Violence and Protesting Conservatives is alright but not Liberals



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
So although it is against the law to protest at a Judge's home prior to a decision but the Federal Government is making no effort to stop their protestors:

Pro-choice activists protest in front of Kavanaugh’s home after man arrested for threatening to kill him

Of course when they protest towards Biden, this happens:

Biden protester rushes motorcade, gets tackled by Secret Service agent in LA

How can anyone that votes Democrat not see the double-standards and the weaponization of protestors and government agencies against Conservatives? The constant railing of how you are a radical or conspiracy theorist if you are against any of their laws! This is Nazi, Brown-Shirt type activity. Arrest and lock up these protestors.
So although it is against the law to protest at a Judge's home prior to a decision but the Federal Government is making no effort to stop their protestors:

Pro-choice activists protest in front of Kavanaugh’s home after man arrested for threatening to kill him

Of course when they protest towards Biden, this happens:

Biden protester rushes motorcade, gets tackled by Secret Service agent in LA

How can anyone that votes Democrat not see the double-standards and the weaponization of protestors and government agencies against Conservatives? The constant railing of how you are a radical or conspiracy theorist if you are against any of their laws! This is Nazi, Brown-Shirt type activity. Arrest and lock up these protestors.

Imagine EL starting a thread about a protester rushing Trump and how unfair it is that SS tackled the Trump protester...that's how dumb this sounds.

Should we violate rights to protect SCOTUS from protesters? They arrested the person making a threat. They are doing their job.
Imagine EL starting a thread about a protester rushing Trump and how unfair it is that SS tackled the Trump protester...that's how dumb this sounds.

Should we violate rights to protect SCOTUS from protesters? They arrested the person making a threat. They are doing their job.

It’s against Federal Law to try and influence a judges decision by protesting outside their home. It’s black and white and not ambiguous. The SS was right to tackle the idiot but there IS NO RIGHT,to protest outside SCOTUS members homes.
It’s against Federal Law to try and influence a judges decision by protesting outside their home. It’s black and white and not ambiguous. The SS was right to tackle the idiot but there IS NO RIGHT,to protest outside SCOTUS members homes.


Unequal application of the law. This will not end until the entire DOJ, the FBI, and all the other alphabet soup agencies are gutted or gotten rid of entirely.
It’s against Federal Law to try and influence a judges decision by protesting outside their home. It’s black and white and not ambiguous. The SS was right to tackle the idiot but there IS NO RIGHT,to protest outside SCOTUS members homes.

The decision has been made
So you’re quoting one person….who is an ACLU employee?? Were all of the Ruth Sent Us members unavailable? I’m all for the exercise of free speech. The statute is clear. You can’t go to their homes with the intention of influencing them.
You’re arguing with Huff….. he thinks all the protesters should be able to smoke crack and inject heroin in Cavanaugh’s front yard
So although it is against the law to protest at a Judge's home prior to a decision but the Federal Government is making no effort to stop their protestors:

Pro-choice activists protest in front of Kavanaugh’s home after man arrested for threatening to kill him

Of course when they protest towards Biden, this happens:

Biden protester rushes motorcade, gets tackled by Secret Service agent in LA

How can anyone that votes Democrat not see the double-standards and the weaponization of protestors and government agencies against Conservatives? The constant railing of how you are a radical or conspiracy theorist if you are against any of their laws! This is Nazi, Brown-Shirt type activity. Arrest and lock up these protestors.
Not the same.

Stick to protesting a Justice at their home. No need to muddy the waters with Presidential SS details.
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"Black and white and not ambiguous"

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They’re not protesting in a justice’s neighborhood, or marching past their home.

They are Stationed, Targeting specific justices. Solely to Influence their Vote on a single topic.

This ^^^^^^^ type of behavior is clearly restricted.
Not the same.

Stick to protesting a Justice at their home. No need to muddy the waters with Presidential SS details.

Reading your posts, I think you are missing something. I am pointing out that protesting the Justices is WRONG and the government should be rallying to stop it.
So you’re quoting one person….who is an ACLU employee?? Were all of the Ruth Sent Us members unavailable? I’m all for the exercise of free speech. The statute is clear. You can’t go to their homes with the intention of influencing them.

Am I supposed to take your word for it because you are so unbiased?

I'm not saying the person is 100% right but I am saying it shows you are 100% wrong about this being "unambiguous". You're talking about a law conflicting with personal liberty. Of course it's constitutionally ambiguous.
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How about we all stop acting like morons out destroying personal property and private businesses and acting a fool wandering around in the streets clogging up traffic?

Not sure about we. Republicans don’t usually behave like that other than pro-life protests and those idiots in the Trump caravans running around honking their horns. Libertarians are too busy raising our kids, trying to make money and thinking we’re smarter than everyone else. Only really seems like one party has the free time and financial backing to be up to these shenanigans.
They’re not protesting in a justice’s neighborhood, or marching past their home.

They are Stationed, Targeting specific justices. Solely to Influence their Vote on a single topic.

This ^^^^^^^ type of behavior is clearly restricted.

The vote already happened, right?

Any comment about the conflicts between the execution of this law and personal liberty?
Am I supposed to take your word for it because you are so unbiased.

I'm not saying the person is 100% right but I am saying it shows you are 100% wrong about this being "unambiguous". You're talking about a law conflicting with personal liberty. Of course it's constitutionally ambiguous.

Well I’m an ACLU member and I think she’s out of her mind. I’m completely for the public expression of non violent free speech. I’m not particularly biased about this, but these people aren’t passing through,they left behind signs and coat hangers in an attempt to intimidate federal judges and they’re breaking the law. Also it’s not covered by the statute but publishing the location of ACBs kids school is not peaceful protest and pretty pathetic.
Not sure about we. Republicans don’t usually behave like that other than pro-life protests and those idiots in the Trump caravans running around honking their horns. Libertarians are too busy raising our kids, trying to make money and thinking we’re smarter than everyone else. Only really seems like one party has the free time and financial backing to be up to these shenanigans.
I’m not gonna play my team is better than your team. We’ve had enough cases by both extremes to show everybody needs to knock it off. Protest all you want. Make all the signs you want. But stop blocking traffic and stop destroying the property of people who had nothing to do with why you’re pissed off.
They’re not protesting in a justice’s neighborhood, or marching past their home.

They are Stationed, Targeting specific justices. Solely to Influence their Vote on a single topic.

This ^^^^^^^ type of behavior is clearly restricted.

Apparently Kavanaugh works for the wrong branch of government. I wouldn't count on there being a June 8 (or whatever) investigation in the making.
The vote already happened, right?

Any comment about the conflicts between the execution of this law and personal liberty?
The decision has not been released. Are the Justices currently locked in?

Are you referring to the 1950 law that specifically outlawed this type of protest? I would say it limits personal liberty.
The decision has not been released. Are the Justices currently locked in?

Are you referring to the 1950 law that specifically outlawed this type of protest? I would say it limits personal liberty.

Yeah, kinda flies in the face of the 1st amendment, so it's clearly a gray area, constitutionally, which is the point of my sharing the quote. The guy said "unambiguous"

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