USA TODAY: The Most Unique Fields In Sports

Dont get me wrong, I LOVE Neyland Stadium, but how is our field so unique? I mean the checkerboard endzones is pretty sweet, but compared to the two other football fields (a blue one and a red one) how are we unique? Those are some amazing sites to be listed with...

What an honor!

It's the setting. On the river, with the mountains in the background. The VOL Navy, Orange Ocean of fans. The hill! ROCKY TOP! ULTRA-UNIQUE!
It's the setting. On the river, with the mountains in the background. The VOL Navy, Orange Ocean of fans. The hill! ROCKY TOP! ULTRA-UNIQUE!

Well it was talking purely on the playing area. The orange and white on a green surface is a sight to behold. It's a unique experience and everyone loves it.
How are some of you having trouble seeing the orange and white checkerboards being unique?
Better than the blue and red fields imo.


Sorry so big. If a mad can mod that would be great.
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Whoever compiled the list must have a thing for the look of the end zones, because that's the only thing that distinguishes Neyland from dozens of other football fields.

I disagree. Neyland is distinguished from other stadiums and fields by:
1. The pageantry
2. The location on the river
3. The location on campus
4. The continuing updating
and, in my opinion the most important
5. The vertical arrangement that makes every seat close enough to the action to see it clearly.
Just asking y isn't vandys basketball stadium on this isn't the court raised.

There's a lot of uniqueness about many college basketball arenas. If anything, the uniqueness about Vandy's isn't the floor itself but the layout with the benches on the sidelines. Going around the country, though, there are plenty of other oddities. Take, for example, Minnesota. At their arena the benches are many feet below the playing surface.
There's a lot of uniqueness about many college basketball arenas. If anything, the uniqueness about Vandy's isn't the floor itself but the layout with the benches on the sidelines. Going around the country, though, there are plenty of other oddities. Take, for example, Minnesota. At their arena the benches are many feet below the playing surface.
I knew I herd about benches being below the court. I didn't know what court

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