"Vandy Threads"



First of his name
Jan 26, 2010
I feel like this is an issue that needs to be addressed, so here goes:

I don't understand the hate for people that start Vandy threads. Sometimes the threads are funny, sometimes they are informative, sometimes they are pointless, but either way half of the thread ends up cluttered with people griping because its a thread about Vanderbilt.

They are a team that is talking trash about us right now. You won't find any Austin Peay threads on here, but the second their players and coaches start tweeting and publicly saying they are a better team/program than us and they are going to beat us, threads will start popping up all over the place. Vandy has insulted our pride, that's why they are discussed so much lately.

Also, they are the other "State School". This should be a great rivalry. The only reason it's not is because they suck. But the fact that they are so close makes it fun to have a rivalry with them. Hence the fun of discussing them.

Another point, it's a revenge game for us. That was a bad loss and from their perspective they think its because they are just that good. So there's a program out there, who is nowhere near the caliber of Tennessee, who is parading around claiming they are the better of the two programs. Again, pride issue.

And finally, it's the offseason. Its a fun topic to discuss in a time where there is really very little to discuss. So bottom line..... everyone quit getting so upset about every thread that has the name "Vandy" in it.

Now who's going to be the funny guy and say "hey look it's another Vandy thread"?
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I agree with the OP. Franklin's plan is to get into our heads and everyone elses that Vandy is THE school in Tennessee now. The only way to make this go away is to punch them in the mouth. Hey, this reminds me of a Mike Tyson quote:

"Everybody has a plan until you punch them in the mouth."

I think it applies here.
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For the reocrd, I agree with the OP, but this thread won't go well.
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I feel like this is an issue that needs to be addressed, so here goes:

I don't understand the hate for people that start Vandy threads. Sometimes the threads are funny, sometimes they are informative, sometimes they are pointless, but either way half of the thread ends up cluttered with people griping because its a thread about Vanderbilt.

They are a team that is talking trash about us right now. You won't find any Austin Peay threads on here, but the second their players and coaches start tweeting and publicly saying they are a better team/program than us and they are going to beat us, threads will start popping up all over the place. Vandy has insulted our pride, that's why they are discussed so much lately.

Also, they are the other "State School". This should be a great rivalry. The only reason it's not is because they suck. But the fact that they are so close makes it fun to have a rivalry with them. Hence the fun of discussing them.

Another point, it's a revenge game for us. That was a bad loss and from their perspective they think its because they are just that good. So there's a program out there, who is nowhere near the caliber of Tennessee, who is parading around claiming they are the better of the two programs. Again, pride issue.

And finally, it's the offseason. Its a fun topic to discuss in a time where there is really very little to discuss. So bottom line..... everyone quit getting so upset about every thread that has the name "Vandy" in it.

Now who's going to be the funny guy and say "hey look it's another Vandy thread"?

Geesh another thread/lecture by Mr.Plant a flag....Vandy should never be discussed...They are not and never have been relevant...They are not a rival in my eyes..They very rarely ever beat us or anybody else for that matter...Why guys like you are so afraid of them is laughable at best....I do not call a 99.9% of the time an automatic win a revenge game.
I remember a tweet from Franklin a few weeks ago or one of his coaches, im not sure, that said, "Vandy only offers students who meet our standards, it's funny seeing some schools with so many offers out there..." or something along those lines.

However, almost every player I look up has a Vandy offer. It's like throw the bread crumps in the lake and try to grab every fish that pops up to take home for dinner.

I'll be glad when Franklin and his coaches leave, hopefully after next season, and Vandy begins to understand who they really are, again.

And I know Butch is gonna remind them this fall, regardless.

#anchordown, what a joke! Who would want to stay mediocre?
OP, you go ahead and make your Vandy threads if it gets your rocks off, just know that every time you do, you confirm the very thing you are trying to deny......that James Franklin is winning.
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OP, you go ahead and make your Vandy threads if it gets your rocks off, just know that every time you do, you confirm the very thing you are trying to deny......that James Franklin is winning.

See that's just it - I kind of like the fact that he's winning - just makes the SEC better.

it's HOW he wins that drives me nuts. all the subtext, read between the lines, woe is me bull crap is what irritates me.

And he is a whiner.
I remember a tweet from Franklin a few weeks ago or one of his coaches, im not sure, that said, "Vandy only offers students who meet our standards, it's funny seeing some schools with so many offers out there..." or something along those lines.

However, almost every player I look up has a Vandy offer. It's like throw the bread crumps in the lake and try to grab every fish that pops up to take home for dinner.

I'll be glad when Franklin and his coaches leave, hopefully after next season, and Vandy begins to understand who they really are, again.

And I know Butch is gonna remind them this fall, regardless.

#anchordown, what a joke! Who would want to stay mediocre?

Vandy must be crushed before Franklin leaves so there will be no doubt.
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See that's just it - I kind of like the fact that he's winning - just makes the SEC better.

it's HOW he wins that drives me nuts. all the subtext, read between the lines, woe is me bull crap is what irritates me.

And he is a whiner.

I kinda liked it when we used to roll them up by halftime myself.
Because he's the hero the Football Forum deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him. Because he's not a hero. He's an inappropriately vocal guardian, an unwanted protector...a chatt-town Vol.
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