Vandy vs Georgia

OK, I'll fess up. I'm a Vandy undergrad. Don't throw rocks. I don't get to feel good about Vandy football very often.

I grew up in Knoxville and my blood runs deep orange, but my second loyalty is to Vandy.
More power to you . . . but I'm afraid Vandy just isn't nearly as good as advertised.
Yes, I'm live and not happy.

Had the TIVO delay. Took a phone call and forgot about the delay.

Not looking good for the Dores.
I may just rewind. They were doing better 10 minutes ago. Maybe I should just pause - PERMANENTLY
OK, I'll fess up. I'm a Vandy undergrad. Don't throw rocks. I don't get to feel good about Vandy football very often.

I grew up in Knoxville and my blood runs deep orange, but my second loyalty is to Vandy.
All Tennessee, My kind of person.

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