You have no freakin' idea what you're talking about, Earl. The vaccines have been proven beyond doubt to be safe. I don't give a damn if rubes don't want to get vaxxed. Your decision. Rubes take pride in being ignorant and defiant. If, in the future, your employer demands that all employees get vaxxed, well, you might have a problem. Viruses are going to be a big health problem everywhere in the years ahead--and vaccines will be the way to protect people from dying from the illness. But I'm certainly not going to fret if the fat, low IQ, Cracker Barrel crowd doesn't believe in vaccines. Let's be thankful such idiots weren't prevalent in the mid-1950s when the polio vaccine was developed and enthusiastically embraced by the American public. Much of the MAGA resistance to the Covid vaccines derives from politics and disinformation. Crazy conspiracy theories are popular with rubes and the political right. Fact.