD?) and was the actual reason for the "feud" between Pat & Geno.
The story was that what pi$$ed Pat off @ Maya's recruitment was that "Geno had spoken with Maya's mother about Pat, Holly, and others working purposely to turn the UTLVBB into a 'lesbian factory'. Thus more specifically that the staff was active in "converting" (errrrr, uhhh helping them find out how they were really born :-\ ) new recruits into lesbians. That ultimately caused Maya's family to flip her to Geno. For whatever reason this offended Pat so bad that she cancelled the series."
Now, that's the story I heard. Can anyone either confirm any of it as true? Or can anyone confirm an actual reason why the series was cancelled? Because, "I'm mad cause you cheated" ain't cuttin' for me folks".
That's all I got.