I think in some ways it is fair to compare football with baseball. You are right, take football...61,000 people show up for a spring game for a football team that hasn't done anything in quite a while. I don't believe the baseball team is getting that kind of support, but still, I see your point. Truth is you could say the same regarding the basketball team, if support equaled an NCAA bid, we'd get one. Unlike basketball, SEC baseball is King, like football. Recruiting a top 25 class doesn't mean much if everyone else is getting better too.
Raleigh left the program in the dumps, not unlike Dooley, possibly worse. After last season, CDS dumped the roster...really all that's left is Williams, Godley, Maddox, Bennett and Manis, everyone else is new. Simcox, VJax, Price, Stewart all are good enough players to help in the future, we simply need to let the pitching catch up and recruit more.
Every series in the SEC has been similar. If we make errors in the field, we can't over come them. If Godley, Williams and Quillen can't go 7 or more innings, we're in trouble. If the bats can't get it going, we can't score enough to overcome our defense and our lack of pitching.
I didn't see anything in the O&W game that makes me feel like we're gonna go .500 in football, but I also know Dooley, graduation and the draft don't leave us in much of a good spot. I'm not going to start a fire Jones thread because, it's not really fair.
If folks think we should be competing with Vandy, LSU, South Carolina, etc...I don't know what to say...They've got top 10 classes going back 5-10 years and CDS is s'pose to overcome that in 2?
As for why SOME people continue to support the team...Well, obviously the kids and coaches are working hard and deserve it. Hope, is another reason, just like any other men's sport at UT and finally...wait for it...it's affordable, painless monetarily to support baseball which is what got me interested, something my son and I could do that didn't cost $70 bucks a ticket.