UConn Series

This is the second time I've read this gross and hateful comment from you.

Ummmmm, and? Don't like what you read? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. You should be thankful you even get to have an opinion here. If a LV fan went to the BY and dared to speak out against anything Nazi Nan and whatever other minions they have running that board would ban them immediately.

And don't get up on a soapbox with me, dude. I see the BS you post on that cesspool that is Rebkell.

Why do you assume that Katherine Moore's family couldn't provide the rent for the condo she leased in CT.

They obviously couldn't support rent for anything in Georgia.

Nice to see you admit there is a condo. I've seen dozens of people (including LV fans) deny the condo even exists. One person even demanded an address the last time this subject came up. Hope he's reading this now.

Is it that you can't believe that a black woman must have dirt poor parents? Are you that bigoted?

LOL. Seriously? Sit down with that BS, junior. If you want to come for my ass you better do better than this garbage.

BTW, how do you know I'm not black?

I think when someone randomly turns into a race-baiter ... it's safe to say you've won the argument.

Katherine Moore's parents were perfectly able to support their daughter & their only granddaughter during Maya's years at Storrs.


Both were teachers in Chicago and while perhaps not as rich as some, I would think they would be able to help their daughter with the rent.

True. So why weren't they helping her out for rent on a condo in the Atlanta suburbs?

Does this look to you like parents that would raise their daughter to pimp out their granddaughter as you so sweetly put it?

Still don't know what the grandparents have to do with anything. You've really stretched this red herring out for all it's worth. And BTW, and since when do one's character flaws fall on their parents? Do you think everything I do is directly indicative of how my parents raised me?

I can't say I personally blame Mama Moore that much, TBH. She found a way to use her daughter's talents to make her own life drastically better, and she did it before her daughter was even of legal age.

I have no problem with those who simply hate UConn and slander Geno.

I actually don't hate UConn. The players that play for UConn over the years for the most part seem like they are women of high character and are likable young ladies. They just play for a slimeball and a large portion of their fanbase are egomaniacs who think Geno is a god who can turn sh** into sugar.

Also, it's only slander if it's not true, so.

He gets paid a lot of money.

Nice observation. Is it okay if I start calling you The Weakest Link?

But would you have the guts to repeat what you posted to Maya's grandparents to their face?

Yep, sure would. Would you have the guts to say what you've said to me to my face and with a straight face?

The question I have is how you sleep in that mudpit you live in?

Pretty well, actually. But maybe I'll get lucky and have a child who's a very good basketball player. We can find a coach to buy us a condo (in someone else's name, of course) to get myself out of this "mudpit".
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Volcrazy, I don't believe you are on good terms with any UConn fans....LOL.
You have to be on their hit list.....The boy is smokin.....:salute:

It's easy to see the season is near.
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Volcrazy, I don't believe you are on good terms with any UConn fans....LOL.
You have to be on their hit list.....The boy is smokin.....:salute:

It's easy to see the season is near.

I am. But they are respectful and have better things to do than to troll opposing team's message boards. UConn fans could win 67 NCs in a row and they would STILL be trolling LV boards year-round.

And yes, the season is definitely near. I'm antsy and my juices are flowing. LOL
While I understand your ire at the comment made, I have to wonder why, if you're so sure that Maya's grandparents were capable of and did help her mother during her college years, they were apparently either unable or unwilling to help when Maya and her mother were living in her car or in the projects during her elementary and high school years?


I have no idea if or whether the Moore's helped out their daughter any more than if Diamond Deshields has taken money or received illegal benefits. I didn't know they were living in a car. When? Where? How long?

A lot of people state things about Moore and her mother that require an intimate knowledge of their personal lives. I assume that much of it comes from LV fans who live or lived near where Maya went to high school and most of it is nothing but "I was told by someone who has a friend .....".

I have very little knowledge about UConn players beyond what state they played hs ball. What I find amazing and also a little disturbing that there are people who dig into the minutia of young girls lives like some apparently on this board. I watch games and comment about the teams. I could care less about their private lives. And less about the lives of their parents.

