Urban Liar?

The thread title is "Urban Liar." Pretty obvious mocking of him for not saying he had a heart attack initially.

It's not celebrating, I mean I feel bad for the guy for having a heart attack. However, he should have just been honest about it and not try to spin it about 20 different ways. It is one thing if you want to keep medical privacy about what happened but when you make up some other condition to cover a heart attack I think that would classify you as a liar. Not 100% certain if this is what happened but according to a player who is close to him he was lying.
It's not celebrating, I mean I feel bad for the guy for having a heart attack. However, he should have just been honest about it and not try to spin it about 20 different ways. It is one thing if you want to keep medical privacy about what happened but when you make up some other condition to cover a heart attack I think that would classify you as a liar. Not 100% certain if this is what happened but according to a player who is close to him he was lying.

"his health would not allow him to coach anymore" that's all he had to say. But that is still BS. IMO
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It's not celebrating, I mean I feel bad for the guy for having a heart attack. However, he should have just been honest about it and not try to spin it about 20 different ways. It is one thing if you want to keep medical privacy about what happened but when you make up some other condition to cover a heart attack I think that would classify you as a liar. Not 100% certain if this is what happened but according to a player who is close to him he was lying.

I think it is legitmate to point out that he didn't know how to handle the public end of it. He sent a lot of mixed signals, I think obviously because he likes being a coach but was faced with the reality of what it was doing to his health and was torn on how to react.

Videos comparing him to Fred Sanford having a heart attack treat a serious issue a little too cavalierly, for my tastes.
I think it is legitmate to point out that he didn't know how to handle the public end of it. He sent a lot of mixed signals, I think obviously because he likes being a coach but was faced with the reality of what it was doing to his health and was torn on how to react.

Videos comparing him to Fred Sanford having a heart attack treat a serious issue a little too cavalierly, for my tastes.

Boo-hoo this is a Tennessee message board if you don't like what is said about ya boy cryer then you always have the option to leave.... And only lord knows what they say about our past and present coaches on the over grown lizard message board.
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I don't begrudge any UT fan for celebrating Meyer's departure.

I understand...I really do... :)
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Boo-hoo this is a Tennessee message board if you don't like what is said about ya boy cryer then you always have the option to leave.... And only lord knows what they say about our past and present coaches on the over grown lizard message board.
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Actually, in my experience the UT fans are far worse about Fulmer than are rival fans. The resentment runs deep for how far back he let you drift.
I don't begrudge any UT fan for celebrating Meyer's departure.

I understand...I really do... :)
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Now your a smart guy Lawrence!! But Your fellow fan LG.... He needs to man up and admitt that cryer is a quitter and pulled a Fred Sanford lol.
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Actually, in my experience the UT fans are far worse about Fulmer than are rival fans. The resentment runs deep for how far back he let you drift.

Don't let a little revisionist history get in the way of a good Urban Meyer putdown.
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Actually, in my experience the UT fans are far worse about Fulmer than are rival fans. The resentment runs deep for how far back he let you drift.

Now I do agree with you on that!! But as for me I do not do that, I respect CF as much as my own father and grandfather that's JMO.
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Now your a smart guy Lawrence!! But Your fellow fan LG.... He needs to man up and admitt that cryer is a quitter and pulled a Fred Sanford lol.
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In hindsight he should have stayed retired following the '09 season. From many accounts his health was worse than he led on, and it was clear he took last season off.

Call him what you want. He won 2 national titles in 6 years.
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In hindsight he should have stayed retired following the '09 season. From many accounts his health was worse than he led on, and it was clear he took last season off.

Call him what you want. He won 2 national titles in 6 years.
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Agreed on all accounts.
I didn't really like the guy, maybe it was because he coached Florida, maybe because he beat us and rubbed our noses in it, but it's scummy to make jokes about someone having a heart attack. As someone who has had 40yo friends pass away from heart attacks, i cant blame him for not tempting fate.
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In hindsight he should have stayed retired following the '09 season. From many accounts his health was worse than he led on, and it was clear he took last season off.

Call him what you want. He won 2 national titles in 6 years.
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Yeah yeah.... If he didn't have the main spark plug to run his offense (Teblow) I don't think he wins 2 maybe one.
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Yeah yeah.... If he didn't have the main spark plug to run his offense (Teblow) I don't think he wins 2 maybe one.
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Yeah, UF's defense had nothing to do with either of Meyer's national titles.

But I guess haters gotta hate.
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Seems supremely classless to celebrate someone having a heart attack, even indirectly.

Rivalry is one thing but you really ought to be ashamed of yourself on this one.

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Over exagerate much?
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just saying...no matter how people view the guys as a person, no one can take away the fact that he could coach football. Tebow is just a easy way for most fans to flame away but his success isn't defined by Tebow's greatness. Coaches aren't defined by great players but wins and losses.
just saying...no matter how people view the guys as a person, no one can take away the fact that he could coach football. Tebow is just a easy way for most fans to flame away but his success isn't defined by Tebow's greatness. Coaches aren't defined by great players but wins and losses.

Who's name is usually in the same sentence as Tebow?

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