Sorry if I was unclear. Webb retired in 2009. He was the Men's track coach for 14 years and was an assistant for 10 years before that.
Hamilton named Watts the interim Coach.
It is unclear to me if Webb retired because it was time or because of the unification of the men's and women's teams. I didn't put this in my original post, but as one can imagine, combining the two teams wasn't met with open arms.
Webb recommended that Watts get the job, and because Hamilton had named Watts the interim HC, I think most people thought Watts would indeed get the job.
Instead they hired JJ Clark (2009) to be the leader of the combined programs and pointed to his successful work with the women's program.
It's here that the problems started, rather than letting Clark hire a staff of his choosing, Hamilton forced him to keep Watts and some others. This led to a feud inside and outside the program which culminated in 2011 when Dentarious Locke a sophomore(and arguably the most decorated of the T&F team) at the time publicly said:
Locke asked to be released from his scholarship but was denied. He left anyway and went to FSU. Norbert Elliot was his coach(Sprints and Hurdles).
Watts and Elliot were fired, um...contracts were not renewed in 2011...which prompted this and pay attention to who signed the statement (gotta click the link):
Support for our Coaches George Watts and Norbert Elliott
Emphasis is mine.
Sorry for the confusion. I put the name Webb where I meant Watts.