Violence and Protesting Conservatives is alright but not Liberals

So although it is against the law to protest at a Judge's home prior to a decision but the Federal Government is making no effort to stop their protestors:

Pro-choice activists protest in front of Kavanaugh’s home after man arrested for threatening to kill him

Of course when they protest towards Biden, this happens:

Biden protester rushes motorcade, gets tackled by Secret Service agent in LA

How can anyone that votes Democrat not see the double-standards and the weaponization of protestors and government agencies against Conservatives? The constant railing of how you are a radical or conspiracy theorist if you are against any of their laws! This is Nazi, Brown-Shirt type activity. Arrest and lock up these protestors.
Still amazed that we have so-called constitutionalists arguing about freedoms when it is clear the people on the other side (and some on our side) wipe their axes with the Constitution... and they still don't know WTF is going on.
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Yeah, kinda flies in the face of the 1st amendment, so it's clearly a gray area, constitutionally, which is the point of my sharing the quote. The guy said "unambiguous"
I would say it is a pretty clear case as written here.
Protestors are obviously camped out, in front of homes, attempting to stop this decision.

Now, if you want to argue against this law from 1950 that clearly bans what is currently going on I’m all ears for that discussion.
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Unbelievable! Kavanaugh was just trying to decide what to put and keep in his body and a bunch of people invaded his right to privacy and tried to interfere with that. Hmmmmmm..... What's the moral of this story?

Yeah, nice try. Thanks for playing “Who Doesn’t Know How An Analogy Works.”
I would say it is a pretty clear case as written here.
Protestors are obviously camped out, in front of homes, attempting to stop this decision.

Now, if you want to argue against this law from 1950 that clearly bans what is currently going on I’m all ears for that discussion.
They are in violation of a law that is probably illegal. As long as they aren’t hurting anyone or destroying property, they should be able to protest at a courthouse or on a sidewalk in front of a judge’s home. But they are definitely in violation of that law, and it’s hypocritical of the DOJ to not step in here but to apply the pressure they have on the Jan 6th protestors.
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It’s against Federal Law to try and influence a judges decision by protesting outside their home. It’s black and white and not ambiguous. The SS was right to tackle the idiot but there IS NO RIGHT,to protest outside SCOTUS members homes.

This is the problem with you maga type conservatives… you lack the ability to see the gray. Very seldom are things as clear as you’d like to make them.

That and your analysis blows.
This is the problem with you maga type conservatives… you lack the ability to see the gray. Very seldom are things as clear as you’d like to make them.

That and your analysis blows.
When you live in the Grey, morals don't exist, right and wrong holds no value.
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Well none of that is true. It just requires actual thought to reach conclusions and the acceptance of the fact that sometimes there is no right answer
Anyone can justify any wrong action....that where "grey" area thought lives. Well that murder was justified to the person committing it...whom am I to say thier actions were not justified....I don't wanna thrust my morality on them...welcome to the Grey where right and wrong nothing exisits
Anyone can justify any wrong action....that where "grey" area thought lives. Well that murder was justified to the person committing it...whom am I to say thier actions were not justified....I don't wanna thrust my morality on them...welcome to the Grey where right and wrong nothing exisits

What an indecipherable load crap.
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This is the problem with you maga type conservatives… you lack the ability to see the gray. Very seldom are things as clear as you’d like to make them.

That and your analysis blows.

Might check out the article from the extremely pro choice WaPo columnist this morning condemning the protests. Or the extremely well written LEGAL opinion from Bill Barr who hates Trumps guts condemning them. Thirdly……not that it’s any of your business but I’m a registered libertarian who voted against MAGA twice…and I’ve got something you can “blow”.
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This is the problem with you maga type conservatives… you lack the ability to see the gray. Very seldom are things as clear as you’d like to make them.

That and your analysis blows.

That grey area thinking is what got us to where we are today , allows congress to shirk their responsibilities, pass bills full of pork, and federal agencies to think they have the power to make laws, instead of putting the burden of black and white responsibility onto the ones that it belongs on . The federal government is and has been in the business of kidding up the waters , living in grey areas so they can maintain power . We just follow around behind them asking but why when the root cause is glaring .
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It was news to me???? I don’t even know any of the handshakes or anything. Should I be expecting a membership packet in the mail?
He clearly missed our exchange the other day.
Let me know though. I didn’t get anything when I was accused of being in the club
Anyone can justify any wrong action....that where "grey" area thought lives. Well that murder was justified to the person committing it...whom am I to say thier actions were not justified....I don't wanna thrust my morality on them...welcome to the Grey where right and wrong nothing exisits
Most people were raised better than that
There's nothing to decipher. It's pretty clear you're a binary thinker
Doesnt the thought of not imposing one morality on another leave morality and judgement up to the individual??? Hence different morals different justification for action. Therefore gray area. Is right and wrong not binary when dealing with different moralities?

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