Unanswered Questions and Amibuous Endings in Tvshows-Movies

cain, angels, leviathans and dragons.

Really that's all been proven?

The Haunting Hour
Episode: Sick

What the heck was that blinding light at the end of the episode?
Was the entire episode a Dream, or did it actually happen?

What the Heck happens if a person whether human or monster get's killed in Purgatory?
Really that's all been proven?

The Haunting Hour
Episode: Sick

What the heck was that blinding light at the end of the episode?
Was the entire episode a Dream, or did it actually happen?

What the Heck happens if a person whether human or monster get's killed in Purgatory?

Also, on Supernatural, do angels go to purgatory when they die? I know Cas did, but he and Dean weren't killed. What happend to Gabriel, Balthazar, and the other angels? Did they just cease to exist, or go to purgatory?
Really that's all been proven?

The Haunting Hour
Episode: Sick

What the heck was that blinding light at the end of the episode?
Was the entire episode a Dream, or did it actually happen?

What the Heck happens if a person whether human or monster get's killed in Purgatory?

I don't really know if it was proven but the knife that sam and dean have is the same as the colt. and, it wouldn't kill a dragon or a leviathan. the reason I say cain is one, he was cursed to live and he has the mark. I think an angel is self explanatory, because it wouldn't kill Lucifer.

I think that if a monster or human gets killed in purgatory, they are erased from existence. humans are not supposed to go to purgatory and it's a monsters last stop after death.
I don't really know if it was proven but the knife that sam and dean have is the same as the colt. and, it wouldn't kill a dragon or a leviathan. the reason I say cain is one, he was cursed to live and he has the mark. I think an angel is self explanatory, because it wouldn't kill Lucifer.

I think that if a monster or human gets killed in purgatory, they are erased from existence. humans are not supposed to go to purgatory and it's a monsters last stop after death.

That would be a disaster. Purgatory is a no hold bar area.

How the hell did Oliver use a trick that fooled the Russian mob that he killed a guy?
When the minion checked the pulse of the guy there was none but when they got outside it's obvious it was a trick as the guy awaked.

The costume Huntress wore was very revealing including her small mask leaving a great amount of her face plus all her of her hair visible.
How did she conclude or convince herself this costume would keep her identity a secret or was a wide idea?
That would be a disaster. Purgatory is a no hold bar area.

How the hell did Oliver use a trick that fooled the Russian mob that he killed a guy?
When the minion checked the pulse of the guy there was none but when they got outside it's obvious it was a trick as the guy awaked.

The costume Huntress wore was very revealing including her small mask leaving a great amount of her face plus all her of her hair visible.
How did she conclude or convince herself this costume would keep her identity a secret or was a wide idea?

on the arrow one, I think he used a pressure point or he used the same kind of venom the league of assassins use. I may be wrong.

the venom that was used on roy, when he went crazy, after being injected with the mirakuru.
on the arrow one, I think he used a pressure point or he used the same kind of venom the league of assassins use. I may be wrong.

the venom that was used on roy, when he went crazy, after being injected with the mirakuru.

tetradotoxin or something like that. I think a similar drug has been used in Nikita.
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Shutter Island

Was that his imagination or was that woman really in the cave?
Were any of the doctors doing mind experiments or lobotomies?
Shutter Island

Was that his imagination or was that woman really in the cave?
Were any of the doctors doing mind experiments or lobotomies?

I've wondered about the woman. Either way great movie.
I've wondered about the woman. Either way great movie.

Great movie with no clear cut answers.
As I recall the woman in the cave appears on shutter island imdb answers and questions covered under it is left up to the viewer to decide whether it's real, or not real.

What is Charlie's real name?
Also why has she moved so many times?
Did Forest Gump contract aids from Jenny?

Lol nice.

I used to always wonder whether or not the kid was actually Forrest's son, or if Jenny just thought so much of him that she named her son Forrest and wanted him to be the one to raise her child.

Had they not thrown in the part where Forrest and his son both tilt their heads at the TV screen at the same time (implicating that he is, in fact, his son), that would have been a very intriguing open end to that movie.
Where did Blade ride off to at the end of Blade Trilogy?

I imagine to another area that has a heavy infestation of vampires.

Ghost Whisper
What would be the ending of this tv show if it had a series finale?
Since it got cancelled it never happened. It's hard to imagine Melinda retiring from her unpaid occupation of helping ghosts cross over.
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Seriously why the hell did the bad guys never try to shoot at the exposed human facial skin of Robocop?
Was Bob Morton doomed to become the new dick jones if he lived?
Great movie with no clear cut answers.
As I recall the woman in the cave appears on shutter island imdb answers and questions covered under it is left up to the viewer to decide whether it's real, or not real.

What is Charlie's real name?
Also why has she moved so many times?

Celeste Middleton

After her parents died in the car crash, she blamed herself. She started being mischievous. She hacked into a game server and released it for free. Then the fuzz came after her, so she went on the run and changed her name.
Charlie Bradbury - Super-wiki
Celeste Middleton

After her parents died in the car crash, she blamed herself. She started being mischievous. She hacked into a game server and released it for free. Then the fuzz came after her, so she went on the run and changed her name.
Charlie Bradbury - Super-wiki

I can't help but think of Paige of charmed her parents also died in a car crash, and guess what she blamed herself also until revisiting the past and finding out she couldn't prevent it.

Thanks for the information.
Are you a bobby fan?
I can't help but think of Paige of charmed her parents also died in a car crash, and guess what she blamed herself also until revisiting the past and finding out she couldn't prevent it.

Thanks for the information.
Are you a bobby fan?

Yes! Dean is my favorite but Bobby is a close 2nd followed by Crowley.

Who's your favorite character?
Yes! Dean is my favorite but Bobby is a close 2nd followed by Crowley.

Who's your favorite character?

Dean would be a great guy to go to Hooters with if he existed. In episode skin I do recall him asking Sam's friend for a sandwich besides just water to which what do you think this is hooters which I believe he says I wish.

Sam known for longhair Winchester.
Made it into Stanford rather remarkable considering the farthest thing from normal childhood and no mom for 99 percent of his life. His LSAT's was I believe 136 out of 140 damn close to perfect.
He's a stand up guy, kind, even if he screws up which he has he doesn't make excuses.
Close second
Bobby is basically Alfred to the Winchester brothers, trademark balls and smartass remarks, also his great heart.
He'll show ram emotion including when it's obvious Dean did something very unwise but not for the purpose to be a jerk, or a ahole.
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Original Total Recall
When he got to recall was it a dream or did it all actually happen?
Did he work for the resistance before for what wasn't shown on screen or were those false memories recall planted in his brain?

Episode : Bloody Mary
Before the episode ends Sam sees Jessica near a pole, but when the car makes the turn Jessica isn't there anymore as if she vanished.
Was this the trickster, Lucifer, or some other supernatural being using a mind screw on Sam if not what the hell was it?

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