Vandy WR coach responds to Butch Jones



Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2009
"Not every1 can have 60k fan 2 see a spring game but some can win 9 games win a bowl game & graduate 88% of their players not 58% #ANCHORDOWN"

Have fun with this.
"Not every1 can have 60k fan 2 see a spring game but some can win 9 games win a bowl game & graduate 88% of their players not 58% #ANCHORDOWN"

Have fun with this.

Ridiculous. I hate Vandy. I hope we completely terrorize them this season. They will always be second to us.

By the way....tvols75, did you go to FHU?
"Not every1 can have 60k fan 2 see a spring game but some can win 9 games win a bowl game & graduate 88% of their players not 58% #ANCHORDOWN"

Have fun with this.

Butch will have this football team competing with vandy in academics in the next few years. He had the #1 GPA in the big east all 3 years he was there. Goober vandy person.
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So he gave us a compliment and went back to last season? FYI buddy it's a new era you can't throw something in CBJ face that he had no control over haha get outa here.#SMHH
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Stop volnation these coaches will jump ship after the first good offer comes!! The good news is HURD saw all through the anchor BS!
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Butch will have this football team competing with vandy in academics in the next few years. He had the #1 GPA in the big east all 3 years he was there. Goober vandy person.

No, no he won't... We may beat them on the field in 3 years, but academically, c'mon man. Never go full potato
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Vandy is kind of like the nerdy kid who banged the hot chick, and then tells that same story 30 years later like it just happened. Vandy is beneath our feet in football, and has been since 1927. #ANCHORBROKE
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There is no need to take the Vandy bait. I would hope Butch, staff and fan are focusing on more than Vandy. If I'm not mistaken, they have beaten us twice since I was born. And I am being generous giving them credit during the Dooley years.

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