I respectfully disagree, rcvol. I certainly understand your jaded pessimism considering what we have been through since CPF's ouster. Lord knows I often find my own mindset in similar territory thanks in large part to the horrendous string of bad luck, bad decisions and heart break that has characterized Volunteer sports in general over the last several years. We just don't have much confidence as a fan base thanks to recent unfortunate cataclysms in all of our major sports programs.
That said, whomever it is that returns UT football to where it should be, will be difficult to pull from UT. I thought the CO rumors were more about getting CBJ more money either for himself or his assistants at Cincy. I don't know the details of what went down there, but that was my initial thought on him talking to CO. I don't think he ever anticipated that UT would offer. When he made those statements about being committed to Cincy, he probably was committed until the UT opportunity fell in his lap. How could he possibly turn it down? If he could get UT competitive again, the road to a NC is almost assured in the SEC if you win the conference, hell sometimes even if you don't win the conference and most years the other BCS bowls are lining up to take the conference championship loser. He'd be making tons more money, along with his assistants. Success at UT gets him as close to his own professional goals and allows him to play on the biggest stage in college football week in and out. His players have better equipment, better support, theoretically can be developed better giving them a fantastic shot at playing professionally. His recruiting budget is one of the largest in all of D-1, the facilities are second to none, and he gets to sell playing in the SEC in front of a 100,000 fans on Saturdays, even when the team sucks. UT is a big time move from Cincy.
I do believe he would potentially jump for an NFL job, but I also don't see this happening until he has multiple years of success at UT or somehow wins a NC when no one expected or thought it was possible, a la AU this year. I'd certainly understand that move and wouldn't begrudge him for taking it one bit. After all, whatever the case, he would be leaving UT in much better condition than when he was hired and would set us up to attract some great coaching candidates to replace him. For the most part, the dumpster fires would be out, the program would be rising and the talent on the roster wouldn't cause anyone concern (assuming he continues to recruit at the level he has this year, of course).
Sorry for the length, I just believe UT is a destination job and now there is a massive incentive for the UTAD to avoid starting over with someone else again. It's just too risky when you already have a proven commodity getting the job done.