USA TODAY: The Most Unique Fields In Sports

The teams aren't even on the field. It's either pre-game (since the seat cushions you can see in the pic haven't been put up yet) or it's during one of the rain delays.

That was pre-game from the 2007 UT/ South Carolina game.
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If they want unique playing surface, then Matt Knight Arena deserves consideration.
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Neyland Stadium, but how is our field so unique?

It's not.

Whoever compiled the list must have a thing for the look of the end zones, because that's the only thing that distinguishes Neyland from dozens of other football fields.
You mean the court that looks like someone vomited on it?

LOL, I suppose you could say that. Still it is quite "unique" and that's what the rankings were about. Matt Court with the trees painted into the floor from the sides. It takes some getting use to.

The design is a tribute to the 1939 Oregon "Tall Firs" who won the first NCAA national championship in bball.
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Neyland Stadium, but how is our field so unique? I mean the checkerboard endzones is pretty sweet, but compared to the two other football fields (a blue one and a red one) how are we unique? Those are some amazing sites to be listed with...

What an honor!

Sometimes it's hard to see what you have when you are so close to it. Neyland is a special place.
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Neyland may be the 4th ranked unique field overall, but has everyone missed the fact that IT IS the highest ranked football stadium? College or Pro.

I think it is so highly ranked (as opposed to the red and blue fields) because it is unique yet classy. It really is a beautiful stadium.
It's not.

Whoever compiled the list must have a thing for the look of the end zones, because that's the only thing that distinguishes Neyland from dozens of other football fields.

I may agree that an end zone is an end zone except ours is checkboard orange and white but I would hope more thought went into compiling the list of sporting venues than just the look of the field, it should be the combination of factors, interior, exterior, history, tradition, as well as setting - a set of factors when combined at a particular location are unique.

From my perspective, Neyland is especially unique. I remember the first time I ever saw it going on 50 years ago. Not seeing it at first and then walking toward the stadium, not even a bowl at the time, and how striking it is from size, rising from a lower level than the Hill and to dominate its surrounding. Then there is the sheer beauty of the setting on the river. From the river surrounded by the Vol Navy and looking up, it is a massive sight and the orange VOLS lighting up the night sky reflecting light on the river is spectacular. The view from the top is equally spectacular with the hills all around. And even more beautiful on the third weekend in October. Walking around outside the stadium is a workout particularly if you are coming from someplace like Calhouns and walking up endless stairs to your car parked on campus somewhere, walking under the massive structure of the huge stadium. Then there is the mystique that it was once a home to students. I can think of those long ago days when the stadium was much smaller but there were actually students there with the thunderous sounds of a game going on despite the lesser size. I also used to live in Chicago and there everyone raves about Wrigley Field as the best place to see a baseball game. I cannot disagree with that but I always used to say that Wrigley Field is to baseball what Neyland is to college football, simply the best. And all of that without even considering the vast crowds all decked out in a brilliant color that makes things look larger than they are. Few can look at a crowd of 90,000 and say "where is everybody?" Then there are those special days when the team is on fire against a quality opponent and the sounds from the stadium can be heard bouncing off the hills and in the valley that surrounds it, although I want to be there where the noise is and not outside listening to the Orange thunder. IMHO, the endzones may not be absolutely unique but they are certainly special and the field is not unique. However, the entire stadium environment is truly unique to sporting venues no matter where there might be in the world. GBO!
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I can't believe nobody has mentioned or noticed it yet. We made the list b/c our field is GREEN. Crazy I know, but mixed w orange it actually looks great. Somebody was a visionary.

What's even more amazing is how its still green after the games where our offense racked up 700+ yds, and coach Sal's D would give up about a 1,000! Might as well have had a tractor pull. Would have been less damage.
I may agree that an end zone is an end zone except ours is checkboard orange and white but I would hope more thought went into compiling the list of sporting venues than just the look of the field, it should be the combination of factors, interior, exterior, history, tradition, as well as setting - a set of factors when combined at a particular location are unique.

Had you read the little write up preceding the list you'll notice it says playing surface and not the stadium around them. Thus the blue and red fields being listed.

I agree with your overall assessment, though. :thumbsup:
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