USA Today Article on CBJ After Taking UT Job

The guy says it's not a "jilted lover" issue and then goes on a long diatribe that is exactly a sore loser piece. UT is a significantly better job than UC. If CBJ is sucessful here, and I think he will be, he will leverage that for more money not necessarily move to another school. That's the trend in coaching right now - if you are a top tier program -and we are (despite the recent records) - you don't go to a another top program - you extort the school you're at for more money. See Bama, Ok State, Lousiville, etc.
You beat me to the punch. Stopped reading it when he starts whining and asking to pass h a tissue.
A. It was from over a year ago.
B. Tennessee is a way bigger and better program than Cincinnanti

Get a job a historically huge the most dominate football conference in the country.....there is only a few jobs you leave Tennessee for to step up....if he builds it right then he has no reason to leave :dunno:
So without reading it... from what you say, if Saban left for Texas would he be a fake?

If Butch leaves for a better job that means we had success. I'll take that.

The days of the Fulmers of the coaching world and being loyal to a school for ever is over nearly. Hired Guns to win and win quick is the way now....the fans demand it....and AD's jobs depend on, money, money....universities' depend on the revenue.
Oh so the writers purpose is to make sure we don't put too much faith into what a college football coach says about his own commitment to the school.

...I guess he missed the whole kiffin debacle.
This guy sounds like a jilted lover. Like some fan posting on his blog. Jeez. Typical journalist/media type.... 99% have an agenda when trying to pedal a story or "the news". Embarrassing.
Unfortunately op, I agree with Volman. Not a good time to post something like this, and it should be deleted.

Honestly, I'm fine with that. I get it. I hope no one, including any recruit or UT athlete reading this thread, thinks CBJ is fake. I definitely don't. I was just posting the article to show the perspective of a Cincy fan. I believe CBJ loved the Bearcats and the players on his team. I wouldn't be shocked if he was still in contact with some of them...especially the quarterback that had the gruesome injury early in the year.

But at the end of the day, it's just a fan forum. I believe in Butch Jones and I am grateful he is our coach because he actually wanted the job. Even if he does bad at UT, the fact that he loves Volunteer football, the players, the city and the traditions is enough for me to tip my hat to the guy.
I think most coaches could also have a good career in politics. I do think Jones will be here for a long time if he's successful.

I don't. He will go somewhere that gives him a chance of a national championship. UT has become a stepping stone. It's too hard to recruit consistently at UT now. I love Butch but he's not stupid. Our program just isn't what it was. Very sad.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
No Jones is NOT serious about his commitment to UT and staying here at what he called a destination position. No high profile coach is committed anymore. That's why they have agent induced contracts. It's all a bunch of bull. Coach's have become artist at saying what needs to be said when it needs to be said. Jones is serious about his job while at UT because it means more money for him later. Look how fast Kiffin bolted. College football is no longer sport, it's a business

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Bottom line: if Butch is able to string together 9 win seasons in two consecutive years, he's on to the next job. 9-10 wins is the most we can hope for considering the recruiting landscape and the rise of other programs in more talent-rich states.
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I respectfully disagree, rcvol. I certainly understand your jaded pessimism considering what we have been through since CPF's ouster. Lord knows I often find my own mindset in similar territory thanks in large part to the horrendous string of bad luck, bad decisions and heart break that has characterized Volunteer sports in general over the last several years. We just don't have much confidence as a fan base thanks to recent unfortunate cataclysms in all of our major sports programs.

That said, whomever it is that returns UT football to where it should be, will be difficult to pull from UT. I thought the CO rumors were more about getting CBJ more money either for himself or his assistants at Cincy. I don't know the details of what went down there, but that was my initial thought on him talking to CO. I don't think he ever anticipated that UT would offer. When he made those statements about being committed to Cincy, he probably was committed until the UT opportunity fell in his lap. How could he possibly turn it down? If he could get UT competitive again, the road to a NC is almost assured in the SEC if you win the conference, hell sometimes even if you don't win the conference and most years the other BCS bowls are lining up to take the conference championship loser. He'd be making tons more money, along with his assistants. Success at UT gets him as close to his own professional goals and allows him to play on the biggest stage in college football week in and out. His players have better equipment, better support, theoretically can be developed better giving them a fantastic shot at playing professionally. His recruiting budget is one of the largest in all of D-1, the facilities are second to none, and he gets to sell playing in the SEC in front of a 100,000 fans on Saturdays, even when the team sucks. UT is a big time move from Cincy.

I do believe he would potentially jump for an NFL job, but I also don't see this happening until he has multiple years of success at UT or somehow wins a NC when no one expected or thought it was possible, a la AU this year. I'd certainly understand that move and wouldn't begrudge him for taking it one bit. After all, whatever the case, he would be leaving UT in much better condition than when he was hired and would set us up to attract some great coaching candidates to replace him. For the most part, the dumpster fires would be out, the program would be rising and the talent on the roster wouldn't cause anyone concern (assuming he continues to recruit at the level he has this year, of course).

Sorry for the length, I just believe UT is a destination job and now there is a massive incentive for the UTAD to avoid starting over with someone else again. It's just too risky when you already have a proven commodity getting the job done.
I respectfully disagree, rcvol. I certainly understand your jaded pessimism considering what we have been through since CPF's ouster. Lord knows I often find my own mindset in similar territory thanks in large part to the horrendous string of bad luck, bad decisions and heart break that has characterized Volunteer sports in general over the last several years. We just don't have much confidence as a fan base thanks to recent unfortunate cataclysms in all of our major sports programs.

