UFC 158 - March 16th @ 10PM ET



Jul 1, 2009
Welterweight Championship
Georges St-Pierre(23-2) vs. Nick Diaz(26-8)

Carlos Condit80(28-6) vs. Johny Hendricks(14-1)

Jake Ellenberger(28-6) vs. Nate Marquardt(32-11-2)

Chris Camozzi(18-5) vs. Nick Ring(13-1)

Mike Ricci(7-3) vs. Colin Fletcher(8-2)
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The first fight, I don't know how that's PPV worthy. Having said that, they'll probably put on a good fight now. I wouldn't be surprised if the second fight is a decision. The last three fights is where it gets good. I think we could see a couple of knockouts. I know it's asking for a lot but I hope that the Diaz brothers douchiness brings out the old GSP. He used to be a monster. Him just laying on people and grinding it out for 5 rounds is getting old. I could see this being a good fight though and I'll be pulling for GSP. Hopefully he puts on a good fight.
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Anybody know anything about the guy Ricci is fighting? I'd like to see Ricci do well. He's fun to watch, and could do some serious damage now that he's in the appropriate weight class.
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Welterweight Championship
Georges St-Pierre(23-2) vs. Nick Diaz(26-8)

Carlos Condit80(28-6) vs. Johny Hendricks(14-1)

Jake Ellenberger(28-6) vs. Nate Marquardt(13-11-2)

Chris Camozzi(18-5) vs. Nick Ring(13-1)

Mike Ricci(7-3) vs. Colin Fletcher(8-2)

I got:

The last three fights are great matchups. My only fear is that Condit may pull what he did against Diaz with the tiny hits then run strategy.
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I hope Hendricks wins so he can FINALLY get a title shot. I guess he could still get a shot even if he loses, though. Diaz did.
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I'm with ya guys, firstrow for me. GSP is a great fighter but his style as a headliner isn't a seller. I think the two fights leading up to him could be action packed and great though. Just don't have the superstar names that sell. On paper, it's average but I could see it going well. The thing about the first fight is you have two guys that probably shouldn't be there. One of two things will happen... they'll go for it all to make a name for themselves or they'll play it safe just to get the W and hope it moves them up in the ranks. I have to think a crappy win leaves them on the undercard in the future. I'd hope Dana or his people told them to put on a good fight if they hope to be on cards in the future. I think the fight is a real stretch to be on the card so I'm hoping they play it up and take advantage of it.
Based on my streak over horrible picks, I got.


Man I really hope this works. :)
Anybody know anything about the guy Ricci is fighting? I'd like to see Ricci do well. He's fun to watch, and could do some serious damage now that he's in the appropriate weight class.

Was it you and I that discussed Ricci and his weight class? I'm pretty sure it was. I think he could be a top 5 guy in this class, kid has some serious skill.
Welterweight Championship
Georges St-Pierre(23-2) vs. Nick Diaz(26-8)

Carlos Condit80(28-6) vs. Johny Hendricks(14-1)

Jake Ellenberger(28-6) vs. Nate Marquardt(13-11-2)

Chris Camozzi(18-5) vs. Nick Ring(13-1)

Mike Ricci(7-3) vs. Colin Fletcher(8-2)

I think you shorted Nate about 19 wins. Lol
u gotta do more than that to jinx GSP lol

True, he'll probably put vaseline all over his body then try to lay on Diaz for 5 rounds. I see why you like him. Lol

Side note, I hope Hendricks destroys Condit. I like Diaz, but it should be Hendricks title shot not Nicks.
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Nick Diaz accuses Georges St-Pierre of taking steroids - ESPN

"I believe (St-Pierre) is on plenty of steroids and I don't think they test around here, either," Diaz said. "I doubt I'll be tested. I don't care what they're saying or marketing to the media -- and if so, he's probably got a bottle of p--- in his pocket. I doubt they're standing over him making sure he's not on steroids."

When asked if he thought the UFC, specifically president Dana White, would tolerate St-Pierre's steroid use, Diaz responded, "Sure, why not?"

Man, I hate the Diaz brothers so much. I hope GSP busts his head open lol. The Diaz brothers are seriously a couple of immature punks. They were clearly meant to fight for a living because they seem like the bullying type that were destined to grow up to be a couple of lowlifes. It's a good thing there is a legit sport that allows them to follow the path of being a couple pieces of ****. I honestly think they'd go around picking fights in bars and wherever else without mma.

I also like how Dana was upset with Diaz for not showing up to promote fights and then Diaz throws Dana and the UFC under the bus. What an a-hole.
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At least we should see some faces punched in tomorrow night after the loss...

I always turned to UFC following the football games, it was nice having them the same night. I can't punch stuff but it sure is nice seeing someone else do it.
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