Uniform Question

I'm an old school era guy. But as long as the Power T is visible on the helmet and the Vol Orange and White is unmistakeable on the jerseys (keeping on with Tradition), then be as creative as you want to be. I like the grey unis and thought the Halloween game with black jerseys was a cool idea. I can remember when the alternative jerseys at home meant wearing all orange. I am old enough not to understand why uniform color combinations are as important but it seems to makes a difference nowadays to the guys who are wearing them. If orange and white checkerboard pants with grey shoes with a Power T on them had one iota of a difference in beating the bammers while ACDC's TNT (Tennessee Touchdown) blares, then I'm all for it. Just Do it! WIN! GBO!!
I'm sorry but the Bama don't need new unis is just stupid. Your right it don't because they are winning. If they were average you would not say that because they would be doing it also. The kids like shiny and new so be it. Just win and it will not be a factor any longer.
Old School all the way. And bring back the Big Numbers. Last time we wore big numbers was in 2001 which is the last time we had a solid top ten team.
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I'm more of a Special School guy myself.

I only went to one school....


Well let's see, the Old school teams have actually won something and have a tradition.
An occasional change up is ok

The new school teams have won nothing and need to be seen, or at least think they need to be seen.
Here's a generational question for the board.

Old School vs. New School:

Old School- Alabama, PSU, USC, Tennessee, ND

New School- Oregon, Baylor, West VA, Maryland, Boise State

Are you new school or old school? Boring Friday, figured I'd start something (probably a re-hash). Pick your side.

I'm inclined to go with New School.
I lot of the new uniforms look like they were designed by 1st graders and usually have a theme of how ugly and disrespectful can I be.

A lot of them make me think that the gangs are designing the uniforms now.
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Here's a generational question for the board.

Old School vs. New School:

Old School- Alabama, PSU, USC, Tennessee, ND

New School- Oregon, Baylor, West VA, Maryland, Boise State

Are you new school or old school? Boring Friday, figured I'd start something (probably a re-hash). Pick your side.

I'm inclined to go with New School.
How many NC do those new school teams have ?
I love our new grey Uni's..

you have got to be kidding ? i had to look at my TV screen several times after they came out with the grey,to see if the stadium was run over with fans of the other teams or not

the Orange seems to be disappearing in Neyland Stadium,just because Adidas and UT wanted to sell more Tee shirts and Hoodies,they could of come up with something Orange and White, and no i don't care what they did hundreds of years ago :)
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Old school. How old, you say? I yearn for when we had TEN teams in the SEC, John Ward ruled Tennessee airwaves on autumn Saturdays & my knees didn't creak.
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Old school. Nothing absolutely nothing beats the classic Orange Tops and White pants at home. But, I would love to see the white tops with orange shoulder pads worn on the road like old school uniforms worn by Condredge Holloway in the 70's.

That being said, I don't mind the alternates like the smokey gray as long as they comply with the history and traditions of the program, and are classy and tasteful.
Orange jerseys with white pants at home and white on white for road games.

The greys were OK for a once a year thing.
I am a tweener. I like a lot of the new school stuff but also think it sometimes goes a little too far. I also think old school can get a little boring. I like what we did with the Smokey gray last year. It was a change but wasn't too extreme.

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