Ok, here it is. I hear he’s stepping down to take a position within the obama administration to head up the new NCAA czar for a true championship.
Health wise, best of luck CUM. On the field wise, good riddance and take the in-pocket newspaper writers with ya.
I wanted CLK to stomp a mud hole with CUM as coach so it would mean that much more. Now it has lost some of the luster. Get Elam and let's own the EAST!!
If he is citing health reasons just because he wants out then the guy is a chronic liar. I don't think that is the case...honestly, the fact that they are announcing this now has me worried about just who they may have lined up to replace him.
Well, he could just mean not taking care of himself in general. This issue could be new and unrelated to that, but it doesn't change the fact that these guys run themselves into the grave.
The timing is all sorts of weird on this... One would think, if it were serious enough to prevent him from coaching next season, he would forgo the Sugar Bowl to focus on his health etc.