UT MUST keep Coach Jones a minimum 5 Years!

Remember when CDD said he only spent time with offense and special teams...Wasn't that right up to the game before Missouri?

To me that was the WTF moment when he should have been canned.

imo that moment came much earlier.

CDD should have not been allowed back on to the bus in Lexington.
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I doubt he will be fired after 2 years like "somebody" was but if they aren't 10-2 in year 3 then he's gone IMO. That's just the way it is.
By the looks of things, CBJ will do good enough for us to want to keep him for more than 5 years... the only problem is, what if he decides to leave for another school within that time?

UT will have to pony up and take care of the man if he becomes our knight in shiny orange armor to get back to form.
You would think you guys would drop this whole "You have to give ____ coach at least ____ years to make an evaluation" business after the Dooley mess, but I guess some people just can't ever learn.

For my part, I don't really care how long Butch Jones gets. I'll make my evaluations as we go. I think we'll be able to tell if it's going to work out or not over the next two years. Pretty much any coach who wins big in the SEC these days has proven himself by then. If Butch hasn't, well then, it doesn't really matter how long they give him, there won't be enough fans around to care.
My point is, if Dooley had your full support then you blindly follow who's the coach, imo. Having said that, Butch is doing great things so far, but has yet to be proven a winner. I know, I know, he get's it. He will do well but not sure yet about tagging him as a winner.

I blindly follow UT football, not the coach. I wanted Dooley fired as much as anyone last year. I decided to go with a name that played off of the coach at the time. You've taken my support of Dooley at that given time to mean I intend to blindly follow the coach. Close but not quite. I want UT to win really badly. If that means I get a little blinded at times by my orange shades, I'm perfectly ok with that.
As for Butch, 4 conference championships in 6 years. Granted it's not in the SEC but that's a winner. And yes, I will be on Butch's train until he gives me a reason to get off said train. You want a reason to get on the train and have the right to do so. I have confidence in Butch to provide that reason.
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I blindly follow UT football, not the coach. I wanted Dooley fired as much as anyone last year. I decided to go with a name that played off of the coach at the time. You've taken my support of Dooley at that given time to mean I intend to blindly follow the coach. Close but not quite. I want UT to win really badly. If that means I get a little blinded at times by my orange shades, I'm perfectly ok with that.
As for Butch, 4 conference championships in 6 years. Granted it's not in the SEC but that's a winner. And yes, I will be on Butch's train until he gives me a reason to get off said train. You want a reason to get on the train and have the right to do so. I have confidence in Butch to provide that reason.

I wouldn't put too much stock into being called out for blindly following anything. We've all been guilty of it at some time or another.

I wouldn't put too much stock into being called out for blindly following anything. We've all been guilty of it at some time or another.


Nothing said on here bothers me. I did hear my friend Tyler Durden yelling about some people on here though. You think it's possible he's posting for me?

Edit: Did I almost just break the number one rule?
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Here's an idea, how about letting the man coach some football games before discussing how long he should be here. I like reading what you guys think, but this is way too immature of a thread.
Here's an idea, how about letting the man coach some football games before discussing how long he should be here. I like reading what you guys think, but this is way too immature of a thread.
Lmao. Do you mean premature? Or both?
Case in point, I felt bad for Tyler Bray when he was on Gruden QB show and he was basically ran out of town because the new coach runs a different offense, so Coach Chaney advised him to go.

Ummm...Chaney is not on the staff, so nothing he said could possibly constitute running TB out of town. If you have *any* evidence that CBJ...or any current member of the staff...said anything to run TB out of town, I would love to hear it. To the contrary, everything I have read said that CBJ tried to retain TB.

In fact, given that Chaney was obviously not going to be on the new staff, one could argue that he had a motive for trying to drag UT down another notch by suggesting TB leave for the draft. Although given TB's generally suspect judgement and emotional stability, I might be inclined to lay that on himself and no one else...and certainly not Butch.
Ummm...Chaney is not on the staff, so nothing he said could possibly constitute running TB out of town. If you have *any* evidence that CBJ...or any current member of the staff...said anything to run TB out of town, I would love to hear it. To the contrary, everything I have read said that CBJ tried to retain TB.

In fact, given that Chaney was obviously not going to be on the new staff, one could argue that he had a motive for trying to drag UT down another notch by suggesting TB leave for the draft. Although given TB's generally suspect judgement and emotional stability, I might be inclined to lay that on himself and no one else...and certainly not Butch.

Like I've said 1000 times

Word around campus is that Jones basically told Bray it would be best for him to enter the draft.
if he loses 5-6 games his first 3 years, he will not be around for years 4 and 5
They don't have to do anything. UT will keep him because he's a winner.

Man our fans are indeed hungry! Coach Jones has yet to win a game
Like I've said 1000 times

Word around campus is that Jones basically told Bray it would be best for him to enter the draft.

You've said that 1000 times? Dude...balance.

And FWIW, I'm not saying it isn't true...just that a) Chaney isn't on staff so his opinion, while interesting, is irrelevant, and b) I haven't seen any evidence that anyone on staff pushed him out...campus scuttle notwithstanding.

Truthfully, it wouldn't surprise me at all. I would think that Butch and TB would be oil and water...
Word around campus is that Jones basically told Bray it would be best for him to enter the draft.
Bray and Jones spoke. No doubt about that.

If I'm Jones, I'm telling Bray how he would have to learn the new system, unlearn the old, how he can be coached up to play fast, rollouts are fun and so is running the football as a QB etc etc etc and encouraging him all the way to stay.

Except for the Greyhound Bus pass he's handing him during the conversation. :salute:
Agreed. Dooley should have been fired after the UK loss, IMO.

I totally agree! He should have never been hired in the first place. I said on day one that Dooley and Kiffen were bad hires. The UT fans around me were blind and stupid. If U hire A coach with A losing record 9 times out of 10 thats what U get!
I totally agree! He should have never been hired in the first place. I said on day one that Dooley and Kiffen were bad hires. The UT fans around me were blind and stupid. If U hire A coach with A losing record 9 times out of 10 thats what U get!

Well YOU'RE smart...at least we got THATgoing for us
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Count em!

The calamity, humpty dumpty, swirling, incoherent, ruthless, roller coaster ride from H___ of firing coaches must end. Case in point, I felt bad for Tyler Bray when he was on Gruden QB show and he was basically ran out of town because the new coach runs a different offense, so Coach Chaney advised him to go. The new players coming to play here have got to know the coach will be around!


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