USA Today Article on CBJ After Taking UT Job

Butthurt Cincy fan. Cincy is a stepping stone. Tennessee is a destination job. And our program is leagues ahead of their's. Of course a coach is going to use coach speak in order to rally support from his bosses, players and fans. I honestly believe he was committed to Cincy...but for a huge raise and a chance to coach in the SEC at a traditional powerhouse program, who wouldn't take it?
This is a year old and certainly old news.

Recruits read this board and we are in the middle of battles for the most talented HS players in this country.

Posting something like this that is outdated, inaccurate, and sour grapes by a clown with Cincy newspaper could cause other people to question our coaches loyalty. The very loyalty he is promising HS recruits.

Posting something like this is borderline moronic!

Unfortunately op, I agree with Volman. Not a good time to post something like this, and it should be deleted.
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Long story short, the article says CBJ is fake. That he is great at making you think he is all-in 100% but was playing everyone the whole time.

I love Butch Jones and I've definitely bought in and I'm drinking the Lyle Allen Jones Kool-aid...but does anyone think Coach Jones isn't serious about his committment to UT and staying here at what he called a "destination position?" Or that he would ever leave if he was offered the right amount?

Edit: forgot the link to the article! Sorry about that...

Column: Butch Jones commitment to Cincy was pretense

Like I have been telling you guys for the past year, bUTch knows that Fulmer was fired partially due to him losing fan support. He also knows that it will take time to build a winning program and he needs to win the fans support and patience.

So, he is trying to stall for time, until the program is built, so to speak!!!

Had he gone to Miami, Oklahoma, Nebraska he would have been sold out to them also.

So, I have thought this the whole time.
I agree with the writer that BJ does have some cheesy slogans and such
but wonder if this guy was feeling the same way when BJ left Central Michigan for UC?
BJ is no different than any of us, I love my job, BUT if another job comes along that is better I will take it. Not sure why these guys hold coaches to different standards.

One more note its always funny to me when these guys knock BJ for following Chip Kelley, but never knock Chip Kelly for following Mark Dantonio, he was at Central Mich, and UC prior to kelly
This article just seems really vague. I feel like you could say this about any coach who leaves for a different job offer. You're never gonna see a coach who is coaching a team say something like "yeah, this team's alright, I'd rather be somewhere else" to the media. Every coach is going to show that he is invested in the program he's at, or else he wouldn't be hired in the first place. It's the equivalent of acting more enthusiastic at a job interview just so you get the job, doesn't mean what your saying in the interview is remotely true or who you actually are, but you're not gonna get hired if you don't act like you wanna be there. It's a really poor article imo. Just sounds like someone who was upset at the time.
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Obvious rip job but the flirtation with Colorado gives it a touch of creedence. You want to talk dumpster fires. Colorado is an eternal flame.
Butch Jones' truthfulness was shown when made the "best staff in the country" statement. I'm not immune to thinking most coaches are salesman, but it ticks me off when certain coaches put off fake personas. You can't have it both ways.
Yeah, this guy sounds a little butt-hurt. Definitely take this with a grain of salt.
Butch Jones' truthfulness was shown when made the "best staff in the country" statement. I'm not immune to thinking most coaches are salesman, but it ticks me off when certain coaches put off fake personas. You can't have it both ways.

Several coaches, including Butch, claim their school has the best fans in the country. Do you take issue with that statement as well?
Several coaches, including Butch, claim their school has the best fans in the country. Do you take issue with that statement as well?

I take it for what it is, which is coaching banter. I have no problems with coaches saying this stuff, but the flip flopping is where I draw the line. It was the main reason I couldn't stand Bruce Pearl.
I mean, what was this guy thinking? Where does he get off? In what bubble does he live where Cincy is a better job that Notre MF Dame or one of the SEC's historically greatest programs?

I'll just leave you all with this quote from Butch Jones' very first team meeting at Tennessee, the morning he was hired. It should tell you everything you need to know about his ultimate motivation, why he came here, and his feelings about the University of Tennessee football program.

"I mean it sincerely. I came here for a reason - to win championships. You don't know what you have. ... We're gonna act, walk, think - do everything like the best, cause that's who we are, that's why you came here. And I'll be honest with you. That's why I came here. I want to be the best."
I take it for what it is, which is coaching banter. I have no problems with coaches saying this stuff, but the flip flopping is where I draw the line. It was the main reason I couldn't stand Bruce Pearl.

Thanks. Was just curious. The 'best staff' line doesn't bother me but some have a real issue with it.
Thanks. Was just curious. The 'best staff' line doesn't bother me but some have a real issue with it.

I just feel like it's an insult to my intelligence. I don't care what he says as long as he's consistent and can win games.
I just feel like it's an insult to my intelligence. I don't care what he says as long as he's consistent and can win games.

It's that easy to "insult your intelligence"?...sounds like a fun project :)
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So without reading it... from what you say, if Saban left for Texas would he be a fake?

If Butch leaves for a better job that means we had success. I'll take that.
All these "writers"(especially Climer)can kiss our collective "Big Orange Assses! Climer is a suck butt in Nashville.He had a predessor named John Russell who wrote impartially about all teams in the SEC.Climer's other specialty besides hawking the "Commodedores"is suck starting a Harley.
I remember reading that article a year ago on a Cinci website (it was published there and picked up by USA Today). I also remember reading the Cinci comment section and the web poll they had about him leaving. The vast majority of Cinci fans weren't mad at Jones at all but happy for him and called out the writer. Some were sad that Cinci was what they called a 'stepping stone school' but they didn't begrudge Jones at all. They celebrated the fact that their AD had hired two coaches in a row who made it big and hoped for another.

It was humorous reading the fans taking the writer to task over it and that the poll was so heavily skewed against the writer and in CBJ's favor.
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