I have no idea why Katherine moved from the St Louis area to Georgia nor any details. Until I see someone come forward and say "my name is .... and I worked in the payroll office where Katherine Moore worked" or else "I was a teller in the bank Mrs. Moore used", I have to consider all the BS I read as cheap gossip. In this case it's also vicious gossip.
Nobody said a word about Kaila Davis' mother until Kaila backed away from Tenn. Once she did the sharp nails came out. And when Diamond chose UNC the LV boards were filled with accusations against Hatchell and UNC for underhanded recruiting. It's the same story whenever Tenn loses a recruit. There's a group of LV fans who couldn't possibly believe that the recruit found some other program to be more suited to her. Oh no. It had to be illegal recruiting or vicious lies. There's a cadre of LV fans who continually throw mud. Sometimes it's at the recruit's family. Other times it at the coach or program that won the commitment. At least UConn fans just mark it down as the recruit being an idiot or a fool for not wanting to come to UConn and leave the filthy accusations alone.

With Moore it's been "how could she afford it?" I say none of your damn business. If someone has evidence then state it. I've been reading how "the truth is about to become public" for about 8 years. And all I hear is third hand inferences based on rumors. The story used to be that someone bought them a house in a gated community. The truth is that they rented a condo in a rather common development. The other accusation is that NCAA rules were broken by the sale of handbags through the private bookstore. Well, that was found to be completely within the rules. Of course that hasn't stopped many from repeating it as if it was a crime.

Before Pat got sick there were a lot of rumors about her personal life revolving around her divorce and LV fans were incensed. How dare anyone pry into our coach's private life? But it never stopped some from spreading their own filthy accusations about others.

To the vast majority of LV fans I apologize for my rant. But I'll leave this thought for you. Recruits and their parents read these boards. Do you think that comments like Volcrazy's hurt or help the image of Tenn?
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Guys, I hate all this arguing....Let's just talk basketball.

I'm looking forward to a good season from both schools.
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They obviously couldn't support rent for anything in Georgia.

Nice to see you admit there is a condo. I've seen dozens of people (including LV fans) deny the condo even exists. One person even demanded an address the last time this subject came up. Hope he's reading this now.

True. So why weren't they helping her out for rent on a condo in the Atlanta suburbs?

I have no idea. I am not the one tossing out accusations so I don't have to know or to prove anything. But let me speculate.

I used to work for a welfare dept. In order to qualify one generally needs to have dependent children. When Maya turned 18 her mother couldn't qualify for what used to be called AFDC. So it would make perfect sense that she didn't ask her parents for help until after Maya entered college. But that's just me speculating.

Still don't know what the grandparents have to do with anything. You've really stretched this red herring out for all it's worth. And BTW, and since when do one's character flaws fall on their parents?

For your parent's sake I hope never.

I actually don't hate UConn. The players that play for UConn over the years for the most part seem like they are women of high character and are likable young ladies. They just play for a slimeball and a large portion of their fanbase are egomaniacs who think Geno is a god who can turn sh** into sugar.

All I know or care is that his teams play beautiful basketball and that his players love him.

Yep, sure would. Would you have the guts to say what you've said to me to my face and with a straight face?

I'd love the chance. Can't guarantee I wouldn't laugh in your face though.
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i'm sorry ... Did you have something to add to the discussion?

Yep, didn't think so. :dry:

The cold, hard truth of the matter is that many uconn fans know exactly what happened with maya's recruitment. I know because, believe it or not, i actually am on friendly terms with several uconn fans going back to the days of the espn board. Other uconn fans (who i don't consider to be friends) don't care. They just don't care. They look at it as a college football-type scenario where everyone cheats. The ones that are embarrassed by it all have a similar reaction: Why? Why cheat? Geno is a fantastic coach. At the same time, i'm amazed that anyone would doubt geno cheats. I mean, the man is a brass, loud-mouthed, egotistical d-bag. He also happens to be a good basketball coach. Doesn't make him a good person who doesn't do slimy things to get what he wants. (pat happened to be both a great human being and also a great coach. This is why pat was always comfortable with her accomplishments and never felt she had to prove anything to anyone. By the same token, geno is the complete opposite. It's also why pat's legacy is and will always be much larger and much more well-respected than geno's in the general sports world.)

but how quickly some uconn fans forget that uconn was in the midst of a ff drought at the time this all happened. And yes ... Maya was headed to knoxville at that time. She would not have wound up at uconn if her mother hadn't pimped her daughter out and used her as a ticket to get out of the georgia projects. To this day, i still laugh at the sheep that don't find anything suspicious about her mother being able to somehow afford moving from the projects in georgia to connecticut. Some people have to get wet before they can tell it's raining, i suppose.

