UT MUST keep Coach Jones a minimum 5 Years!

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The calamity, humpty dumpty, swirling, incoherent, ruthless, roller coaster ride from H___ of firing coaches must end. Case in point, I felt bad for Tyler Bray when he was on Gruden QB show and he was basically ran out of town because the new coach runs a different offense, so Coach Chaney advised him to go. The new players coming to play here have got to know the coach will be around!

False. If, for example, we have 3 consecutive losing seasons, then bye bye.

I don't think that will happen, but if it does, he's gone.
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UT's problem isn't lack of continuity. It's 3 straight years of horrible coaching.

Wilcox did a nice job. I thought Chaney did well at the end. Dooley was not a capable HC.

The head coaching from Fulmer wasn't very good for the last half of his career either. It was a decline that became exponential at the end.
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Butch is going to be here. A better question is which other programs will be replacing their coaches, therefore giving us some advantage of continuity.

I'd say that many programs in the SEC east will have turn over before the 2018 season.
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I think he will win but worst than losing will be a coach that wins 8 or 9 games but still loses to bama n Fla but vol fans n hart keeps him around..

To me that's as bad as losing because u still r not relevant just a team that beats all the other losers n the sec..

I'm worried he becomes our johnny majors he has good years n bad n we keep him around .. johnny won at the end of his career I know that but god he was all over the board before that..

If UT is winning 8-9 games a year they will be competing with those mentioned and beating these mentioned here and there. No way we can get good enough, just good enough, to win 9 games a year and NOT have a chance to beat UF/Bamer. If we get good enough to win 9 games a year we will be beating them at least enough to keep everybody happy.
Kinda feel like we've had this thread several times over the past 4-5 years.[/QU Yeah. Kinda sad but I like whats happening right now they have CBJ on very top headline on the left front page of Chattanooga Times free press saying how his recruiting is having a new excitment for Vol fans.
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I think CBJ will be around for awhile but if he cant show an improvement in 3 yrs.we will have to go through another official Gruden thread.IMO. :hi:
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Between 1997 and 2007, no Bammer HC lasted more than 3yrs. Three of the five lasted 2 yrs or less.

Moral? Dump them quick. :good!:


clearly, those in charge at bammer do not have a clue.

oh, wait.
I think he will win but worst than losing will be a coach that wins 8 or 9 games but still loses to bama n Fla but vol fans n hart keeps him around..

To me that's as bad as losing because u still r not relevant just a team that beats all the other losers n the sec..

this is my concern, also.

getting above .500, going to a bowl game almost every year, occasionally having an upset win over GA or SC (i still can't believe that beating SC would be considered an upset), averaging 80k or so at home games might be "good enough" along with the "higher" academic standards espoused by cheekhart.

UT should never settle for anything less than competing for the SECC.
If he wins he will get 5 plus. If he pulls a Dooley 2 or 3 . I doubt he does that though. I liked the BJ hire and he is a good coach and recruiter. Dooley I knew was an incompetent loser who sadly proved me right time and time again.
If coach Jones wins 2 SEC games in three years, he will be fired too. If he doesn't get over 500 in three years, he will be fired too. Cut throat business!! I agree he needs time, but you have to get better and not worse like Dooley did. If what happens to Jones that happened to Dooley, we will have a new coach in 3 years. This isn't going to happen though, IMO. Jones is a football coach. So, he should be here in 5 years and in good shape unless he is hired away. Which is a possibility because UT never ponies up to keep coaches........UT would rather fire them and still owe them money for years rather than reward them and keep them. Hopefully with Hart this culture has changed.
Really, who have we not kept because of salary. In fact, we have spent a fortune paying coaching not to coach. I can't think of anyone we've lost because we won't pony up and pay them.
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Really, who have we not kept because of salary. In fact, we have spent a fortune paying coaching not to coach. I can't think of anyone we've lost because we won't pony up and pay them.

imo it is not a question of "losing" it is a question of "not getting."
If UT is winning 8-9 games a year they will be competing with those mentioned and beating these mentioned here and there. No way we can get good enough, just good enough, to win 9 games a year and NOT have a chance to beat UF/Bamer. If we get good enough to win 9 games a year we will be beating them at least enough to keep everybody happy.

You better take 9 and 3 every year in the Sec, every now and then win them all.:)
Wait and see guys, wait and see CBJ is not a 9-3 guy, he wants it all and will get it. Our trouble is making him our own and keeping him!!!!!!
Count em!

The calamity, humpty dumpty, swirling, incoherent, ruthless, roller coaster ride from H___ of firing coaches must end. Case in point, I felt bad for Tyler Bray when he was on Gruden QB show and he was basically ran out of town because the new coach runs a different offense, so Coach Chaney advised him to go. The new players coming to play here have got to know the coach will be around!

Tyler Bray is an idiot. He acted like an idiot on the Gruden show and he acted like an idiot when he was here. He was served the reins of the UT program on a platter and managed to lose to KY and play like crap against Vandy in the process. The D let him down a lot last year but his overall attitude sucked. He knew it, the team knew it, MOST of the fans knew it and CBJ knew it. That is why he left.
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Count em!

The calamity, humpty dumpty, swirling, incoherent, ruthless, roller coaster ride from H___ of firing coaches must end. Case in point, I felt bad for Tyler Bray when he was on Gruden QB show and he was basically ran out of town because the new coach runs a different offense, so Coach Chaney advised him to go. The new players coming to play here have got to know the coach will be around!

Umm... anybody? Little help.
Count em!

The calamity, humpty dumpty, swirling, incoherent, ruthless, roller coaster ride from H___ of firing coaches must end. Case in point, I felt bad for Tyler Bray when he was on Gruden QB show and he was basically ran out of town because the new coach runs a different offense, so Coach Chaney advised him to go. The new players coming to play here have got to know the coach will be around!

not surprising but this complete bs. ..i am left astonished at how much is wrong with this
Count em!

The calamity, humpty dumpty, swirling, incoherent, ruthless, roller coaster ride from H___ of firing coaches must end. Case in point, I felt bad for Tyler Bray when he was on Gruden QB show and he was basically ran out of town because the new coach runs a different offense, so Coach Chaney advised him to go. The new players coming to play here have got to know the coach will be around!

This font is triggering seizures...and I'm not even epileptic...Dfghgdgjgdiujbgfubr...a moment please
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Butts in the seats will dictate how long he stays. Wins=Butts in seats.. He's going to get a couple of years to get it going, after that, attendance will determine the rest.
For your username your posts are downright lacking in substance. Is there anything you do know what you are talking about?
You’re a buttclown but(t)I feel in the Xmas mood so.............

I have some helpful information for you.

There are exactly two categories of people who might read any article you post. The first group comprises those who know you're a liar, a plagiarist, a fraud and an idiot.

The second includes only those who
have never heard of you..

Your lies and incoherent nonsense just give the first group an opportunity to laugh at you, and any of the second group who see that crap will immediately migrate to the first.

If you want to maintain as good an image as possible, your best bet?



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