Unemployed Tennessee residents sue state, governor to reinstate unemployment benefits

I’m calling bull ****.

You got a legitimate link for that assertion

The red state blue state and government payments thing that never distinguishes between why the government is making the payments. They just assume the payments are federal assistance to red states without ever considering where military installations are, where most federal retirees live, etc. Twisted statistics.
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Then there’s this from the a commentary on an NPR pole

“Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

It appears that once more common sense is right and the impression left by the New York Times wrong. Indeed, people who live off the government disproportionally support Democrats.”

What would be fascination would be to see demographics on people who aren't participating in the workforce - by age, race, political preference if any, etc. It should also show federal income/assistance like SS for real retired and SS supplementary stuff for anyone else. I've got a feeling the disability payments would be extremely interesting.
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You can include whatever you want. Just do it in context.
Your sources want to include the VA and social security which is obviously BS. The context on farm subsidies doesn’t fly either as that’s an industry thing and not individual. You might as well include the GM Union bail outs if that’s the game you’re playing.
Or any small business man like me whose insurance was crushed by the ACA and forced into the Obama care system.

My business insurance wasnt crushed by Obamacare. We offered insurance til 2007, then the cost got so prohibitive, we had to drop our plan and go to a monthly stipend. Granted, we saw a downturn coming and knew we needed to reduce expenses.
Edit; may have been '08
The cost had gotten exorbitant.
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When I worked in a manufacturing plant, I worked in the receiving dept. Every morning around 9 am .... the UPS driver came to unload 100-150 packages mailed to the company. His typical day was from 7 am until whenever he was through w/his route which could take until 7 pm that night. I told myself then I would never go work for UPS. They made like $20.00 an hour but the job is for younger people to get in & out of trucks with hardly NO breaks for lunch.
Freight drivers have it made nowadays drop off a trailer, pick up a trailer and take it back where you started. Don’t touch a single case

You do realize your first article was talking about SS, right? The article also said 1 in 4 AA were at poverty or below while 1 in 7 white were.

This is where you get your over all majority number from, as the us is mainly white at the moment, but when ratios come into play they are no longer the majority.

Either way there are a ton of poor people and our schools are failing them.
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Might want to check your assumptions. What demographic receives the most government assistance in the US?

White conservatives.
lol. Wrong

Whites do, but we are also the majority of the population. About 17%ish of Whites receive some form of government assistance (your party affiliation isn't data thats collected). Over 50% of blacks receive some form of government assistance. Hispanics are in between Whites and blacks, Asians receive the least.

USDA Food and Nutrition Service | USDA-FNS
HUD | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
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Might want to check your assumptions. What demographic receives the most government assistance in the US?

White conservatives.
1.Poor people is the correct answer. Color and political leaning have nothing to do with it.

2.Congrats on the job and new place.
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