That said, whomever it is that returns UT football to where it should be, will be difficult to pull from UT. I thought the CO rumors were more about getting CBJ more money either for himself or his assistants at Cincy. I don't know the details of what went down there, but that was my initial thought on him talking to CO. I don't think he ever anticipated that UT would offer. When he made those statements about being committed to Cincy, he probably was committed until the UT opportunity fell in his lap. How could he possibly turn it down? If he could get UT competitive again, the road to a NC is almost assured in the SEC if you win the conference, hell sometimes even if you don't win the conference and most years the other BCS bowls are lining up to take the conference championship loser. He'd be making tons more money, along with his assistants. Success at UT gets him as close to his own professional goals and allows him to play on the biggest stage in college football week in and out. His players have better equipment, better support, theoretically can be developed better giving them a fantastic shot at playing professionally. His recruiting budget is one of the largest in all of D-1, the facilities are second to none, and he gets to sell playing in the SEC in front of a 100,000 fans on Saturdays, even when the team sucks. UT is a big time move from Cincy.

I do believe he would potentially jump for an NFL job, but I also don't see this happening until he has multiple years of success at UT or somehow wins a NC when no one expected or thought it was possible, a la AU this year. I'd certainly understand that move and wouldn't begrudge him for taking it one bit. After all, whatever the case, he would be leaving UT in much better condition than when he was hired and would set us up to attract some great coaching candidates to replace him. For the most part, the dumpster fires would be out, the program would be rising and the talent on the roster wouldn't cause anyone concern (assuming he continues to recruit at the level he has this year, of course).

Sorry for the length, I just believe UT is a destination job and now there is a massive incentive for the UTAD to avoid starting over with someone else again. It's just too risky when you already have a proven commodity getting the job done.

Good counterpoint. I hope you're right. It's just hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel after watching the rest of the SEC and how good they are. We are lightyears from competing with Auburn or Alabama. I don't have any faith in Butch's offensive scheme--he's about five years too late with this offense. We need an OC with out-of-the-box play-calling and formations. Currently we are just running what South Carolina runs, which is boring and fairly predictable. I just haven't seen anything yet that makes me say to myself, "Butch is a genius!!!" or "what a great call." Perhaps with the right personnel this will change, but I'm reserving judgment.
Long story short, the article says CBJ is fake. That he is great at making you think he is all-in 100% but was playing everyone the whole time.

I love Butch Jones and I've definitely bought in and I'm drinking the Lyle Allen Jones Kool-aid...but does anyone think Coach Jones isn't serious about his committment to UT and staying here at what he called a "destination position?" Or that he would ever leave if he was offered the right amount?

Edit: forgot the link to the article! Sorry about that...

Column: Butch Jones commitment to Cincy was pretense

Don't think this was actually in USA Today. This is just a story written by a blogger for a website called and picked up by USA It's just a misguided opinion piece.

I see nothing wrong with a coach wanting a better job then Cincinnati. Like every coach CBJ was committed to the school until a better opportunity came along. It's not like he was only at Cincinnati for a year and made a lateral move to Tennessee. I'm sure the writer is committed to his job to but if the New York times calls and offers to triple his salary he would be gone in a heart beat.
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"He pretended to be committed to Cincinnati."

Hogwash - He was probably the most committed coach ever. That still doesn't mean he stays.

This sure sounds like, " some angry rant from a jilted lover." If not, then leave coach Jones alone. He's gone already and is now committed to Tennessee. Jealousy.
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Good counterpoint. I hope you're right. It's just hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel after watching the rest of the SEC and how good they are. We are lightyears from competing with Auburn or Alabama. I don't have any faith in Butch's offensive scheme--he's about five years too late with this offense. We need an OC with out-of-the-box play-calling and formations. Currently we are just running what South Carolina runs, which is boring and fairly predictable. I just haven't seen anything yet that makes me say to myself, "Butch is a genius!!!" or "what a great call." Perhaps with the right personnel this will change, but I'm reserving judgment.

If winning 10 games a year is "boring and predictable", sign me up.
Sounds like the writer(?) is not a fan of CBJ and feels like the bride/groom that was left at the alter.
Here is what I know. CBJ left Cincy in good shape with a solid roster, and team without internal dissaray in academics, etc. They ought to give him an award. Tuberville is pretty thankful I'd say.
Long story short, the article says CBJ is fake. That he is great at making you think he is all-in 100% but was playing everyone the whole time.

I love Butch Jones and I've definitely bought in and I'm drinking the Lyle Allen Jones Kool-aid...but does anyone think Coach Jones isn't serious about his committment to UT and staying here at what he called a "destination position?" Or that he would ever leave if he was offered the right amount?

Edit: forgot the link to the article! Sorry about that...

Column: Butch Jones commitment to Cincy was pretense

This is once again a writer trying to get attention. Who wouldn't leave Cincinnati for Tennessee.

Several coaches, including Butch, claim their school has the best fans in the country. Do you take issue with that statement as well?

Totally different imo. That comment is a throw-away comment. Equal to a fan in the stands throwing up the "We're #1" sign with their finger to the the camera when their team, with a losing record, just scored.

Stating you brought the best staff in the country with u is totally different, and not something said by coaches just willy nilly. Not saying he was lying and doesn't believe it. Just not something u say unless u know 100% it will be backed up. Especially after they just got HUGE raises. This was a guarantee he promised we fans not just some throw-away fluff comment that's been so watered down no one really ever notices it anymore.
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I think it speaks volumes to know when Butch left Cincy, he held team meeting with the players to tell them he was leaving for Tennessee and they all applauded him and were genuinely happy for him.
This guy lost all objective credibility as soon as he said about cinci's stadium "...we rarely fill it up". Suggest that he is in some way associated with cinci and clearly is bitter about CBJ choosing to leave them.

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