Unemployed Tennessee residents sue state, governor to reinstate unemployment benefits

Jobs everywhere, but why work when you can stay at home? Teaching a new generation to suckle the government teat.

Insane, if you can't find a job right now it's because you don't want one. I can't look left or right without seeing a now hiring sign
Almost every customer of mine are trying to hire, but cannot find people willing to work
My coworker who runs one of our facilities and relies on temp work in our busy season has bumped his temp pay up by roughly $8/hr and can’t find temp workers; there’s literally no one in the system. When he finally found one a few months back, he walked off the job in 20 min. He’s had guys not come back after the first day but this was a new record. It’s pathetic, embarrassing and infuriating.
My coworker who runs one of our facilities and relies on temp work in our busy season has bumped his temp pay up by roughly $8/hr and can’t find temp workers; there’s literally no one in the system. When he finally found one a few months back, he walked off the job in 20 min. He’s had guys not come back after the first day but this was a new record. It’s pathetic, embarrassing and infuriating.

It’s temp work. You get what you pay for.
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Doesn't matter, the damage has been done in the rental market. The govt can come in and freeze rental payments on a whim. I'm not sure how a small time person can be able to risk that happening again in the future now that the precedent has been set. Only big time rental companies can survive a hit like this.

On the flip side it’s a good time to sell.
Doesn't matter, the damage has been done in the rental market. The govt can come in and freeze rental payments on a whim. I'm not sure how a small time person can be able to risk that happening again in the future now that the precedent has been set. Only big time rental companies can survive a hit like this.

Just signed off on a rental yesterday from a husband and wife in rural Maryland. No corporation or company involved. This was their only property. We submitted to a hard credit check, gave them copies of our most recent pay stubs and my new contract, and they called my new boss to confirm I was employed. This was the most stringent application of any place we've ever rented, including from large corporate holdings.

Our credit rating and full year employment contract saved is from having to pay two months rent up front, plus the deposit.

I think our new landlords have a pretty solid system that makes it much less rocky for them.
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Just signed off on a rental yesterday from a husband and wife in rural Maryland. No corporation or company involved. This was their only property. We submitted to a hard credit check, gave them copies of our most recent pay stubs and my new contract, and they called my new boss to confirm I was employed. This was the most stringent application of any place we've ever rented, including from large corporate holdings.

Our credit rating and full year employment contract saved is from having to pay two months rent up front, plus the deposit.

I think our new landlords have a pretty solid system that makes it much less rocky for them.

Laughable at the stringency. That is typical.
Also: Have any of you talked with people who are not taking those open jobs? As in several of them so you can develop a wide view of actual reasons and not just assumptions and conjecture?
That’s the problem with any „temporary“ government program. As soon as anyone tries to turnoff the spigot, some lib is going to cry bloody murder
I’m working two jobs right now. UPS is hiring they’ll hire you immediately. What a joke

When I worked in a manufacturing plant, I worked in the receiving dept. Every morning around 9 am .... the UPS driver came to unload 100-150 packages mailed to the company. His typical day was from 7 am until whenever he was through w/his route which could take until 7 pm that night. I told myself then I would never go work for UPS. They made like $20.00 an hour but the job is for younger people to get in & out of trucks with hardly NO breaks for lunch.
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That’s the problem with any „temporary“ government program. As soon as anyone tries to turnoff the spigot, some lib is going to cry bloody murder

Might want to check your assumptions. What demographic receives the most government assistance in the US?

White conservatives.
Might want to check your assumptions. What demographic receives the most government assistance in the US?

White conservatives.
Myth. Whites, yes. But there is no official government statistic that tracks political affiliation. Plenty of white libs around this country, even if beloved Tennessee

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