There really is no use trying to make me out to be someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. To put it simply: I do know exactly what i'm talking about, which, i would guess, is a huge part of what kills people who doubt what i say about the scenario (uconn and ut fans alike). I have several sources who were very close to the program when mayagate took place, when maya came on a visit with her mother and her mother spoke to pat about geno's "deal", etc. So you can keep whistling past the graveyard if you want. Whatever helps you sleep at night. :whistling:

I have no idea if or whether the Moore's helped out their daughter any more than if Diamond Deshields has taken money or received illegal benefits.

Dumb comparison. Diamond is the daughter of a former MLB player and her family is loaded. Her circumstances aren't remotely the same as Maya's.

A lot of people state things about Moore and her mother that require an intimate knowledge of their personal lives.

Doesn't require much 'intimate' knowledge at all. Not when her mother comes to UT's campus and pretty much airs her and Geno's dirty laundry out.

I assume that much of it comes from LV fans who live or lived near where Maya went to high school and most of it is nothing but "I was told by someone who has a friend .....".

Nope. Although there are people who say Maya, while still at Collins Hill, was showing pictures and bragging about the condo they would be moving into once she got to UConn. And yes, that condo was in a gated community, supposedly.

I have very little knowledge about UConn players beyond what state they played hs ball.

Then maybe you shouldn't be commenting on this.

What I find amazing and also a little disturbing that there are people who dig into the minutia of young girls lives like some apparently on this board.

You are incredibly melodramatic.

I watch games and comment about the teams. I could care less about their private lives. And less about the lives of their parents.

Soooo once again, why are you in this discussion?

I have no idea why Katherine moved from the St Louis area to Georgia nor any details. Until I see someone come forward and say "my name is .... and I worked in the payroll office where Katherine Moore worked" or else "I was a teller in the bank Mrs. Moore used", I have to consider all the BS I read as cheap gossip.

IOW, you want a perfect storm of proof ... something you know you will never get. And even if you did get it ... you would still make excuses.

You can consider it whatever you want. I certainly won't be losing any sleep over what you think. I don't post anything for validation. Not from you and not from anyone else. And I sure as heck won't be asking permission from a UConn fan to post on my own fan board.

In this case it's also vicious gossip.

Vicious to you because you're one of the egomaniacs who doesn't believe that your coach is slime. UConn fans are essentially the women's basketball version of Kentucky men's fans.

I would call a lot of Geno's behavior toward Pat and UT 'vicious' but that's just me. Pat honestly could have and probably should have cancelled the series quite a few years before she did. Maya's recruitment was the straw that broke the camel's back. Not only was he using shady recruiting tactics in recruiting for years (the remarks about sexuality have already been talked about), but he flat out never respected Pat and seemed to go out of his way to be disrespectful to her, especially around the time Taurasi was there.

Nobody said a word about Kaila Davis' mother until Kaila backed away from Tenn. Once she did the sharp nails came out.

First of all, it's "Kaela", secondly there was no reason for any "sharp nails" to come out until Kendra basically tried to completely undermine UT's staff, not to mention completely lying about about why Kaela de-committed. Please. You know nothing about anything to do with that scenario, so don't act like you do for even a second.

Kendra's past is well documented. Her arrest for throwing coffee on a woman, her getting into a fight (read: starting a fight) at one of Antonio's games. And her behavior is not a secret at all to anyone in and around the teams that Kaela played on.

And those are strong words from a fanbase that has consistently attacked EDD and dragged her through the mud for leaving UConn.

And when Diamond chose UNC the LV boards were filled with accusations against Hatchell and UNC for underhanded recruiting.

It's so strange that you say "filled with accusations" ... and I don't recall that being said except for a couple of people. I will admit I didn't post here at the time (although my account was active). Maybe you're confused with UNC fans who have made up dozens of stories as to why Diamond left UNC.

