Geesh another thread/lecture by Mr.Plant a flag....Vandy should never be discussed...They are not and never have been relevant...They are not a rival in my eyes..They very rarely ever beat us or anybody else for that matter...Why guys like you are so afraid of them is laughable at best....I do not call a 99.9% of the time an automatic win a revenge game.
But...... that's not even remotely close to what I was saying......
My point is that you think they suck, should be kicked to the curb, treated like a little brother, etc., and you like threads that express those points of view. But the very existence of those threads means the opposite....that James Fanklin, love him or hate him, is winning on the field, has improved recruiting, and most importantly is in the heads of too many members of VN.
I'll be glad when Franklin and his coaches leave, hopefully after next season, and Vandy begins to understand who they really are, again.
CBJ is gonna bend Frankie over and go in dry in November.