"Vandy Threads"

I went to the Biltmore house this past weekend and was tempted to put a Tennessee sticker on the front door.

"Tempted" won't get you anything here on VN. Pics of you slapping the sticker on the door, arrest, and mugshot would give you some cred, but not this "tempted" crap.

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Geesh another thread/lecture by Mr.Plant a flag....Vandy should never be discussed...They are not and never have been relevant...They are not a rival in my eyes..They very rarely ever beat us or anybody else for that matter...Why guys like you are so afraid of them is laughable at best....I do not call a 99.9% of the time an automatic win a revenge game.

Somehow I knew you would show up here. You should really just put me on ignore.
OP, you go ahead and make your Vandy threads if it gets your rocks off, just know that every time you do, you confirm the very thing you are trying to deny......that James Franklin is winning.

But...... that's not even remotely close to what I was saying......
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Because he's the hero the Football Forum deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so we'll hunt him. Because he's not a hero. He's an inappropriately vocal guardian, an unwanted protector...a chatt-town Vol.

This post is full of awesome! Well done sir.
But...... that's not even remotely close to what I was saying......

My point is that you think they suck, should be kicked to the curb, treated like a little brother, etc., and you like threads that express those points of view. But the very existence of those threads means the opposite....that James Fanklin, love him or hate him, is winning on the field, has improved recruiting, and most importantly is in the heads of too many members of VN.
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Hey OP, I opened this thread with every intention of being like "ermaaaahgerd, another vandy thread!?!" but after reading your post, I completely concur.:good!:
My point is that you think they suck, should be kicked to the curb, treated like a little brother, etc., and you like threads that express those points of view. But the very existence of those threads means the opposite....that James Fanklin, love him or hate him, is winning on the field, has improved recruiting, and most importantly is in the heads of too many members of VN.

I don't know where you're getting this.

My point was that it makes sense so many people are talking about Vandy because they are trying to pick a fight with us, and it's nothing to gripe about.
I'll be glad when Franklin and his coaches leave, hopefully after next season, and Vandy begins to understand who they really are, again.

I for one hope they all stay put for a few years. I think we win big this year and start a new streak. It would be nice for when Franklin does leave it will be with several losses in a roll at the hands of Tennessee. GBO
I for one hope they all stay put for a few years. I think we win big this year and start a new streak. It would be nice for when Franklin does leave it will be with several losses in a roll at the hands of Tennessee. GBO

Leatherhead Vol....gets it!:rock:
I agree, OP. Vandy might be the most hated school in Knoxville at the moment, so it warrants a few extra threads.

LOL Vandy are you even trying?
"Tempted" won't get you anything here on VN. Pics of you slapping the sticker on the door, arrest, and mugshot would give you some cred, but not this "tempted" crap.

Then pics of the burgeoning romance with "The Sisters"
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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CBJ is gonna bend Frankie over and go in dry in November.

I applaud the context of your statement...but it leaves an unwanted mental image.

And after said 'bending over', Coach Jones will need a restraining order against a jealous and jilted feeling Clay Travis.

Travis says: " ...but J Frank, I'm supposed to be the 'Down' to YOUR Anchor...sigh..."
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