Hatchell isn't a saint, either, but I won't delve into that.

It's the same story whenever Tenn loses a recruit.

You mean like how UConn fans have been saying for years "well, we really didn't want her that bad anyway" or (my personal favorite) "Geno pulled her offer" with the majority of recruits that don't pick UConn, especially those that pick UT over UConn.

There are some that have said that, and I generally roll my eyes. There is a difference between sour grapes and what happened with Maya.

At least UConn fans just mark it down as the recruit being an idiot or a fool for not wanting to come to UConn and leave the filthy accusations alone.

That's because UConn fans would have zero ground to stand on throwing accusations given some of the stuff Geno has done.

With Moore it's been "how could she afford it?" I say none of your damn business.

It's mostly a rhetorical question. And I always ask it of those people who are skeptical of believing what happened.

If someone has evidence then state it.

Let me go immediately find all the voice recordings and video evidence of the whole thing. Just to help ease your mind, linky.

You obviously don't understand the goal of cheating. It's to get what you want AND not get caught. There's no evidence that John Calipari cheats, either. I guess it's all just rumors made up by people who are paranoid and out to get him. :unsure:

I've been reading how "the truth is about to become public" for about 8 years.

LOL. Where? This thing has been going on for almost ten years now and I've NEVER seen that said.

The story used to be that someone bought them a house in a gated community. The truth is that they rented a condo in a rather common development.

The condo they stayed in wasn't in the mother's name, derp. Once again, you don't get the object of cheating.

The other accusation is that NCAA rules were broken by the sale of handbags through the private bookstore. Well, that was found to be completely within the rules.

The handbags (which were ugly as homemade sh**, BTW) had UConn's official logo which is licensed through the University of Connecticut and the NCAA, so no it wasn't "completely within the rules" to sell through the private bookstore. And what do you mean "found"? I don't recall ever seeing anything about the NCAA investigating that, although I honestly could be wrong because I've slept about 80 billion times since then.

I'm waiting for you to tell me they could afford the rent from selling the handbags, as if that many people bought those God-awful looking things.

Of course that hasn't stopped many from repeating it as if it was a crime.

It also hasn't stopped many from repeatedly demanding proof, as if it somehow didn't happen if they don't believe it.

Before Pat got sick there were a lot of rumors about her personal life revolving around her divorce and LV fans were incensed. How dare anyone pry into our coach's private life?

And those rumors were started by who? You guessed it. UConn fans.

But it never stopped some from spreading their own filthy accusations about others.

So IOW people should be allowed to cheat in privacy. Gotcha.

To the vast majority of LV fans I apologize for my rant.

Why? Anyone who knows your behavior on other boards knows you despise everything about UT.

But I'll leave this thought for you. Recruits and their parents read these boards. Do you think that comments like Volcrazy's hurt or help the image of Tenn?

Your attempt to get other LV fans on your side somehow doesn't go unnoticed, I assure you.

If recruits and their parents are sensitive to the truth about what happened with Maya's recruitment and also Geno's character, then odds are they aren't material for anything remotely pertaining to the real world and shouldn't even be playing college basketball in the first place. "Don't go to that school. Some of their fans actually have the guts to tell it like it is!" *gasp*
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If recruits and their parents are sensitive to the truth about what happened with Maya's recruitment and also Geno's character, then odds are they aren't material for anything remotely pertaining to the real world ...

If by the "truth" you mean the truth as you see it then I agree ... totally. :whistling:
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I'm sorry ... did you have something to add to the discussion?

Yep, didn't think so. :dry:

The cold, hard truth of the matter is that MANY UConn fans know exactly what happened with Maya's recruitment. I know because, believe it or not, I actually am on friendly terms with several UConn fans going back to the days of the ESPN board. Other UConn fans (who I don't consider to be friends) don't care. They just don't care. They look at it as a college football-type scenario where everyone cheats. The ones that are embarrassed by it all have a similar reaction: why? Why cheat? Geno is a fantastic coach. At the same time, I'm amazed that anyone would doubt Geno cheats. I mean, the man is a brass, loud-mouthed, egotistical d-bag. He also happens to be a good basketball coach. Doesn't make him a good person who doesn't do slimy things to get what he wants. (Pat happened to be both a great human being and also a great coach. This is why Pat was always comfortable with her accomplishments and never felt she had to prove anything to anyone. By the same token, Geno is the complete opposite. It's also why Pat's legacy is and will always be much larger and much more well-respected than Geno's in the general sports world.)

