Vandy WR coach responds to Butch Jones

Yea Butch, get with the program! Start recruiting and coaching Vandy style so that when your players are juniors, they suck so bad they don't even get a sniff from NFL scouts. They'll have to stick around for graduation
Judging from his grammar usage in that tweet, he was clearly not on the right side of those graduation rate numbers.
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I actually think Vandy will be back to their normal selves this year. They have automatic wins against APSU, UMass, UAB, and Wake. I don't think Missouri is a sure thing for them this year, and I think Kentucky will at least be able to compete with them. Oh, and no way we lose to them again this year.
Yea Butch, get with the program! Start recruiting and coaching Vandy style so that when your players are juniors, they suck so bad they don't even get a sniff from NFL scouts. They'll have to stick around for graduation

The thread can end with this very easy explanation. Thsnk you.
"Not every1 can have 60k fan 2 see a spring game but some can win 9 games win a bowl game & graduate 88% of their players not 58% #ANCHORDOWN"

P.S. Unless you have any future job openings, then I take it all back. #TUGBOATSOUNDS
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Has Franklin forgotten that Butch beat him with Big East talent?
"Not every1 can have 60k fan 2 see a spring game but some can win 9 games win a bowl game & graduate 88% of their players not 58% #ANCHORDOWN"

Have fun with this.

That's because most of our players are good enough to declare early for the NFL draft bit<h!
and Vandy is the only school in the country that can have their best season in modern history and beat Tennessee at home for the first time in 30 years then only draw 14,000 fans to their spring game. Coach is butt hurt because it sucks to be at Vandy working under a walking penis.
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9 wins against 9 teams that sucked last year. The best win they had was over Ole Miss. We weren't anything to brag about. Kentucky, Missouri, Auburn, Presbyterian, UMass, Wake Forest, NC State.

I mean I want 9 wins just as much as the next guy. But mercy, Vandy beats 9 sucky teams and thinks they're something.

They will be lucky to win 5 in 2013.

They bought out the hard games and matched up well with the west again so it wont be hard to get 7-8 wins for them.
This guy is a Vanderbilt coach and he's making slams against UT and Jones via twitter? Way to be a leader and mentor of young men by setting such a great example. Jones made the comment some cannot seat 60k or bring 60k in to the spring game (this didn't mean Vandy, it meant smaller schools with a smaller fan base) and this bozo replies with his drivel. If Vandy had any class about them, as they claim, this guy would be fired by Monday.
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....I love how football coaches sit around and brag about graduation if fans are buying tickets and tuning into football games for the academics. That is great for the players, and wish them the best, but ESPN isn't airing live test taking events.... Nor would anyone want to watch. The NFL isn't drafting players based on their academics. It's like saying, "Tiger Woods may be the best golfer alive but how good of a linebacker is he?" who cares?!... Vanderbilt had great graduation rates well before Franklin and his self entitled crew showed up. This is college FOOTBALL... ESPN isn't showing replays of your test taking skills and the NFL doesn't give a f#%^.
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He's also getting into little twitter wars with UT fans. I hope and pray this isn't how our coaches are behaving on twitter; very unprofessional and childish.
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