But how quickly some UConn fans forget that UConn was in the midst of a FF drought at the time this all happened. And yes ... Maya was headed to Knoxville at that time. She would not have wound up at UConn if her mother hadn't pimped her daughter out and used her as a ticket to get out of the Georgia projects. To this day, I still laugh at the sheep that don't find anything suspicious about her mother being able to somehow afford moving from the projects in Georgia to Connecticut. Some people have to get wet before they can tell it's raining, I suppose.

There really is no use trying to make me out to be someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. To put it simply: I do know exactly what I'm talking about, which, I would guess, is a huge part of what kills people who doubt what I say about the scenario (UConn and UT fans alike). I have several sources who were very close to the program when MayaGate took place, when Maya came on a visit with her mother and her mother spoke to Pat about Geno's "deal", etc. So you can keep whistling past the graveyard if you want. Whatever helps you sleep at night. :whistling:

And exactly what are you adding to the conversation? Just a bunch of name calling and finger pointing by someone who doesn't know any more than anyone else.... including UCONN fans.
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I have no idea if or whether the Moore's helped out their daughter any more than if Diamond Deshields has taken money or received illegal benefits. I didn't know they were living in a car. When? Where? How long?

A lot of people state things about Moore and her mother that require an intimate knowledge of their personal lives. I assume that much of it comes from LV fans who live or lived near where Maya went to high school and most of it is nothing but "I was told by someone who has a friend .....".

I have very little knowledge about UConn players beyond what state they played hs ball. What I find amazing and also a little disturbing that there are people who dig into the minutia of young girls lives like some apparently on this board. I watch games and comment about the teams. I could care less about their private lives. And less about the lives of their parents.

I have no idea why Katherine moved from the St Louis area to Georgia nor any details. Until I see someone come forward and say "my name is .... and I worked in the payroll office where Katherine Moore worked" or else "I was a teller in the bank Mrs. Moore used", I have to consider all the BS I read as cheap gossip. In this case it's also vicious gossip.
Nobody said a word about Kaila Davis' mother until Kaila backed away from Tenn. Once she did the sharp nails came out. And when Diamond chose UNC the LV boards were filled with accusations against Hatchell and UNC for underhanded recruiting. It's the same story whenever Tenn loses a recruit. There's a group of LV fans who couldn't possibly believe that the recruit found some other program to be more suited to her. Oh no. It had to be illegal recruiting or vicious lies. There's a cadre of LV fans who continually throw mud. Sometimes it's at the recruit's family. Other times it at the coach or program that won the commitment. At least UConn fans just mark it down as the recruit being an idiot or a fool for not wanting to come to UConn and leave the filthy accusations alone.

With Moore it's been "how could she afford it?" I say none of your damn business. If someone has evidence then state it. I've been reading how "the truth is about to become public" for about 8 years. And all I hear is third hand inferences based on rumors. The story used to be that someone bought them a house in a gated community. The truth is that they rented a condo in a rather common development. The other accusation is that NCAA rules were broken by the sale of handbags through the private bookstore. Well, that was found to be completely within the rules. Of course that hasn't stopped many from repeating it as if it was a crime.

Before Pat got sick there were a lot of rumors about her personal life revolving around her divorce and LV fans were incensed. How dare anyone pry into our coach's private life? But it never stopped some from spreading their own filthy accusations about others.

To the vast majority of LV fans I apologize for my rant. But I'll leave this thought for you. Recruits and their parents read these boards. Do you think that comments like Volcrazy's hurt or help the image of Tenn?

I'm sure you are aware that Diamond DeShields' father, DeLino, had a long career in Major League Baseball. I didn't bother to read the rest of your post because the first sentence was so damn stupid.
While I understand your ire at the comment made, I have to wonder why, if you're so sure that Maya's grandparents were capable of and did help her mother during her college years, they were apparently either unable or unwilling to help when Maya and her mother were living in her car or in the projects during her elementary and high school years?


Can you link any article that says that Moore lived in a car? I won't hold my breath.

I think you have confused her with Charde Houston.
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None of this matters anymore. It's just one more thing for Tennessee and UConn fans to b**** at each other about. This dead horse has completely decayed at this point.

The OP was ridiculous, and if I had to guess, it was started by someone who was looking for another angle to criticize Holly. Who the hell cares if she's gay or if any of the former or current Lady Vols staff or players are gay? It's 2015, and no one who matters gives a rip about it. I guarantee most recruits don't care, and they would laugh their asses off at anyone who suggested a certain program would "convert" them into lesbians. They (or their parents) may have cared more about a coach or staff member's sexual orientation 10 or 20 years ago, and while I don't for a minute think Geno is homophobic, I certainly wouldn't put it past him having used an opposing coach's sexual orientation to try to sway a recruit IF he knew the recruit or her parents were disapproving of homosexuality. However, today, most recruits are going to be FAR more turned off by a homophobic coach than a gay one. Coaches who try to use this as a type of negative recruiting tactic today do so to their own detriment.
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Can you link any article that says that Moore lived in a car? I won't hold my breath.

I think you have confused her with Charde Houston.

No, I cannot "link" to an article. Unlike some visitors to this forum, I do not keep a repository of old articles and posts to dredge up to present during some future discussion/argument. Is it possible that I have confused two student athletes? Yes, I concede that possibility. However, I am fairly confident that I read an article that spoke of Kathryn Moore and her daughter Maya living out of her car during a period in Missouri, prior to their move to Georgia.

Dumb comparison. Diamond is the daughter of a former MLB player and her family is loaded. Her circumstances aren't remotely the same as Maya's.

Doesn't require much 'intimate' knowledge at all. Not when her mother comes to UT's campus and pretty much airs her and Geno's dirty laundry out.

Nope. Although there are people who say Maya, while still at Collins Hill, was showing pictures and bragging about the condo they would be moving into once she got to UConn. And yes, that condo was in a gated community, supposedly.

Then maybe you shouldn't be commenting on this.

You are incredibly melodramatic.

Soooo once again, why are you in this discussion?

IOW, you want a perfect storm of proof ... something you know you will never get. And even if you did get it ... you would still make excuses.

You can consider it whatever you want. I certainly won't be losing any sleep over what you think. I don't post anything for validation. Not from you and not from anyone else. And I sure as heck won't be asking permission from a UConn fan to post on my own fan board.

Vicious to you because you're one of the egomaniacs who doesn't believe that your coach is slime. UConn fans are essentially the women's basketball version of Kentucky men's fans.

I would call a lot of Geno's behavior toward Pat and UT 'vicious' but that's just me. Pat honestly could have and probably should have cancelled the series quite a few years before she did. Maya's recruitment was the straw that broke the camel's back. Not only was he using shady recruiting tactics in recruiting for years (the remarks about sexuality have already been talked about), but he flat out never respected Pat and seemed to go out of his way to be disrespectful to her, especially around the time Taurasi was there.

First of all, it's "Kaela", secondly there was no reason for any "sharp nails" to come out until Kendra basically tried to completely undermine UT's staff, not to mention completely lying about about why Kaela de-committed. Please. You know nothing about anything to do with that scenario, so don't act like you do for even a second.

Kendra's past is well documented. Her arrest for throwing coffee on a woman, her getting into a fight (read: starting a fight) at one of Antonio's games. And her behavior is not a secret at all to anyone in and around the teams that Kaela played on.

And those are strong words from a fanbase that has consistently attacked EDD and dragged her through the mud for leaving UConn.

It's so strange that you say "filled with accusations" ... and I don't recall that being said except for a couple of people. I will admit I didn't post here at the time (although my account was active). Maybe you're confused with UNC fans who have made up dozens of stories as to why Diamond left UNC.

Hatchell isn't a saint, either, but I won't delve into that.

You mean like how UConn fans have been saying for years "well, we really didn't want her that bad anyway" or (my personal favorite) "Geno pulled her offer" with the majority of recruits that don't pick UConn, especially those that pick UT over UConn.

There are some that have said that, and I generally roll my eyes. There is a difference between sour grapes and what happened with Maya.

That's because UConn fans would have zero ground to stand on throwing accusations given some of the stuff Geno has done.

It's mostly a rhetorical question. And I always ask it of those people who are skeptical of believing what happened.

Let me go immediately find all the voice recordings and video evidence of the whole thing. Just to help ease your mind, linky.

You obviously don't understand the goal of cheating. It's to get what you want AND not get caught. There's no evidence that John Calipari cheats, either. I guess it's all just rumors made up by people who are paranoid and out to get him. :unsure:

LOL. Where? This thing has been going on for almost ten years now and I've NEVER seen that said.

The condo they stayed in wasn't in the mother's name, derp. Once again, you don't get the object of cheating.

The handbags (which were ugly as homemade sh**, BTW) had UConn's official logo which is licensed through the University of Connecticut and the NCAA, so no it wasn't "completely within the rules" to sell through the private bookstore. And what do you mean "found"? I don't recall ever seeing anything about the NCAA investigating that, although I honestly could be wrong because I've slept about 80 billion times since then.

I'm waiting for you to tell me they could afford the rent from selling the handbags, as if that many people bought those God-awful looking things.

It also hasn't stopped many from repeatedly demanding proof, as if it somehow didn't happen if they don't believe it.

And those rumors were started by who? You guessed it. UConn fans.

So IOW people should be allowed to cheat in privacy. Gotcha.

Why? Anyone who knows your behavior on other boards knows you despise everything about UT.

Your attempt to get other LV fans on your side somehow doesn't go unnoticed, I assure you.

If recruits and their parents are sensitive to the truth about what happened with Maya's recruitment and also Geno's character, then odds are they aren't material for anything remotely pertaining to the real world and shouldn't even be playing college basketball in the first place. "Don't go to that school. Some of their fans actually have the guts to tell it like it is!" *gasp*

You remind me of this old ass we had on the ranch. It just liked to stand in the middle of the pasture and bray just to hear itself. Of course you are a different kind of A**, you like to type just to see your words in print. Maybe you should grow up and act like an adult. When you get your allowance this week, go buy a book and read something besides this garbage you spew. I won't have anything else to write to you so waste your time writing to me if you'd like.... but don't expect any further comments. Have a blessed day :peace2:
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I'm sure you are aware that Diamond DeShields' father, DeLino, had a long career in Major League Baseball. I didn't bother to read the rest of your post because the first sentence was so damn stupid.

I agree. It was meant to sound stupid. And just as stupid is the assumption that Katherine Moore's only source of income was payoffs from illegal sources when her parents were easily able to support her while Maya attended college. I say it's due to the conceit of some LV fans who think it's impossible that anyone could turn down Pat without there being something illegal being behind it.
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show us one rent check from her parents and we'll quit believing Geno's a cheater...
show us one rent check from her parents and we'll quit believing Geno's a cheater...

There are countries where a person is guilty until they prove their innocence. This isn't one of them.

I don't expect to change anyone's opinion. You all have a right to believe what you want. But when someone makes slimy sexual analogies about another person or persons on a public forum, the burden is on them to provide hard facts, not inferences based on third hand gossip.
This is the second time I've read this gross and hateful comment from you. Why do you assume that Katherine Moore's family couldn't provide the rent for the condo she leased in CT. Is it that you can't believe that a black woman must have dirt poor parents? Are you that bigoted?

Katherine Moore's parents were perfectly able to support their daughter & their only granddaughter during Maya's years at Storrs. Both were teachers in Chicago and while perhaps not as rich as some, I would think they would be able to help their daughter with the rent.

Babcock-McGraw: Maya Moore's grandparents back her every step of the way

Does this look to you like parents that would raise their daughter to pimp out their granddaughter as you so sweetly put it?

I have no problem with those who simply hate UConn and slander Geno. He gets paid a lot of money. But would you have the guts to repeat what you posted to Maya's grandparents to their face?

The question I have is how you sleep in that mudpit you live in?
Your children don't always follow the path set before them, they may have been raised better but it doesn't always translate
The one thing I agree with Geno on is that he says the UConn fans are stupid he got that exactly right.
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